forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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Juan continued to run, using all the strength in his body to move move run away they’ll take your wings again and you already lost them the first time RUN!

Eventually he found himself by a cove facing the other islands, but the weird evil thing kept trying to chase him and didn’t seem to be letting up. Maybe he could just kill it and use it for his supper, it didn’t seem all that intelligent after all. He found a rock in the sand sharp enough to cut through skin-the island was full of them around the shoreline-and held it close, waiting for the creature to near, to dare trying to take away his precious contraptions.

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Pyria stops at the treeline, chittering at Juan.

"I just want shinies on your back! How much for them if I can't take them off of you by force?"

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Inez caught herself as Pyria escaped her almost-grasp. She considered scaling a tree as well, just to show that she could, but realized it might take too long. She instead chose to spring back up and continue running alongside, until she looked up and acknowledged Juan. It was a facial expression she recognized; If Inez was intelligent on two subjects, it was swordsmanship and body language. It was the look of someone crazed and frightened, like an injured, long-suffering animal. She went silent until the goblin made her proposition.
"Pyria-" She exhaled, then turned to Juan. "Sorry." She considered assuring him with something, like 'She won't actually maim you,' But Inez wasn't quite sure of this herself.

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Juan stepped back a little, further away from the gross monster. “No! No shinies! You don’t get to have them!” he shouted, looking half about ready to faint and the other half ready to burst into tears. “No, no, no!” then he really did burst into tears, sinking to his knees on the cool sand under the shade of the trees. He looked vulnerable, childlike even. He looked sad. Juan didn’t know what was going on, or how he’d gotten here… how did he get here? Who was that? Why were they breaching his exile? And why did everything hurt? Maria would have known how to fix this… no, no! She doesn’t matter anymore! Not when she betrayed us! Juan shook his head, slumping some. He was cold, and tired, and bare to the world. How had he gotten on this island anyways? What was going on? And with that, he’d forgotten everything. All he could recall was that he’d been running…

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(nah im fine lol i didnt actually but the way you write describes the scene very wellllll)

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Pyria blinks.

She didn't know how to deal with tears, hers or other people's.

She drops onto Inez's shoulders lightly.

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(2 people who cant socialize in this situation. perfect mix! this is gonna be good lmao)

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(v excited to make things as awkward as possible but im gonna wait for scotch or davadio to respond if they want to step in! :])

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(Lol, which two? Juan and Pyria? Juan and Inez? Inez and Pyria?)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Ah, the old catch-up game. It's so funny seeing how everyone does things )

The Captain breathed out slowly, he still moved slowly on his trail, he didn't crash through the jungle in pursuit, if there was one thing he was sure of it was that the unclaimed islands were dangerous.Besides, three creatures running blindly through the green left an easy trail to follow, as the wake of bruised plants, torn leaves and trampled ground practically made a flashing sign saying 'people this way!'
The other obvious sign was the loud voices, speaking to each other, sound already travelling well in the humid air. The screams of Pyria, then presumably the man, then the voice of Inez, who'd arrived before him.The Captain used Greed to push a large leaf aside, letting him step into the little gathering, and he briefly wondered if the damp air would make the pistol useless. A wet flintlock wouldn't fire, but he was reasonably confident in both of his guns, if one didn't work, the other would.

The scene was an odd one, the winged person was crying, shying away from the others, a crushed expression on his face. Inez and Pyria didn't seem to know what to do, looking at a loss for words. The walk had cooled Axel's blood a fraction, so he didn't immediately shoot Pyria on sight, he managed a grin the expression dangerously forced.

"Well then. I see you two have met with our quarry. I trust it was a warm reception?" The Captain still sounded angry, his finger caressed the trigger of Greed like he was just itching to have an excuse to fire it. But you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Axel turned and inspected the marooned man, looking them over with his intense violet eyes. He looked for weaknesses, strengths, assessing them, like he was running his whole life out before him in his head. And then.. He crouched down, looking him in the eye, head cocked to the side in curiosity. This one wasn't all there, was he? Silver-Tongue could see the panic, the fear, of being hunted, and he smiled wider.

The winged person smelled of smoke, and salt-water, and leaves. On closer inspection the wings were certainly metal, but not wholly a contraption as far as he could tell. There was no harness in place, meaning that they attached somewhere to the back and by the way the man seemed to be able to move them with some fluidity, they likely had something already on their back for the wings to attach to. Things started to click into place in the Captain head, his gears turning, but the answers were just out of reach. He hadn't spent much time learning different species and their quirks, but this one probably wasn't fully human. In a low voice, still crouched down, Axel finally addressed the winged man, he spoke slowly like he was speaking to a child.

"You've been 'ere an awful long time huh?" He moved some curls from his face, still grinning like a Cheshire cat, the expression was often on his face, he'd been known to do it for an entire conversation, which could be.. Mildly unsettling to say the least. The eyes changed though, showing interest, then rage, then curiosity cycling through each other in the manner of seconds always teetering on the edge of exploding out or falling into something less stable.

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Pyria landed on Inez's shoulder, which made her flinch, but she didn't ask her to leave. 'Maybe I shouldn't have left that out,' She thought. It wasn't like she didn't feel bad for the stranger, just at a loss. She heard footsteps approaching, which she could only recognize as Axel's. Her head only turned when he stopped to speak. He sounded irritated- or, as merely "irritated" as a man like him could be- in his tone. "I trust it was a warm reception?" What kind of question was that?
"Not re-" Inez interrupted herself, giving up on her sentence to watch the captain's hands. Gun in hand, he seemed to be playing with the trigger. It appeared to be normal at this point, though, and yet another one of his dangerous habits. His eyes looked as if they couldn't decide how to react.
(sarcasm, whats that?)

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Juan could barely make out the newest stranger’s words, eyes moving from one place to another and never focusing. “How did I get here? I’m… no, I’m not sure…” Juan could only fumble over broken half-words. He wasn’t sure of anything right now, not even himself. He didn’t know why he was kneeling in the sand, naked and surrounded by a menagerie of people who seemed to him to be somewhat dangerous. Mostly because of the weapons, which his eyes kept falling back to. “Do you know why I’m here?” his rust-caked voice whispered.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain didn't take his eyes off of the crazed man, listening to the broken words. They cracked halfway through and fell to the ground like dead leaves. They were confused, unaware, and intimidated. Perhaps it was being on this island, breaking their mind, but while weathered, the man didn't have the same rugged wildness of someone who had been abandoned for years and years. More likely they were crazy and then left on natures doorstep.
"Yer here.." The Captain trailed off for a moment, his smile faltering, then completely falling. "Because someone or something is piss drunk mad at you." A good neutral answer. Said with enough confidence to sound convincing, but really saying nothing of value. If they were abandoned, they would gravitate towards the someone, if it was a storm the something, and a god or a curse fell under either category. But it sounded like Axel knew what he was talking about, his favorite kind of answer.

Then he did something, very, very stupid. Very carefully, as if he was holding a baby he turned Greed around, holding it by the barrel, the grip pointed towards the man. He held it out, offering it slowly. Everyone had weapons but the winged man, he seemed wary of them. Avarice was still in its holster, and the Captain was going purely on the hunch that the gunpowder would be too damp from the jungle air and the little boat trip to fire, but that was a gamble. It really was just a whim.
His smile returned, tempting now, holding the flintlock out to the mad man, its twin still snugly placed on the inside of his coat, held in with straps made for that purpose, rather than parading about with two pistols strapped to his thighs, they were meant to be in Harpsford Bay today, so he had to be "low-key". Which really just meant not actively threatening civilians.

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(also my phone just broke. my computer is how i can get online until its replaced, so ill be a bit less active lol)