forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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@ScotchTapeWorm group

(also my phone just broke. my computer is how i can get online until its replaced, so ill be a bit less active lol)

(Oh no D: Take your time! Sorry for your- Loss? Phone loss?)

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(also my phone just broke. my computer is how i can get online until its replaced, so ill be a bit less active lol)

(Oh no D: Take your time! Sorry for your- Loss? Phone loss?)


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Juan took the gun hesitantly in quaking hand. Maria always said it was rude to refuse what was offered… so did Mother, although she was long dead from his and his sister’s birth. Father had left long ago, Avants weren’t the type to mate for life and usually the Mothers were left to do the duties of raising the children and while theirs had died, Juan and Maria had managed through the kindness of strangers. Although his disappearance had been rather strange, allegedly he’d not been seen on his home island since. Not even exiled…

He snapped back to the present. “Who are you, to give me a weapon? Do you know who I am?” the second question wasn’t to challenge, but to gain a deeper understanding of what these strangers already had gathered.

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The sudden movement of the hand that held the captain's gun made Inez jump. He's offering him the weapon…? As Juan took it, hand trembling, the girl was poised in a way that'd make it easy to run. Though not in an obvious way. Would he know how to fire it? Inez didn't know much about the contraptions herself.
"Who are you, to give me a weapon?" That was… definitely a risky thing to say to someone like Silver-Tongue. She was concerned he would misunderstand Juan's question, going off the- the events that took place the night before. But the captain seemed more patient today, even if he was difficult to read.

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Pyria scowls through all this, then glares at the captain.

"Is it really a good idea to give random people weapons with which they can kill us with?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Hey guys I'm so sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. I'm taking a hiatus for a while until I can get my life back in at least a little bit of order. But unfortunately bc of that I'm gonna have to drop out of this. I can write up something that is like sort of a way to get Orion out of the picture. Like he gets away and just goes on wih his life and lives happily ever after with Liyas lol. (If you want me to do something like that I can) Just to help yall out a little. I feel bad holding you guys back and if I stayed, I would continue to do that. I really love this roleplay and writing with you guys and I'd love to write with some of yall in the future when I'm on more. Again, I'm sorry to have held you back so much.)

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(It's totally alright! You should take care of yourself and do what is best for your wellbeing. It was fun writing with you :))

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(It's fine Celeste! Do what you need to do. Don't worry about us. We can see Orion's fabulous abs later anyways, so it's all good)

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(Oh, and, I would like to see an ending for Orion (I love him sm hh) but you can do that whenever! I don't mind waiting.)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captains smile widened a fraction when the man took the gun from his hand. It was odd seeing Greed on someone other than him and he felt the instinctual itch to snatch it out of the winged persons hand. Axel reached forwards for a moment, but visibly stopped himself, he put his hands behind his back, not yet rising from his crouch.
"Who are you, to give me a weapon? Do you know who I am?”

The Captain rocked on his heels, considering his answer for a moment. Today was a day to think things through before saying them. Perhaps spending so long in his cabin, and thus free of his curse, had made him mindful of how he spoke. Perhaps he just felt like it today.

"I'm Captain Silver-Tongue, of the Deceit and I do what I damn well please. And yer someone who's not in a position to be lookin' down their nose on a favor or two." The Captain had a slight twinkle in his eye, like he was aware of a joke that no one else knew about, an inside joke with himself. He stood, dusting off his pants, looking down at the man curiously. "But if yer offerin' a name, I wouldn't say no. Lady Luck sure has abandoned you, eh?"

When Pyria spoke he glanced over his shoulder scowling. "And is it really a good idea to go runnin' yer mouth off to people you know could kill you? What kind of moth-addled idea was that? Assualtin' our good friend here?" He made a 'tsk'ing noise, but didn't reach for a weapon this time. Progress! He was on his best behavior for first impressions. It wasn't everyday you met a crazy, metal, marooned, avian man.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Oh hey, no pressure Celeste! It's been amazing working with you up to now and if you need time you need time. Do whatever feels right, and if you ever decide to come back, we'll leave a spot open for you always!)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(🥺❤I love you guysss)
(I'll definitely try to get a post up either tonight or tomorrow. I haven't been able to read up on anything but last I heard was that people were waiting for me. I'd like to give some room for closure and also like a "oh okay we can move on without having to worry about Celeste replying" lol)

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(ok! and again i loved seeing your replies and stuff! so cool 🥺)

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Juan had to think for a moment in order to recall his name. He hadn’t said it for so long. “I am… I’m… I am Juan Martin Delgado of the people of the Worshipping White Dove.” he said, words spilling out like honey, thick and too sweet in the amounts he was pouring out. “All family presumed dead, my people slaughtered at my own hand. I worship the Blaspheming Goddess, a former member of the Cult of the Sinner Prophet. Now… I think I must be Prophet Sinner, don’t you?” he cocked his head slightly, then threw it back and laughed. The gun dropped to the sand, the sudden bit of lucidity slipping out of his mind like paper through a shredder. “Avant this, Avant that, why no Avenge? The many years I’ve mourned… the tears I’ve shed. You wouldn’t have known my people, but you know me now and what have you to show for it?” his words, jumbled and chaotic, no sense or meaning attached to them. He didn’t know half of what he was saying himself, but his voice carried on like an abstract poem. He stopped speaking. He realized that half of what he’d said was in his native tongue, and it felt strange to him.

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(is he speaking a different language in the last part or am i misunderstanding? just so i can understand better)