forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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(well, yes, because he's a Karcaon. He's not a crab, despite the similarities, and crab meat is good XD )
(Also, I'm mildly terrified that Inez is going to go completely insane and Leave Kavo the only slightly sane one onboard XD facepalm)

(Didn't see this earlier, I'm wheezing-)
(Eh, let's see where it goes, she may go completely off the deep end, she may not (probably not) but even then I'd say she's got some crazy in her- if anything maybe just ever so slightly neurotic with her possessions, a bit of a kleptomaniac, and easily over-excited but that's about it! Kavo should only be slightly concerned if you compare her to the rest of this crew)

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("The rest of the crew" XD in particular, y'all should be worried about our powdermonkey and our captain; at least Kavo'll kill you quick, maybe Orion will just bewitch you to drop dead right then and there, but with Pyria there's no guarantee you'd be blown up, and with the captain. . . yeah lol)

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(inez wouldnt kill anyone on the crew, but if she wanted to? i think she would want epic battle music in the background and make sassy remarks that shes has prepared for years while having a princess bride style swordfight)

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(Yeah- she couldn't kill Kavo though- an explosion might do it, depending on what explosive is used, a bullet'll definitely do it, but a rapier? Probably not gonna do it XD )

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(OH NOT AT ALL HAHA she doesnt know how to use anything else, was close to giving her a flammard but figured thatd feel a bit out of place-)

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(Lol, a skinny wisp of a girl weilding a freaking flamberge? Nah, nothing could go wrong with a two-handed sword whose entire design was for breaking polearms such as pikes and spears being put into the hands of someone who uses a rapier for a reason-)

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(id probably have her a loooot stronger if i decided she used a flammard, but its way too late and i think a rapier is somewhat the opposite of her personality, which definitely swings when fencing, if she ever has a swordfight i would actually explode from excitement to write it (its also my only chance to give her some knowledge on something))

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(Pyria, being the chaotic shithead she is, has been known, on several occassions, to pickup random weapons [i.e. a broadsword, a greatsword, a warhammer, her world's equivelant of Excalibur on a notable occassion {long story, don't ask}] and start swinging it like it's nothing. This is because of a phenomenon called "not giving a rats ass about what she should and shouldn't be able to do" XD)

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(Basically, Pyria is such a chaotic entity that she manages to do shit she shouldn't be able to; however, she is very toned down for this roleplay, so sadly, no Excalibur-weilding goblins)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain shaded his eyes again, reluctantly pulling away from the edge to see better. The sounds got louder, solidifying into cries for help. And there, wading in the surf and brine, was a er- Something. A tattered, wild-eyed, winged, bird person. A glare from the sun hit the wings, shining brighter than should be possible, making Axel blink a few times to get the spots out of his vision. Either they'd just found an insane angel, or the wings weren't made of pillow-down.

The thought process for stopping for this person was entirely based on the decision of why the hell not? And continuing on in that vein, Silver-Tongue stepped off the helm, onto the deck, calling for someone to bring a dingy, any sort of raft that could be pullied back up on to the ship with minimal effort. And one was found, miraculously, dust clung to the old wood, it had been in the hold for several years, and used to be a life boat. The Deceit was a proud vessel, but everyone on it was pirates, notorious ones at that, she didn't stock lifeboats. Death awaited them either at sea or on land and Axel wasn't particularly concerned about 'properly outlining means of escape'. As the boat was readied, patches being put in the bottom so it hopefully wouldn't sink on its first dip in the ocean, the Captain snorted bitterly. His brother would have had a stroke seeing the 'safety regulations' aboard. Hard-ass.

Still the vessel was readied, though the shore was still too far away to make out individual words, a few men were shouting at the winged person, waving and pointing, some laughed. Scratch that, most laughed. It was a comical sight, the person scrambling along the beach, metal wings bright. The Captain himself got in the dingy, waiting to see if anyone joined him, the boat would probably barely last the return journey, but the rapids in the area were weak, but they still might need a stronger swimmer. The idea amused him.

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Pyria, being the chaotic dipshit she is, sees the man, sees his metal wings, decides she wants them and simply jumps into the ocean, swimming to shore.

And you can clearly see the moment that she reaches shore, because she immediately screeches like a magpie and charges the man.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo had contemplated clambering down into the boat with the Captain, until he saw Pyria take off for shore.
He washed his hands of the whole matter, right then and there.
If Silver-tongue wants me involved, he can issue orders. Otherwise, I'm staying up here.
The situation was bound to turn into a mosh pit, between Captain Swagger, 'Splodey Spazz and Robinson Crow-so over there.

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Inez watched Pyria, who noticed the man's metallic wings. The goblin suddenly jumped off the boat and started towards the man- it didn't take much to realize her intentions.
Inez spotted the raft being lowered. She joined the captain, without any thought given to boat safety, as expected. However, it was being lowered too slowly for her to catch up to Pyria. The girl considered herself a good swimmer. Having leaped from the boat to the raft, then off the raft in the span of a few seconds, she let her rapier stay on the boat. She tossed it aside hazardously, then jumped off after giving a hasty apology to Silver-Tongue.

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(I love those titles so much, im also in class trying to suppress laughter)

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(if i had a nickel for every time someone jumped off the ship, id only have three nickels, but its still weird that it happened three times)
(or whatever the quote is)
(also one more thing i had to make sure there was danger involved while she handled the sword)

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Juan screamed as he was knocked over, his wings couldn’t come off very easily and it would hurt to remove them if not done properly. He could possibly end up destroying even more of his wing-stubs than he already had. Thus, the little sense he had threw off the assaulter and carried his legs at full speed into the woods.