forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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Pyria screams like a rabbit being molested by geese and takes off after Juan, her little rabbit hind legs and monkey-like front paws lending her speed and agility.

She was mad that she'd been tossed into the non-shiny sand, which dulled her fabulous fur and made her dirty.

She hated being dirty.

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(I've heard of it happening, and seen it- it's- it's definitely something XD )

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(Indeed. But, you have to admit, it's a pretty damn good analogy)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain watched the chaos around him with the proud air of a father watching his children run around, screaming in a Walmart, knocking over shelves and generally making friends of themselves. Pyria jumped straight into the water, prompting an eye-brow raise. He was feeling unusually patient today, and was waiting for the boat to be lowered, not at all because he didn't want to ruin his coat.

Inez joined him in the boat, which wasn't too surprising the girl had a taste for adventure. A few others joined, muscles for the oars, and the Captain sat on a half rotted bench, squinting at the shore. His head barely turned as Inez gave a hurried apology and jumped in the water after the goblin, swimming to the beach. Though one of the rowers made a yelp as the rapier that flew through the air, the man ducked just in time for the sword to scratch the man next to him. The anger made them row faster.

It took Axel a minute to realize what Pyria was after, it wasn't until the creature made it to the winged person, and tackled. The pirate sat bolt upright, watching in horror as she tried to tug their wings off. The dingy wasn't at the shore yet, and the Captain clenched his fists, setting his jaw firmly. The winged person didn't take kindly to being mugged of their fancy metal appendages and screamed, flinging the goblin off and fleeing into the woods.

The raft made a gentle landing on the sand, bumping against the shore.The waves pulled at it, trying to bring the wood back to the ocean, trying to pull the raft back into the water. The Captain got out, boots hitting sand, with one hand he unholstered Greed, inspecting the shine, then the furry flash of Pyria taking off after the stranded man. He felt pissed. As both creatures disappeared into the dense jungle, the thrumming of the hunt began to build, a slow drum pounding in time with his heart.

The goblin had gone too far, Axel had wanted the winged person alive, unharmed for the moment, safely tucked away on his ship. And instead he had to search for both of them. Fiddling with Greed, he imagined putting a bullet straight through both of their eyes, a a slow sigh escaping his lips. The Captain waved the men on the oars to stay and he headed off into the jungle, hissing a low sound, eyes narrowed to slits. He still hadn't forgiven Pyria for her little stunt with the explosives, the goblin seemed much more of a liability than an asset, but pests were terribly hard to kill.

The green of the plants around him, the damp humidity of the air, still not free of the salt that sprayed in from the ocean. Axel tasted the air, his tongue flicking out for a second, his eyes narrowed further and he found his trail.

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The Captain watched the chaos around him with the proud air of a father watching his children run around, screaming in a Walmart, knocking over shelves and generally making friends of themselves. Pyria jumped straight into the water, prompting an eye-brow raise. He was feeling unusually patient today, and was waiting for the boat to be lowered, not at all because he didn't want to ruin his coat.

(this entire chunk of text is so funny aaaa im in classss)

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(The next scene: his children assaulting the customers XD )

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(Is that a challenge, my friend? I do believe that's a challenge!)

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(Axel: "Understands that his children are like a KFC's parking lot: most of them are soon to be filled with holes!")
(Inez: "Panicked screaming in obviously unsafe weapon handling while trying to stop her friend from pulling body parts off of a stranger like a racoon fishing for banana peels")
(Kavo: "Why am I stuck on a ship full of dumbasses again? Oh, wait. . . it's because I'm just as 'touch me and I'll tear off your limbs like a dragon eating a pen full of human corpses.' as they are.")

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Once Inez had reached shallow water, she waded through the as fast as one could- that being annoyingly slow. Pyria tackled the poor man, who frantically ran off, sending her into the sand. "PY-" The goblin had already taken off after the metal-winged man, scurrying into the trees. Inez met land and immediately sprinted after the two as well.
The forest was lush with plants and greenery, but the aesthetic value of the place was less of a blessing and more of a challenge. Not one that Inez wasn't willing to take, of course. Quickly maneuvering through flora and over dips in the path, trying to reach the explosive creature as fast and as rapidly as possible, she took a quick lunge for Pyria.

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Pyria's ears perk up, then she jumps into the trees, chasing after Juan that way, not bothering to slow her pace one bit.

"Pyria says no!" she calls back.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo watched from the high point of the poop deck, squinting against the sunlight reflecting off the water.
Would the goblin tear off his wings like a kid with a fly?
Would Inez manage to stop the chaos even as her sword caused more?
Would Marooned Man turn out to be some winged monstrosity?
Would Axel Silver-tongue just shoot them all and dance on their graves?

All this and more, when we come back!