forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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(should inez take a sec to return for more interaction with these guys or get back around the end of the post?)

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(btw by that i meant give kavo orion and pyria some interaction before she returns)

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Pyria extracts something from her bag. "Greek fire. Ship go bye-bye if you kill me or man I'm on. Got it?" She smiled sinisterly. The man looked a bit surprised still, but seemed on board with remaining alive. The bottle had a bright green liquid inside. The man glanced at it uncomfortably. Kavo looked thoughtful for a moment. "What's G-" Inez started to ask. "Inez. Do you ever cook with vinegar?" Kavo asked. "We're going to need some soon." Inez nodded and ran to the kitchen, handling the sword very dangerously, again. She reached the kitchen, opening the door with the force of her sprinting momentum. As it flung open she almost tripped in the small kitchen, then caught herself. Intent on succeeding at finding something this time- especially since it seemed the ship was on the line if the "Greek fire" was let loose- she swung cabinets open, searching for the bottle that she'd recognized so well. Seeing it in the back of the cabinet, she retrieved the vinegar, checking the label for the familiar letters. Smiling to herself, Inez started back to the others. Her hands shook a little bit but she didn't think about this.

Inez hadn't the slightest clue about what the vinegar was for, but she thought it was safe to assume it was for the fire that may or may not start, if things got too heated (ha). She hoped if things went bad, then no fire would be involved; She preferred quick combat, but she knew her method of swordfighting had some kind ofΒ  performance involved. More like a dance than a poetic, drawn out fight. Fast and likely painless. Inez ran a bit faster, hand gripped around the neck of the bottle. She felt as if she could sense the tension that grew in the hall while she was away, and wondered if something happened.

"Hey, I'm back!" Inez declared cheerfully, trying to clear the air. She was still holding her sword, and didn't let her guard down. She glanced at it, then at everyone else. Someone had said something, at least. Taking the extra thought to read the room, Inez decided not to try to say anything weird. But she still wondered what the vinegar was for. "I found it. What's it for?" She asked. Some of her optimistic, energetic show faded. "Oh, and also- who are you?" Inez questioned, her sword vaguely gesturing towards the Siren-like stranger.

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Inez nodded and ran to the kitchen, handling the sword very dangerously, again.

(My new favorite line πŸ€£πŸ˜‚)

(im going to make this a reoccurring theme)

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(Safety rules are for cowards! I need that on a mug now-)

(that and it set up as an inspirational quote with a sunset background and a fancy font)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

(it's a great recurring theme, I just don't know what it means, cuz handling a sword is always dangerous, so I imagine she's like, holding it by the blade and swinging it as she runs πŸ˜‚)
(Also, Orion or Pyria or Kavo can answer, since Inez has so kindly asked us all questions and also brought a neutralizer to the party)

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(it's a great recurring theme, I just don't know what it means, cuz handling a sword is always dangerous, so I imagine she's like, holding it by the blade and swinging it as she runs πŸ˜‚)
(Also, Orion or Pyria or Kavo can answer, since Inez has so kindly asked us all questions and also brought a neutralizer to the party)

(im glad that came across, because that was precisely what she was doing except with the handle this time 😁 one step forward, three steps back)

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Pyria pats Orion on the head.

"This be my friend. He smell like a Siren but look human, but crabman smell human and is crabman. Human smell normal, the captain smell like wet dog." she states.

"Oh, vinegar no work on this. You need seafoam or some other such nonsense for this." she says proudly. "Is me own special mix of Greek Fire."

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(Lol, yeah. It was bound to happen to someone. Orion just happens to have the "shiniest" personality in her eyes.)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain perked up, listening from his doorway. He uncrossed his arms looking offended.

"Wha- Hey!"

Was the only sound anyone listening could hear, before the Captain slammed his cabin door, muttering to himself about goblins. Axel was definitely not changing his clothes and washing again. Absolutely not… Would neeveerrr. Only someone with a fragile ego would do that.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo didn't respond to the goblin, but inwardly, his heart sank.
Well. There goes that hope.
He raised a hand to the sailors behind the dangerous duo, who had started to close in. They halted, and Kavo stepped a bit closer. The Captain's door slammed behind him, and Kavo had to stifle a grimace. Now would be a really great time for Silver-tongue to take control of the situation.
Oh well.
"So what do you two want?" He had another idea, but it was a terrible one. "Because we seem to be at an impasse. I don't particularly want to have to put out your little fires, and I'm sure you know better than to want to try to go through us." He gestured at the crew and himself. "So, what are you looking for? Perhaps we can come to some sort of agreement."
Or maybe you'll take the bait and attack.

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Pyria cocks her head.

"Me want to stay, get my share of gold and other shinies. As long as I get that, ship no go bye-bye." she laughs.

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(in an alternate universe inez would immediately give a clueless speech against capitalism)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(I'm so sad I legit thought I posted yesterday! I wrote up a huge long post and everything and I guess it didn't actually post? 😭)
(I'll try to get a post up today! Sorry!)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Orion looks from the goblin to the crew, listening the crew waking up in the room behind them as he presses his back to the door. He was trapped and he couldn't stand the fact that he might have gotten out if it weren't for this goblin leading them towards him.
Guess he had to play the part now?
When Inez comes back into the room with the vinegar, he felt slightly relieved. Though that was short lived when Pyria spoke up once again.
Oh come on….
There was no way Orion was getting out of this was there?
His heart starts to sink as he loses hope. He wouldnt be able to go back to his family. He woukdnt be able to see Liyas again. He's gonna spend the rest of his life on this ship. And it looked like "the rest of his life" wasn't going to be going on much further.
He takes in a breath "oh who am i?" Orion asks. "I'm just uh" he reaches for the door knob behind him. The crew starts to realize what's happening and he can hear them stir about.
He creeks the door open. Just then 2 men open the door wide and step through, looking at Orion and the goblin before looking up at Kavo and Inez.
Orion's eyes widen "oh there you are! I was lookin everywhere for you guys!" Orion says, patting him on the shoulder before looking to Kavo and Flipping him off before he slides behind the confused sailor and into the sleeping quarters he just came out of, weaving through the tired men, most still sleeping. He looks to the goblin "what do you want?" He whispers as he walks quickly away from the stairwell he just came from, trying to find another exit.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Orion turning away from him meant that Pyria was facing away as well, and Kavo took the chance.
He bowled over a few of the sailors and managed to grab the vial/bottle of greek fire away from the goblin, setting it one a small chest behind him before picking up Orion by his collar.
He walked forward a few steps with them dangling, as the sailors came fully awake. One of the men grabbed the greek fire and took off with it, up to the deck.
Safely out of reach.
Kavo quirked an eyebrow at the two miscreants.
"Good question. Although I think he just told us."