forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Hm, there are still a few available roles, but if there is one you can come up with that isn't listened, those are also options? I think we still have Quartermaster, Boatswain, and Cartographer, but if you just want 'deckhand' or 'gunner' or 'fisher' or anything else thats unnamed go for it! The worlds your oyster lol )

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Mm! Sounds good to me! Get a character sheet up and I'll try to remember to close the rp haha, like I've said for everyone thus far, we'll find a way to work you in :D )

Deleted user

(I think he’d be picked up, since I didn’t include any info on relationships he’d have with the other characters?? Idk.)

Deleted user

Pyria nods. "Shinies."

She hisses. "No go up. Blow up ship, take the shinies for meself."

"Me name be Pyria. You name be dead." she says, striking up sparks again.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(i added a painting i did of Liyas for you guys ^^ It's his human form, as im still working on his siren form. :,)
(ill relink the photo right here )

Orion lays almost lifelessly in the net for a while, his mind flooding with thoughts. Though he almost "dozed off" (totally not passing out from loss of blood! No, couldn't be :P) while he focuses on the calming nights tide as it crashes against the ship.
His chest heaves up and down, looking around for the opening the other siren was pulled through. It's severed tail still laid in the net and chunks of meat stuck to the barbs.
But he could get out if he lost the tail.
Orion shifts, trying to lift a small part of the net as he slips his hand into the open gash in the sirens torso. He squeezes his eyes shut as he digs his webbed hands into the cavity, blood and guts squishing around. Finally he hits the knife, surprised he dug it as deep inside asi he did.
Pulling the knife out, he looks at it in the dim light or the brig, the lamp above swinging back and forth and the shadows dance around the room. He runs his hand over it to wipe the blood off, revealing a silver blade with damascus steel, the beautiful black and grey swirls and lines running along the blade.
The knife's handle almost slipped out of his hand as it was covered with blood as well.
He would have to make due.
Orion tries his best to work his way towards the gap, only being about two feet away from his original placement in the net. From there, Orion squeezes his top half through the net, his torso taking some damage from the barbs but not too much.
The beautiful green and brown scales shed from his tail onto the floor as if it were a snakes shed but the scales weren't connected as they shed off. Once the scales were gone for the most part Orions tail starts to shrink in a way to fit the form of legs before separating. From there, Orion is able to slither out of the net, but now he didn't have a way out of the cell.
Guess he had to wait….
(Not naked Orion just sitting in the cell over dead bodies :)