forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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(A certain someone is going to have to go on a market heist pretty soon-)

Inez rose and found herself on the ground in her otherwise uninhabited room. She wasn't sure if she'd blacked out the night before or had just fallen. Assessing her surroundings, she found the prior trembling, aching feeling gone. Thankfully. She stood, and quickly picked up her rapier (Finally found the name for the type of sword she has). Untouched. It was still unclear to her as to why she always had to have it in sight. Though, it didn't go over well when she didn't yesterday. A precious few seconds that could have been utilized… oh, well.

"We're lookin' fer bodies and people," Is what Axel Silver-Tongue had said just before the two met Kavo. Inez laughed a little bit. How ironic. It made for less work, though, an upside. At least for the kitchen, she didn't know about the other parts of the ship. Her hand caught her eye, which she followed by noticing the bloodstains on her sleeve and the rest of her clothes. It dawned on the fugitive that she hadn't worn anything different than what she was since- …a point in time. Apparently jumping into bloody seawater doesn't wash previously acquired blood off fabric. Actually it might have made it worse.

Inez entered the main dock after stealing some of the spare clothes from another room. They were only sort of oversized, which was fine if she cuffed her pants about seven folds. What remained recognizable was her coat, which she was able to easily get the blood off by using a handcloth and water.

Inez emerged as the ship noticeably slowed down. She stepped updeck(I think that's where Kavo is?) to ask where the ship was headed when she heard a distant screech.

(For this I looked back on the first few posts and saw my first for Inez… it was painful, to say the least. Something about the way I wrote dialogue makes me crazy.)

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(That scurvy will get you XD )

(No but like actually though, my exact thought process)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain hadn't left his cabin since his encounter with the Siren.

He was laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, an odd look on the tall pirates face. The Captain wore a black jacket today with elaborate gold embroidery, his dark curly hair worn down, so close to ringlets, yet just escaping the shape. As he layed there, the Captain allowed himself a moment of quiet, of absolutely zero thoughts. It was boring.

The man stood up suddenly, fighting through sudden wave of vertigo, his vision going black at the edges (ha- iron deficient). He clutched his head, but the feeling retreated and Axel began to pace the length of his room. Occasionally stopping and picking something up, before placing it back down and continuing to pace. He felt a restless sort of energy, a buzzing in his legs and chest that wouldn't go away no matter how much he moved. It drove him absolutely crazy, that need to do something. Anything.

Silver-Tongue stopped pacing in the middle of his room hands halfway between putting up his hair and taking it down, he could feel the ship slowing. Years at sea had taught him how to constantly shift his center of balance, walking with the ship rather than against it, and feeling things rather than simply knowing them. He felt the ship was slowing, he didn't know it. A quick glance at something that resembled a clock told him nothing. Harpsford Bay wouldn't be near for another few hours, the ship was likely slowing to avoid some narrows, or a particularly tight turn, the islands were treacherous, even if you made offerings to them first.

Still, it was better than pacing around his cabin like a caged animal. Axel tugged on his boots, also embroidered in gold of course, and opened the door. A moment later, and he was on the deck, breathing in the smell of the salt water air, the wind buffeting his face playfully, like an old friend. The Captain grinned, heading to the railing, letting his eyes close.

Like the last time he stood at the railing, eyes closed, listening to the waves, something happened. A distant screech, a call, with emotion behind it that he couldn't quite pin down. Was it angry? Desperate? Ecstatic? All of the above? He took his hands off the railing putting using a hand to shade his eyes and cut the glare of the water. The Deceit was skirting an island, one with lush jungle and no signs of buildings. One of the wild islands, untamed and untouched. Excitement writhed in his stomach, burning to be released, the thick jungle had always called to him, though never quite so literally. He arched one eyebrow, starting to scan the shore, but he wasn't exactly the most eagle-eyed of the crew.

Walking slowly up to the helm, the Captain leaned in next to Kavo, leaning too far off an edge to be fully safe. He held up a hand, a pause. A large bird call could mean several things. Again, the bubbling excitement threatened to spill out. Had they found a griffin? Harpies? Maybe even a Roc. Any of them would be interesting. He licked his lips, the cracks he'd made split open again, not even close to being healed.

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(AXEL GET SOME IRON 😭😭 hes flirting with falling off the ship right now)

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Juan called out again, but it seemed almost useless. Almost was a useful word, though, when it came to managing expectations. He jumped up and down in the knee deep water, flapping his great wingspan as far as he could to the point that he could have just lifted off the ground if it weren’t for the rust and the torn tarp that still hadn’t been replaced. “I’m here, I’m here!” he cried in a voice raw and rotten from disuse. “Gods, I’m here!” A scream that to him seemed very near louder than the Avant’s call he’d been letting out. His feathers clung to his body where the water had hit and rippled in the air where the water hadn’t.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo heard the first shriek and slowed slightly more, his instincts telling him it wasn't an attack call. Inez and the Captain came climbing up the ladders from the main deck, joining him by the helm.
Well. The Captain was hanging off the side, but same difference.
The shriek turned into yells, almost distinguishable as words, and Kavo glanced at Silver-tongue.
"Orders, sir?"
We gonna stop for whoever that is, way out here in the middle of nowhere?

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain turned around, instead leaning backwards off the side, he looked at Kavo, again arching an eyebrow.

"Yer kiddin' me right? 'Course we stop." He flung his hand out wide, motioning at the sea, the jungle, the island, all of it. The noises were a tad bit louder now, calls, a voice, shouting. A few of the excitement bubbles popped, not a Roc or a griffin then. Didn't rule out harpies though.. Axel heaved a tiny sigh, both disappointed, curious, and annoyed his accent was back, again, damn that witch. If he got his hands on her again-

"Can't leave 'em to the sea." The Captain's eyes lit up again, clearly thinking things less than charitable for this good deed. There was always a price to pay, nothing ever came for free as his mother used to say!

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Inez watched the captain, who was leaning over the edge, which seemed to be a dangerous habit of his. She squinted at the man and her eyes widened as they slowly approached him. It was surprising to her that he'd take him aboard so quickly. But, unfortunately, it was never actually that clean-cut. There was definitely some kind of thing he wanted from the stranger. She looked closer at him. "What the hell..?" She mumbled.
The man had wings. Made of something- something not very wing-like. Metal? Maybe. But even other than the wings, there were other things that were less than human about him.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo hauled on the anchor lever, quickly adusting the others and cranking the helm to pull the ship into a tight deceleration. They stopped soon, still well in sight of the island. Kavo locked the levers and wheel and stepped over by the Captain, trying to get a good look.
What he saw looked like a raggedy, half-starved, more than half-crazy, bird person.
Of course.

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Juan had long since given up things like “morals” or “consistently wearing pants” since being stuck on this island, so if anyone cared too look too close they’d see a mass of feathers, white hair, and other things probably best left undescribed. Juan’s clothes were in tatters and frankly, long past saving and so he’d ended up burning them for just that added bit of warmth. He didn’t seem to notice or care though, nor did he actually notice or care. But the water was starting to get chilly so he stepped back a little into the shallower parts and ended up tripping over a seashell and falling. Fortunately this indignity was characteristic of a madman and so thus no shame was felt.

(Just imagine this starving, pantsless, genderqueer idiot wandering around the beach dragging waterlogged metal wings around and overall being a nuisance to the local crab population for like three months. Imagine it. Idk I just feel like some humor might be at least something to add to the situation.)

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(well he did say hes tasted it before it just didnt click in my brain-)

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(I feel like Juan would try to take a bite out of all the crew members if he got desperate enough-despite being a sort-of-herbivore he’s kinda the type to just. Eat. Like. Everything.)

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Pyria was adapting quickly to life at sea; she had plenty of fish and explosives, she could prank anybody - she'd gotten Axel pretty good with a firepopper, as she liked to call them - and she'd befriended the siren, whose name she learned was Orion.

She'd also managed to befriend Inez, though how was unclear, as she had technically threatened her. And Kavo. And Axel.

But that's besides the point.

She's up in the crow's nest, keeping an eye out for any changes.

She didn't exactly feel the ship slow down, but she could sense something was up, she she scampers down to the deck.

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(Out of genuine curiosity, how do you think they became friends? lol)

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(Mutual feelings of weirdness around the crab dude? Lol, who knows)