forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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(I love how Inez was 100% willing to help Orion out for a few seconds. She's a gem)

(and also how pyria just decided they were friends, left it at that-)

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(I love how Inez was 100% willing to help Orion out for a few seconds. She's a gem)

(you've made her not very bright, Lemon, but she is absolutely the purest soul on the ship, hands-down)

(I was so close to making her the most absolutely unhinged person ever but as soon as I wrote my third or fourth post I knew she'd be more like this)

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(I love how Inez was 100% willing to help Orion out for a few seconds. She's a gem)

(and also how pyria just decided they were friends, left it at that-)

(Lol, Pyria knows her shit. Getting close to the creature that can magically bewitch everyone on that ship? Best idea ever)

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(Lol, balance? There's none of that here XD It's all chaos, no order. The closest thing we have to order is Kavo, and he's still a pirate)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain paused, the door had opened while he was still chuckling, so he couldn't do the whole- "Oh! I didn't see you there." He sadly chucked that idea out the window, waving goodbye to it in his mind. He loved that line. Instead, the tiniest bit of a frown marred his brow, he didn't stand. While he was sitting and they were standing, Axel felt like he had the upper-hand in the conversation, and if he decided to stand, it would have to be at the right time.

He looked over both of them with his intense eyes. Violet colored and filled with greed and hunger, as he stared at them, he had the unsettling ability to make it look like the person had all of his attention, every gram of interest and focus narrowed in on one person, like they were the only thing in the word he could see. He waved a hand lazily, motioning at the elaborate cabin around him to hide his other hand making the motion that ordered the runes to dim a fraction, making the lighting even more dramatic. Silver-Tongue had showmanship, even if it was his only redeeming quality.

"Welcome! I hear you two have been making quite the fuss on.. My ship." He spoke with his customary hiss, on the s', a side effect of his serpentine blood and thinner tongue. He also put emphasis on words differently than other people, pressing down on 'my', like he was trying to expand it, to own more than what he was talking about.

"Sso. Care to explain yourselves?" He emphasized the hiss this time to sound more hostile, his gaze raking over the goblin, then the pretty man, where he hesitated. It.. It had the same eyes as the Siren, filled with hatred at him. Bronze-eyes that spoke of tearing him apart, of making him beg at his feet before taking Axel's life. The thing had managed to get legs. A slow smile crept onto his face, looking self-satisfied, near smug. Delightful.

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Pyria scuttles right over to the desk and climbs on top of it, a clear sign of disrespect.

"You will let me join your crew." she growls, not leaving any room for argument. "Or I will blow everything within a nautical mile to the bottom of the ocean."

"And you will not harm that man any more than you have already." she adds.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

Silver-Tongue clicked disapprovingly. He'd received far more strongly worded job offers from prospective pirates, he'd hired a woman once, who as her opening line had offered to slit his throat and water her family tree with his blood. Axel had liked her. Worked for the ship for over two years before he had to kill her. A shame that.

So the confidence was not off putting to the Captain from the goblin creatures words. It was the fact that it was standing on his desk, completely spoiling the power dynamic he was going for! What was the point of putting on a show if the audience didn't play along. Trying to keep his proverbial feathers unruffled, Axel looked up at the creature, weighing it, evaluating its uses. Obviously into explosives, likely where the smell of smoke came from. Tasting the air, with a quick intake of breath, the goblin smelled like gunpowder and fire, as well as singed hair.. The Captain wrinkled his nose, trying to wash the taste from his mouth.

Yet- He caught something else. The smell of the pretty man. A similar fishy scent, with the clothes not at all matching the scent of the body, tinged with the tang of blood. It confirmed his suspicions, it was the Siren. The fish had gone to land.

Back to the goblin, he narrowed his eyes to slits, then shrugged.

"Sure. You can join. Welcome aboard." The additional caveat was the one that bothered him. It was his ship, and his crew. In Axel's mind that was enough justification to do what he wished. The Siren was not part of his crew, therefore not a reflection of himself, which meant, through the series of increasingly difficult mental gymnastics, that the sea creature was free to be treated how the Captain liked.

The Captain contented himself with finally coming to the conclusion that he hadn't promised the goblin anything. Silver-Tongue, while a cheat, a liar, and overall professional scoundrel, he didn't break promises.. Just weaseled out of them.
"Have some of the crew show you around. And, feel free to keep what you took from my room, consider it a gift." In the confines of his quarter, the Captain had no naval accent, no exaggerated pirate speak. His voice was hissing and scratching, with a rumbling growl behind his words no matter his mood. It was lower than it was before, and had a bit of a land accent.
Hopefully that would appease the friend and it would leave without too many questions. If not, well- Alternative measures could be taken. Axel palmed a gold coin with one of his hands that was closer to his back, buffing it against the coat to make it gleam briefly. He offered it to the goblin, head tilted to the side, held out in a way that he could snatch his fingers back if the.. Thing.. Liked to bite.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo nodded slowly as the Captain nonchalantly accepted the goblin's offer of joining the ship. He was impressed with Silver-tongue's restraint.

For a man who could have just put a bullet between the goblin's eyes and been done with it, he'd shown remarkable mercy in allowing the critter to mouth off to him, and now allowing it to leave.

Kavo stepped slightly out of the door frame, allowing the goblin space to exit. The Captain was even offering the charming creature money, despite the fact that he knew full well, if the goblin didn't move, Kavo was fully ready to just scoop it up by the scruff of its neck and move it himself.

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Pyria tilts her head, considering the coin. She may not be the brightest, but in order to work with explosives you needed a certain attention to detail.

"Yous didn't agree to the terms I set with the man." she says, pulling out a strange looking chemical.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain rolled his eyes, pocketing the coin. He stared hard at the goblin.

"And you didn't ask to be on my crew. But I'll accept your terms. Now.. Get off my desk." While it would have been nicer if the goblin hadn't noticed, this was still workable. The thing had only said that 'he' couldn't hurt the man any more than he already had. The Captain was okay with that. Besides 'hurt' was such a broad term, there was more wiggle room than Axel could have ever asked for.

His feral smile returned, and he nodded slightly at Kavo.

"Kavo! Escort our new… friend out. Their time for haggling is over."