info Overview
Name - What is Kaelene Hautum’s full name?

Kaelene Hautum

Full Name

Kaelene K. Hautum

Age - How old is Kaelene Hautum?




Occupation - What is Kaelene Hautum’s occupation?

Office Assistant?




Simone Simons

face Looks
Height - How tall is Kaelene Hautum?


Body Type


Eye Color - What is Kaelene Hautum’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Hair Color - What color is Kaelene Hautum’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Kaelene Hautum style their hair?

Long hair, straight



Linked Races


While she did have tattoos in her original body, Sarena Hautum only has the numbers 1,846,898 burned into the back of her neck - marking her as a victim of Ma'luum.

Skin Tone



She has a tendency to wear whatever is comfortable and form-fitting, which may strike those who know her as amusing; she's super self-conscious about her appearance. Despite this, she radiates self-confidence with every step. She's a lady with a fiery temper that wears her heart on her sleeve; if something is wrong, she'll be the first to say so!

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kaelene Hautum have?

Upon her right, upper thigh (facing outward) is the mark of the phoenix.

Anything Extra

Standing at 5’6” and sporting an hourglass figure, she is able to spread mirth or dread among her peers – depending on what aspect of her personality is “in charge” at moment. However, what draws people to her is usually her looks; with hair like that of a flame, oceanic blue eyes and a voice akin to a siren, it’s not hard to imagine why it’s easy for her to draw others in.

fingerprint Personality
Personality Overview

The clusterfuck that is her mind has lead to extreme confusion and a fragmented sense of identity. This in turn affects her personality, which can switch from sweet and outgoing, to a cold psychopath at the blink of an eye. Fortunately or unfortunately, the frequency at which the two personality types change is completely random, and can come across to others as her having multiple personality disorder. Thus, the people that she meets will have varying opinions of her.

The dominant ‘extreme’ is outgoing and adventurous, charismatic and sweet. The other extreme boarders on the line of psychosis; it’s callous and easily detached, impulsive, almost murderous. There are other flavors of each, but they’re so varied that it’s difficult to tell if one trait belongs exclusively to one side of her personality or the other.


» Singing. She loves to sing, and can do so fairly well – but when it comes to reaching higher notes, her control slips and her voice often cracks or falters. With some practice, or a voice couch, she may be able to get past this.
» Pizza.

» Wine, preferably white wine – like a moscato. Red wine is too bitter, usually, but there are red wines that she likes – all of which are potent and have her wine-buzzed after two glasses.

» Music. She’s a huge music junky that likes a little of everything, but at heart, she’s a metal head.


» Singing. Despite loving to sing and feeling the constant itch to use her pipes, she doesn’t like her own voice. To her, it’s an alien, unfamiliar sound that’s a little harder to control than she remembers it being.

» Her own reflection, looking in any type of mirror. Prior to her most recent change, Kaelene was always aware that the person she saw looking back wasn't her but someone else whose body she had taken. It led to confusion, extreme identity and self-confidence issues. Now however, thanks to Lillian Bloodmare, she looks exactly the same as she did before the attack - exactly like Kaelene Serafino. While she is more comfortable looking at herself in the mirror now, she's also still aware that it's not her original body and that certain things are not the same as they were.

Talents - What talents does Kaelene Hautum have?

As Kaelene Serafino, she was an extremely talented vocalist who had never had any professional training. She was a high soprano, and specialized in classical and operatic styles. Her talent became her career as the vocalist of the band called This Mortal Coil.

She was also a talented makeup artist, marketer and graphic designer. As Kaelene Hautum, she retains these talents - but her vocal capacity, being in a different body, wasn't nearly the same. That has thankfully changed now with the 'body swap'.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kaelene Hautum have?

She loves makeup, graphic design and interior design. Kaelene is also a calligrapher for funzies - all things that she utilized with her job with Nightfall as Kaelene Serafino, and things that have been utilized for the Seraphim Hotel.

Kaelene was the one that designed the hotel's logo.


Kaelene is heterosexual and always has been. She's never had any doubts about her sexuality, nor has she ever been curious about women. Rather, Kae is a woman that owns her sexuality.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Kaelene Hautum practice?


Politics - What politics does Kaelene Hautum have?


Occupation - What is Kaelene Hautum’s occupation?

As Kaelene Serafino, the vocalist of This Mortal Coil

As Kaelene Hautum, she's sometimes a caretaker for Fallon and an office assistant for Akasha

Favorite color - What is Kaelene Hautum’s favorite color?

Red and gold

date_range History
Birthday - When is Kaelene Hautum’s birthday?



Rønne, Denmark

Detailed History

WARNING: Incest, suicide, stockholm syndrome, god complex, crusade. Please be careful reading this app if you are sensitive to any of the issues presented above.

In a previous life, she was Jillian Rhydderch – a beautiful blonde woman that lived in a house deep in the woods on an island outside of Germany. Her memories as Jillian are fragmented in certain areas, but there are certain parts that are crystal clear. Her clearest memory is of him – of Vincent. Of the time they met, the time they shared, and…

Out of all of the fragments, she remembers three of them the most: Meeting and loving Vincent is one of them. The second is of Ryder coming to her, grabbing her skirts in tears as he spilled his secrets. That she was not the first Jillian Rhydderch, but the third – and she was not the mother of his children. The first Jillian was the woman that he fell in love with and couldn’t let go. That woman had died from illness a year or so after giving birth to their daughter – her mother’s spinning image, also of the same name. He’d convinced himself that she had never died, took their daughter as his lover. And she, the third Jillian, as their daughter as a result. Ryder apologized over and over, asking for forgiveness for his sins. Jill did not forgive him. How could she, when she was not the one that he needed to apologize to?

After that, there’s only pieces. Ryder was dying and his family descended to see him off and divide the assets. A typhoon trapped them on the island for two days. During that time, Ryder passed, and of 18 people, all fell but 2. The third day, she remembers vividly… She and Vincent were the only ones left alive on the island. On the third day, they’d made their way to the old abandoned submarine base that they’d met in. She taught him how to use the motorboat there and told him where to go to be free of Aino. But he wouldn’t leave without her. He scoped her up and set her in the boat. She remembers that he said something sweet, and that she cried, but she doesn’t remember what exactly those words were. Once they were out of the canal, it became too much for her. She knew that she could not be forgiven nor could she atone for the things she’d done on Aino. On top of that… Their love was doomed to fail. The family doctor had heavy-heartedly told Jillian that she couldn’t have children, as a result of the conditions of her own birth. And she knew that Vincent wanted children. Instead of being doomed to fail, she would rather…

Jillian grabbed the gold ingot she’d smuggled from Aino, and jumped into the water – using its weight to carry her downward. Still, Vincent would not let her go; he dove down to her, grabbed her and held her. He telepathically tried to tell her to live. In response, she told him to live. To go, be happy. Out of air, he swam to the surface. She watched him go, thinking it would be the end. She remembers thanking him for everything. Yet, he returned – telling her that she was his golden witch, and that they would be together even then, until the very end. She remembers the water entering her lungs, remembers her body fighting against it.

She remembers that they drowned.

The next life after that is blurred with another, and she’s not sure which is which. Salena was three years old when she became a mixed drink of two parts left alone, and two parts tragedy. She went thought the system, through various homes and families, but nothing seemed to stick. All she wanted was a family. She started therapy in 8th grade. Had a personality made up of tests and pills. Lived like the uphills were mountains, and the downhills were cliffs.

Her last family was with a older gentleman - a politician - and a silent housewife who had tried for years and failed to bare a child. Although they seemed happy to have their new daughter, it seemed as though they were ashamed of being able to birth their own. By this time, Salena was 15 and had stopped caring. Who needed parents, anyway? Especially human parents. What would they do if they knew the child they adopted wasn't human? The couple tried to let her know that they could be trusted, and that it was safe to open up and let love in. They just didn't have time.

One night, while they all slept, their home was broken into. Her 'father' rose to his wife shaking his corner, telling him someone was downstairs. He grabbed his gun and went to investigate. Salena woke to a gunshot and a snarl. She was silent until she heard her stepmother screen and go quiet, and lurched out of her bed, hiding under it with haste. Hiding was futile; moments later, heavy footfalls could be heard outside of her door. The teen covered her mouth and remained silent, terrified. The intruder stepped inside and sniffed around. Heartbeats later, it threw aside her bed. One furry arm slithered out to reach her, but she had already bolted for the door. In two bounds, the creature caught up with her. She faced the beasts' shadow, and let the fire pool through her veins. It danced about her figure, and as she moved to unleash it, another beast grabbed her. Something snapped on both of her wrists... And her power died as soon as it had surfaced. But still she fought.

A werebeast that looked like a hyena carried her out to join her step-mother. They took the both of them to Ma'luum, leaving fathers' body behind. She never saw either of them again. The concentration camps were draining her fast. Being a phoenix, she was tormented for her tears and had blood siphoned from her body for experiments elsewhere in the camp. By day five, Salena was fading fast and had no hope of survival. Her fate was to perish in the camps, to just be another body among the daily built pyres. By the second week, the collapsed from exhaustion from mining. She was whipped and kicked, but did not rise. Thinking her dead, the officer in the area tossed her in a barrel with other corpses.

She was wheeled out somewhere, and her eyes opened slightly. Officers were tossing bodies into a large dugout at the compounds entrance. This is it, Salena thought. They're going to throw me in with the dead. I'll be buried in death... And in a few days, or hours, I'll be gone. When they got to her, they halted. Another officer had stepped up. The other two went back to their task as the dark haired woman leaned over the phoenix. "You're still alive." She sounded impressed. "Do you want to live?" Salena opened her eyes again, her vision blurred and trying to focus but failing. The woman was only a blob. She was silent. The officer grinned. "Pray to me. Pray that I will rescue you, pray that I be kind, and I will lift you from this pile. Call me a Goddess. And I will save you."

With much effort as a rasping voice, Salena did just that. As she promised, the officer lifted Salena up into her arms and carried her away. The Goddess, Akasha, had saved her - just as she'd promised.

She was paired with a mage named Zethos. He took care of her, and she took care of him. They were a team through and through, a rock they desperately needed. They were promoted to Kapo's and soon after, to officers. Salena accompanied Akasha on raids, all other missions (personal ones and for the Cult of Bane). For her Goddess, she was a crusader until the very end. It was a mission like any other after the fall of Ma'luum. Akasha had hunted down personal targets. It was four against five. Salena crossed swords with the smallest of the group - her first mistake. The petite swordswoman was ruthless in her execution; her attacks left little room for Salena to go on the offensive. Still, she managed. Zeth assisted where he could, but... The swordswoman and her combat partner, outmatched them. Their opponents separated them, and then attacked them together. Zethos fell first.

Without her support, Salena fell victim to their teamwork shortly after. She hit the ground, rendered brain dead; nearby, Akasha put a preserving spell on her body, keeping that body alive until they could take her 'home'.


Terri and Michael were a well known couple; she was a dress designer and he was a gunslinger for one of the Cosa Nostra family's in the area. They had everything they had ever wanted except for one thing: A child. They tried for years but were never successful. Unable to bare another failure, Terri wandered the lands of Europe in search of a female that bore similar features to herself or her husband. Her plan was to use the bitch to carry and bare a child for her; she just needed to find the perfect woman. She would find this perfect woman in a far off town. The lady in question was a twenty-six year old woman named Marion that reminded Terri of her husband Michael. Marion's capture was swift and soon afterward, the journey home began with obedience training. It was a long, demoralizing trip for Marion.

When she returned, her husband was baffled by the sight of the captive that his beloved had brought with her. She introduced the human as their slave and as a surrogate mother. Marion stared in horror. She did not want to bare a child just yet... But as she would discover, she did not have a choice in the matter. Michael supported his wife's decision and bedded Marion with the intent of granting her greatest wish. But no matter how much he tried, nothing stuck. Desperate to make this work, he sought out other males who bore a resemblance to his wife. A total of ten men were brought in to mate with their slave, some of them repeat visitors over the months, until a baby was conceived from one of the unions.

In truth, all of it was rape; Marion wanted no part of it. She had cried and pleaded with her owners not to make her do it, but they would not hear it. They were desperate, and she was their only hope. But she still had so much left in life that she wanted to do that she now could not do because of being enslaved, and used as a dumpster for months. She violently cursed the master, the mistress, and even the child for her despair. She blamed her unborn child for all of her woes and tried to kill it several times - being stopped every time by the Miss's who kept her under surveillance. Eventually, she realized that her efforts were fruitless and stopped trying. She attempted to commit suicide and was stopped from that. Marion wallowed in her despair for months, until one night as she lay crying, she felt a kick. She discovered that the baby squirmed when she despaired, where even the human could feel the child's sorrow that Marion was so unhappy, and found that the demon spawn was responsive to her in a multitude of ways. It was happy when she spoke to it. Marion soon realized that none of this was the child's fault, and that after everything, it would be the only thing the human had... Which would provide unconditional love. Thus, she began to bond with the unborn child.

When the baby, a girl, was born, she was ripped away from Marion - who cried that her daughter be returned, that she be allowed to see her. But the Mistress would have none of it. Terri named the girl Kaelene, who would be adopted by the couple. However, to the couple's dismay, little Kaelene didn't look anything like them - or her biological mother. She was a red-head in a house of blondes. Her birth despairing mother tried to take her away from her owners, and attempted to flee. She was captured and brought back home. There was no escaping, and she was punished severely for it. Unable to see her own daughter, to love and care for her as she so badly wanted, Marion became suicidal. Though she was allowed to briefly watch over Kae when the owners went out, it wasn't enough. Her heart could not bare it... She tried to hang herself in the Mistress's closet.

She was discovered by an officer who had stormed the home only minutes before. Michael had been busted by the police and taken into custody earlier that day; a price was out for he and the misses. Fortunately, this earned the freedom of Marion and her daughter. Unfortunately, she had no where to go and no one to turn to; her siblings refused to help her. For almost a year, mother and baby were homeless in the streets of Amsterdam, until one of her family friends got word and agreed to help her out.

Kae grew into a loving household with lots of family with a mother that was slowly recovering. The strange bouts of flame from the child when Kae had tantrums, however, was alarming to the entire house... Who agreed to keep her "powers" a secret. By the time she was five years old, Marion was able to afford a place of her own. When her daughter was seven, she married the man of her dreams, who introduced them to a heap of great music that intrigued little Kae intensely. Her interest in music manifested itself at a very early age; she started playing flute for 2 years after joining music school at the age of 12. At the age of 14, she had one year of pop singing lessons, and at age 15, she switched to classical singing after listening to Nightwish's Oceanborn.

But she was afraid to sing and didn't like the sound of her own voice... Her adopted father wasn't her biggest fan. When the phoenix became emotional, her powers would manifest out of control. One night, part of their house burned down as a result. Her mother was horrified. Plagued with guilt, Kaelene became afraid to sing again... Until she met the members of Ethereal and Hydra. Anahita loved the way she sounded, encouraging Kae to keep singing and to never stop loving who she was and what she did. Cathetel also encouraged this, saying that she too had been shy at first but that over time, it goes away. Kae was just a teenager at the time. Further encouraging her, Cathetel invited the seventeen year old to preform a duet with her. Their duet of "Heaven's A Lie" earned Kae a spotlight within the metal community. Soon she was showered with invitations to be a singer in one of the local bands.

Before she could decide, however, Cathetel and Anahita went missing a few months later. Cathetel went missing and the guys of Ethereal were being pressured to go on tour, they reached out to Kaelene to temporarily take her place as front woman. Although she did her best and the partnership with Ethereal was great, it was short lived. While on tour, Alfieri and mister Zarrilli, who witnessed one of Kae's fiery outburts after a meet and greet, they revealed that they too were phoenixes. They were able to provide a few answers to the questions she always had growing up. However, the guys weren't able to help her learn control - which put their human members at risk - in addition to the entire band not wanting a female lead other than Cathetel. She filled in for about a year, then went on with her own devices. More groups wanted her afterward, but she temped for Hydra for some time, and was able to overcome her shyness. Still, she kept in contact with Ethereal. When she was 22, Cathtel and Anahita were found in the States - where the band moved to. Although she asked what had happened, they wouldn't tell her, and she hasn't been able to speak with the sisters about it since.

Once the sisters returned to work with their bands, they toured with Kae's group, This Mortal Coil.

When she was 23, Marion found an institution that she thought would be able to help her daughter... An organization known as Nightfall located in the States. Eager to gain a sort of control of her nature and learn more about it, the red-head jumped on the opportunity. Soon she was off on a one-way ticket to Nevada. For the first couple of years, she was a client. Doing solo work to help with the bills, she slowly began to collect a knowledge of a supernatural 'network' through the metal community - which she became able to use to her advantage. Kae worked her way from being a mere client into a marketing position for Nightfall as a result. Keeping in contact with Ethereal highlighted a lot of potential in nearby areas - information that she relayed to her boss. She chose to move with the company to its new location in Montana, where she could connect with old friends.

Bear River allowed her to reconnect with friends Aerallis & Ilosti Tithiros, and several others while maintaining her position with Nightfall. Ilosti has shared poems that she wrote while in Ma'luum, and admits that she longs to return to the stage, but that this is impossible. Kaelene has done singing gigs in the area in her free time, because she misses being in the limelight. One evening, however, after a long day at work, she met the 17 year old werebeast, Galen Rinaldi. Little did they both know, they'd drank a love potion from the city water of the restaurant they were in, and swiftly fell head over heels and got married. However, when the potion wore off, the pair decided that instead of ending their marriage that they would try to make it work. They've been dating ever since.

Despite the large age gap, Galen is everything that Kaelene has ever wanted in a boyfriend/husband. Thus far, their relationship has proved to be beneficial to them both - for Kae, it means a companion to share her life with, a best friend to come home to every day. For him, he finally has someone that fully understands and accepts him, who has helped him work through his shifts. Her friends were shocked when she told them that her husband was so young - some friendships of which did not survive the news, calling her a pedophile and a whore.

When her best friend, Ilosti Tithiros, told them that they had to leave Bear River, Kaelene was more than eager to leave. But it didn't last long. They had just finished another section of the tour when they ventured into Kiri's woods. Sark, Ilosti, Kaelene, Aerallis and a few friends were on the stroll when the sisters stopped suddenly and drew everyone in close. Five people dressed in white, in addition to two in black, emerged from the woodlands, surrounding them.

Kaelene was trained, but had never had to use her skills in a fight for her life. Even with help, she wasn't fairing well against the one the sisters called 'The Goddess'. Akasha closed in, and so did her friends. But they were fighting their own battles and couldn't get to her... And by the time they could, it was too late for Kaelene. Her ash magic was engulfed and devoured by Akasha's.

She hit the ground near to the other phoenix. Knowing that she was going to die, Kaelene reached and touched the dead woman's hand, closing her eyes. As though accepting her fate. She does not remember any pain from the final blow. All she remembers is being consumed by darkness.

Current Life::.

With their lingering memories, she opened her eyes. There was dirt caked to her skin and as she stirred, she felt powerful arms around her, carrying her. Luvia Bloodmare stopped and dropped her, surprised. “How…” She remembers Akasha whisper, “You were dead! You were dead…” Her vision swam, and as her body buckled, her world went black again. When next she came to, she woke in a hospital bed. Akasha sat at her bedside and closed a book, told her to stay still. Rest. She remembered Akasha from… As Salena? Unsure, she asked where she was. Akasha asked her a series of questions, and when the bedridden woman asked what her won name was, the Goddess smiled. “Your name is Kaelene.”

She is both Kaelene and Salena. She is also Jillian. Yet when she looks in the mirror, she sees only Salena’s face. But it doesn’t feel right. Doesn’t feel like her own. She has to be one of them… Right? But which? She has left the reine and their teachings to find out, white military uniform in toe. Her journey has led her here, to the sleepy town of Snow Haven. More specifically, to the town’s enchanted waters…

device_hub Family
Family Overview

Family is a complicated subject. She remembers parents from three lives, and siblings from two of those three. As it's difficult for her to sometimes discern between the three, she considers all of them as her family. Note that some of these family trees can get... Confusing.

Rhydderch Family ---
Ryder Rhydderch, Jillian Rhydderch, Jillian Rhydderch II, Margaret Hargrove, Maria Rhydderch, Ruben Rhydderch, Kyrie Rhydderch, Asumu Rhydderch, Victor Rhydderch and Jillian (Jill) Rhydderch. Maria, Ruben, Kyrie, Asumu and Victor were the children of Ryder and all of them were married with children of their own. Asumu had a son, Vincent, and a daughter, Angelica. Angelica is the only surviving member of the Rhydderch family. With the exception of Jill, all members of the Rhydderch family were human. Angelica may have had a family of her own, but this is unknown. Margaret Hargrove is the mother of Asumu, Maria, Ruben, Kyrie and Victor.

The Serafino Family ---
Not a big family. Primarily, it consists of her mother, Marion and stepfather, Liam. Marion has two older brothers – Valentino and Brutus. Brutus went missing years ago; his wife and daughter are deceased, but his son – Thoumas – is alive under Marion’s care. Valentino married a woman named Jessica, and together have four children. Unbeknownst to them, Brutus Serafino was kidnapped by the Cult of Bane and currently resides in the lower levels of Bloodmare Manor - used against Firia Cefalu to keep her compliant.

The Hautum Family ---
Salena Hautum was an orphan that got passed from family to family. She didn't have a family by blood. When she was saved by the Goddess, the Bloodmare's became her family. Along with the other reine.

Pets - What pets does Kaelene Hautum have?

Kae has always been too busy between her music career and her work with Nightfall to keep pets. However, she did want a dog and a cat. Specifically, she wanted a scottish fold and a samoyed.

shopping_basket Inventory
folder_open Supernatural Information



Her Phoenix form is that of a Philippine eagle with long tail feathers. Like most members of her species, the bird is red and gold, but retains the blue eye color of her human form.

edit Notes
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Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Kaelene Hautum

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Kaelene Hautum

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Kaelene Hautum

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Character chevron_right Best Friends link linked Kaelene Hautum

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Kaelene Hautum

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Kaelene Hautum

This character was created by Velika Unleashed on

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