forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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(So what would happen if the whole ship went down if the fire can't be put out with water? 🤔)
(Underwater fire °○°)


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Inez watched Kavo extinguish the fire. She was about to thank him but watched as he rushed towards Pyria. Inez took this as a chance to retrieve her sword (handling it correctly this time) and follow. What else was there to do?
The goblin looked mischievously around, likely using the fire as a distraction, so she could rob The Deceit. Inez hadn't a clue where any of the more valuable things were held, and would have blocked it, but instead took after Pyria. Her small size likely made this easy for her, sprinting across the deck. She couldn't believe she didn't see the intruder the moment she entered the cargo, or at least after Inez had composed herself. And even then, how did she not consider the goblin's ill intentions? A lot to think about while trying to chase her, sword in hand. It motivated her to move faster, to make up for it.
(sorry for the short reply again)
(realistically inez is gonna be so tired after all this lmao)

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(I was expecting it, dude! I knew that there would be sand, and that someone would know!)

Pyria spots a door and scampers over to it, pushing it open to see a man writing a letter.

She snatches the shiniest thing - a dagger - and runs off with it, finding another stairway and going down it to find. . . a siren.

She immediately trots over and climbs onto his shoulder.

@JustALostM book

Name: Lincoln 'Link' Ordrid (Ore-dgrid)
Job: Cartographer
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Likes: Walks, Talking to people, Reading
Dislikes: Being touched without permission, When people fight, Loud noises.
Hobbies:He likes to read, write, draw (What do you expect from a Cartographer?)
Backstory: (I’m A lil’ blank rn but I’ll definitely add it soon!)
Additional Information: On his Left eye he has a scar due to a battle with his old crew. Even if he doesn’t look the part, he’s a good swordsman.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Orion grips the knife tight before turning away from the horrific sight, his heart having already sunk to the bottom of the sea with the rest of his brothers.
His mind wanders to Liyas and what he was probably doing at the moment.
He let a small smile slip through his lips and a chuckle through his nose (he's not used to not having gills D:) knowing he was probably trying to find him at the moment. It was a Liyas thing to do.
It was either that he was helping others grieve the loss of the others so he wouldn't have to accept the fact that Orion was most likely dead.
"I'll find you" he thinks to himself before exiting the brig, creaking the wooden door open. When he does, he's greeted by a set of stairs leading up to a trap door. And an awful smell.
One thing about Sirens in every piece of lore you you've heard is there weakness is fire.
That wasn't exactly true, nor was it false. As almost everything's "weakness" was fire. Known for its cause of death and destruction. Known to turn things into ash and cause pain like none other.
But fire was often used when hunting sirens and has been for thousands of years.
Orion's seen hundreds of paintings in old books or in beautiful golden frames images of sirens being burned alive like a witch on the stake or in a sea of fire and lava. And all at the hands of man.
Because of this, its a commonly fear amongst sirens to have some sort of trigger towards fire. A sort of biological trigger if you will.
Orion steps back, stumbling down the stairs until his back his the closed door. He swallows hard as the smell drowns his lungs, looking for a different way out. But there wasn't.
He takes a deep breath and climbs the stairs, his muscles tense. Opening the hatch, Orion looks around before getting out to explore another level of the magnificent ship. Sleeping chambers for sure.
Pirates and crewmembers slept in hammocks and on the floor, the hammocks rocking back and forth as the ship does so. The men snore loudly, others talking in their sleep.
This must be the day shift he assumed.
He climbs out and quietly tip toes his way past all of the men. One of the men roll over in his sleep on the floor, touching Orion's feet. Orion pulls away when he starts stroking it like a cat, the words "good girl" and "pretty kitty" coming out of his mouth.
He once again makes his disgusted face and now tip toeing a little faster now. Until he meets another door. Opening it,he meets the stairwell that leads updeck(?), pausing when the door opens and a small goblin like creature appears on the other side.
The hell? he asks himself under his breath

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Hey uhm i dont know if anyone should have interacted with the captain and his quarters or anything without @ScotchTapeWorm as its their characters. So like the Pyria just stole his blade and left within one post without them able to react and the captain to even realize it. Idk just putting a smol bean of input in that i think is important to take into consideration :)

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(Mm, I don't want to move the Captain because I think I'm waiting for Orion? And I genuinely can't begin to fathom how our 'splodey goblin and our dear Captain will interact.

(i think scotch preparing for an interaction with orion and the captain, and I was trying to set up for that a bit as well, so im a bit confused-)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Ah, the nightly catching up :)) So I've read through it. 1. Good job on the fire, I was waiting for someone to find sand or something to smother it! 2. Inez is going to need a NAP omg poor thing. 3. Celeste you're doing great, adore your work!! Jaiden, if its okay with you, I would like a little bit of reaction time? I try to set things up very open-ended, but I need just a tiny bit more to work with, okay? Love the chaos your bringing though!)

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(tempted to knock her out now to make things more chaotic but she can hang on a bit longer lmao)