info Overview
Name - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s full name?

Aerallis Tithiros

Full Name

Aerallis Beatrix Tithiros

Age - How old is Aerallis Tithiros?




Occupation - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s occupation?

Vocalist of Ethereal, Leader of the Blood Legion




Aera, the Blood Queen


Cristina Scabbia

face Looks
Height - How tall is Aerallis Tithiros?


Body Type

Petite, buxom

Eye Color - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s eye color?

Chocolate brown

Hair Color - What color is Aerallis Tithiros’s hair?

Naturally black. When she's hungry however, her hair starts to turn white.

Hair Style - How does Aerallis Tithiros style their hair?

Straight, usually but she does occasionally curl it.



Linked Races


The number 6,957 is branded on the back of her neck, a reminder of her time spent in Ma’luum. Upon her right shoulder is the tattoo of a fairy.

Skin Tone



Black is her favorite color, and it dominates her wardrobe – but there are a handful of pieces that aren’t. She takes pride in that she created many of her onstage and ceremonial outfits, for her creativity is amplified by her desire to reinvent herself.

After turning into a ghoul, she tends to hear the last outfit she wore when she was alive - a white robe that makes her look like a specter - and whatever other clothes she can get her hands on, either from live victims, theft or other means.

To her dismay, she doesn't have any of her other stage outfits and misses them dearly.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aerallis Tithiros have?

Dozens of scars caused from sharp lashings - as if from a whip or flog- ranging in size and width decorate her torso. Along her left side is a longer, deeper scar... The kind created after being slashed with a blade. The only parts of her torso left unscarred are her breasts.

She tends to wear tops that cover her chest and torso, and when she doesn't, she uses makeup to hide the more prominent scars. Her legs also have lots of scars, but not nearly as many as her torso. The scars on her legs are also less visible and are more faded. However, certain ones on her torso - although old - will never fade or grow lighter.

Aerallis is extremely self-conscious and ashamed of her scars. She'll go to great lengths to keep them hidden from others, even people she loves and trusts completely. It is the reason that she has refused to remove her top with former partners, and why she doesn't wear much low cut clothing unless she has the time and prep to cover them.

Anything Extra

Her Italian heritage is written all over her from her pale olive skin, dark almond shaped eyes and long dark hair.

Her face is iconic in the metal world, known around the globe as the singer of the Italian metal band, Ethereal. When she died, most of her hair had been dyed white and she wore red-colored contacts. As a ghoul, her eyes are capable of holding the same red hue of the lenses she had, and the white in her hair will never truly go away - seeming to fade in and out of existence like a ghost depending on the day.

fingerprint Personality
Personality Overview

She is part tomboy and part fatale, though she won’t come off this way to everyone she meets. Not at first. She did everything with great dedication and zeal, the kind of person that gave her everything to a job no matter how the family was outside of work. She tended to be demanding to those around her along with herself. She was always reinventing herself, and always looking to transform into an even better version of her original self. Because of that, she never seemed to age, but merely tended to grow in wisdom, maturity and accomplishments. She had a dominant personality, but was not one to impose it onto others without their verbal consent.


When she died and came back, something inside of her seemed to snap. She is easily irritated, and will lash out without warning. She remains resourceful and intelligent, even artistic, but she won’t often come across this way to others upon first meeting. Instead she merely seems to exist, twitching and staring into nothing. Her eyes, which were once warm and kind, are now cold and devoid of emotion. But when emotion does flicker across those eyes, they are like the flames of a funeral pyre.

Unlike most ghouls, she is a binge eater – feasting on fresh kills and corpses even a day after a full meal. She seems to never be full and cannot seem to stomach anything but fresh meat. However, she does prefer to hunt her meals herself.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aerallis Tithiros have?

Aera tends to talk with her hands a lot. Any time she's talking, her hands are moving. If her hands are still, whatever she's saying is important and she's either nervous or scared.

Motivations - What motivates Aerallis Tithiros most?

After being reanimated as a ghoul, Aera's main motivation is to take revenge upon her killer and her tormentor(s).

Talents - What talents does Aerallis Tithiros have?

Singing, painting, drawing

Hobbies - What hobbies does Aerallis Tithiros have?

Painting, drawing, video games, watching works of fiction



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Aerallis Tithiros practice?


Politics - What politics does Aerallis Tithiros have?


Occupation - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s favorite food?

Italian food, especially sweets, when she was alive

Favorite possession - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s favorite possession?

The Black Flame Glove. It's her only way to use magic as a ghoul, currently.

Favorite weapon - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s favorite animal?

Snow leopard

Job - What job does Aerallis Tithiros have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Aerallis Tithiros’s birthday?



Milan, Italy

Education - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s level of education?

College degree in music

Background - What is Aerallis Tithiros’s background?


Detailed History

It was you…

You who I loved, fed, held and cherished. You who I laughed with and cheered for. You, the only person I thought I would ever need if everything we loved came crumbling down around us. Yes, you… It was you. It was always you.

I remember. I remember everything. I remember them… I remember her head on a pike. I remember my mutilated human before that, and that she told me to run, to get out no matter who I left behind. I remember the cages. Starvation. The fetters meant to keep me stationary. I remember becoming someone else, someone monstrous. But most of all, I remember you… I remembered everything that you took from me. I remember everything. I remember...

You killed me.

That’s why I’m here.

I’m coming to find you… I’m coming to find you… Come to me. I hunger…

device_hub Family
Family Overview

The Tithiros Family has been around for several thousands of years, with ancestors that go back as far as Mesopotamia. They’re still a large family, so large that there are branches of the family that don’t know each other. Still, a common trait of the family is a shared talent for the dark arts – an art that Allimarina Tithiros excelled in. Allimarina married at the age of 29 and, as she carried her first child and was bombarded by enemies, realized that she needed to repent for her sins. She turned to religion and named both of her daughters after angels. The oldest, Cathetal and the youngest, Anahita. They are one of the not-widely-known parts of the Tithiros family. Or were, until the sisters became big parts of the metal world.

Allimarina and her husband are deceased, found when the sisters were kidnapped. The sisters returned as Aerallis (formally Cathetal) and Ilosti (formally Anahita). Sareena, the sisters’ aunt, is still alive in Italy with her only daughter, H’tes. Sareena identified Aera’s body. She, Ilosti, and other members of the family were devastated by the older sibling’s death and have no idea that Aera has resurrected as a ghoul.

Pets - What pets does Aerallis Tithiros have?

In this universe, none at the moment.

Fun Family Facts

No one in the family – including Aerallis herself – knows that Aera’s first daughter is alive. Aera named her Fallon, but the girl takes the last name of the couple that essentially abducted her: Bloodmare.

folder_open Supernatural Information

Aerallis was born as a Mage. She was killed and reanimated into a Ghoul in 2017 by her sister, Ilosti Tithiros.

Awareness Overview

As a born Mage, Aerallis was always aware of the supernatural. But as a child, she didn't know what all that encompassed until later. She knew of mages, espers and shifters but not much else - though her mother always promised that there was more.

The Tithiros family has several tomes that range from a collection of magical knowledge to historical records of the Supernatural Underground. Her mother, Allimarina, held two of such tomes. Aerallis was supposed to inherit them when she came of age but unfortunately she was more focused on her music career, then Alli was murdered and Aera was kidnapped.

In Ma'luum, she was exposed to the rest of the supernatural underground. Through Cibella Harvenhight, the Cefalu twins and Akasha Bloodmare, she learned about each species.

When she and her sister escaped Ma'luum, their cousin H'tes visited them in 2008 - bringing Alli's family tomes with her. Since reading the tomes, Aerallis had a more solid and refined understanding and knowledge of the supernatural underground, its species and so on. Because of her experiences in Ma'luum and the wealth of knowledge passed down through the generations of the Tithiros family, Aerallis and her sister have an enriched understanding of the supernatural underground, its species and many of its inner workings.

She has since created a Field Guide of sorts for Ellen Bailey, detailing and illustrating this knowledge of the species and the underground as a whole. Even on what she knows about the Knights. It should also be mentioned that since the sisters were the assistants of Lillian Bloodmare at one point, that they also have some knowledge of the existence of Black Blood and people with it. While Aera's personal understanding and experience with black blood and individuals with it are no where near Lillian's, she does have two examples to draw from: Allu and Nablath. She understands why it exists and that Black Blood grants individuals demonic abilities and sometimes features (like Allu's horns), but mostly... To her there are more questions than answers.


As far as Ghouls go, Aerallis has the typical abilities of the species - amplified by her personal Limit ability.

As a Mage, she had additional buffs in the form of magical items that empowered her magic, a few of which she was wearing at the time of her death. These items have since been given to Morgan le Fay and one or two other mages within the Blood Legion, since Aera herself can no longer use them.

Personal Abilities

Aside from her typical ghoul abilities, she retains an ability or two from when she was alive as they were physical modifications rather than magical ones.

Limit - Aerallis has always been capable of incredible physical feats without the use of magic, as a result of experimentation done on her by Lillian Bloodmare. As it is a physical ability rather than a magical one, it remains with her as a ghoul. Fortunately or unfortunately, it makes her an almost unstoppable force, rendering her capable of feats that normal ghouls wouldn't be capable of.

Seer's Kiss - An ability that Aerallis has always had, allowing her access to surface memories to find information about the world at large, and also to assimilate languages.


Ghouls do not have additional forms.

edit Notes

Their father was a Dutch mage named Levi Tithiros. Levi, like Allimarina, was a pureblood. He married into the family name when he and Alli got married - choosing to take her name because of the Tithiros family reputation and long line.

Aerallis takes after her mother in both looks and blood - being basically full blooded Italian and a low percentage of Dutch. Ilosti takes after her father more and is actually more Dutch than Italian. Both girls inherited their fathers' love of music. Aera and Ilosti were extremely close to their parents, despite resenting their mother for forcing them into the Church. Their deaths weighed heavily on both women in the camps.

It became one of the many trauma's that Aerallis suppressed as their time in Ma'luum continued. When the sisters escaped and finally were - mostly - safe in the public eye, after extensive therapy, the sisters talked about Ma'luum and what all happened. Although Aera's mind continued to fragment the traumas, she was well enough to remember and confront the death of her parents - mourning them all over again as she'd previously forgotten.

Fun Facts

Aera and Ilosti were kidnapped in 2000 and returned in 2003. They've been hunted and haunted by the Bloodmare's since - 16yrs to date for Ilosti and 13yrs for Aerallis (not since 2017).

It's often jested that because she was a foodie in life, she's selective about what she eats in death, to the point that Aera herself believes it. And although there may be some snippet of truth to it, it's not why she only eats fresh meals. Aerallis's body outright rejects flesh more than a few hours old and no one, herself included, knows why.

When she first woke as a Ghoul, eating older corpses was no big deal until she happened upon Camille's. After devouring Camille's body, to prevent starvation, she hasn't been able to eat an older corpse since. While she was a mage, her brain responded to trauma by suppressing it. Now that she has all of her memories back, suppression of those memories is no longer an option. It's possible that her body has developed a different way of dealing with trauma after becoming a Ghoul.

It should be noted that she's not that selective of who she kills and eats as long as they smell clean; she doesn't like to share unless she's full; and while she doesn't like eating from another ghoul's kill, she will if she's hungry enough. However, she has no issues sharing a live meal with Rosalyn, which is where most of her meals have come from since the Phage, Sage and Morgan joined, but does still go on the hunt at least once a month to every two months. Prior to Rosalyn joining, Aera would hunt every week.

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This character was created by Velika Unleashed on

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