forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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(him peacefully being a lil on edge while there is a fire going on on the ship somewhere-)

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(Orion in the back doing Inez's makeup)
(i say her bc i doubt anyone else would let him TT^TT)

(i think theyd get along well actually :) inez would be too fidgety, but itd make for a funny scenario)

Deleted user

(him peacefully being a lil on edge while there is a fire going on on the ship somewhere-)

(Shhh- Don't tell him, this is the calmest he's been in weeks-)

(whats the least calm hes been-)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(him peacefully being a lil on edge while there is a fire going on on the ship somewhere-)

(Shhh- Don't tell him, this is the calmest he's been in weeks-)

(whats the least calm hes been-)


Deleted user

(him peacefully being a lil on edge while there is a fire going on on the ship somewhere-)

(Shhh- Don't tell him, this is the calmest he's been in weeks-)

(whats the least calm hes been-)


(ohhh right that thing)

Deleted user

(i almost gave inez black/dark brown lipstick on her top lip then realized how unlikely she knew what makeup was let alone how she would get her hands on it)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(haha okay thank goodness bc i had an emergency post i had to make out of the blue along with a long ass template so i wasn't able to finish my post for this! I will tomorrow bc i gotta be up at 5am for work and im gonna cry haha. And not the happy tears either :,)

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Pyria cackles as a short pop echoes through the hold, then another. Soon, the flames would reach the gunpowder and then BOOM! would happen.

Pyria grins and bounds out of the flames and up onto the main deck.

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(The best part is? She put down alkaline metals too, meaning they react with water, so if they try and put out the fires with water. . . well, it won't work XD )

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The Deceit was making decent time through the night, and Kavo had settled into his spot. He was watching the peaceful waters around them, the reflection of the moon and stars, the occasional swell that lead to the easy rise and fall of the bow… it was peaceful. Much different from the day that had passed.
A cackling noise shattered the stillness, and Kavo glanced at the main deck, where a… creature… was emerging from the hatch. It looked around maniacally, laughing to itself. Kavo raised an eyebrow. That was concerning.
It looked like a goblin, but goblins were predictably unreliable and unruly, and nothing good ever came of their laughter-

Something was burning.

The Karcaon couldn' smell well, but he could smell this. It was the reek of burning chemicals, and it was wafting from the open hatch.
He scrambled down from his perch on the poop deck, locking the levers and wheel behind him. He scuttled across to the hatch and descended carefully, having to turn to fit through the opening.
Kavo looked around, and immediately spotted the explosion about to happen. His eyes bugged, and he looked around for water.
There. A barrel of their drinking water. he grabbed it, and was about to tip it, when something stopped him.
Chemical fire… The particular smell of the flames caused him to reconsider the water, and he put the barrel back in its place. He looked around some more, before his eyes settled on a large ammunition box.
Being ex-military, Kavo knew that ammunition was often shipped in sand, to pad it and protect it, and also sometimes to hide it, if it was being smuggled. He checked the box and sure enough, it was full of sand.
Kavo frantically hefted the shells and cannonballs out, setting them in a second box, and then dumped the sand over the fire, which was getting worrying close to a pile of chemicals he didn't recognize.
The sand smothered the fire, and the flame fizzled out.
The Karcaon breathed a sigh of relief, before his brow furrowed.
The goblin!
He scuttled back towards the ladder up to the deck, intent on catching the saboteur.