forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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(as in who id knock out being inez, who is the poor dear? everyone)

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(kavo is the more responsible and helpful character, but i think he is more than a plot device :] it'd be different if he didnthave any character development or mentioned backstory, but since he does, i think he's safe lol)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(mm, gonna do a shorter post just to keep the ball rolling I think?)

Axel paused in his writing as the door to his cabin opened. He held the quill up curiously, letting the ink drip onto the paper below, darkening the page and staining it black. Good. He hadn't been happy with the writing anyways, his penmanship was awful in this one! Like all the others but-
What scampered into the room was a little goblin creature, looking around suspiciously and then fleeing in the room in a blur. Last he'd checked, they didn't have any goblins on the crew, but he could be wrong? Silver-Tongue tasted the air curiously, getting just a hint of blood and pungent fear. The Captain sucked on his teeth briefly, then shrugged, his non writing hand resting idly on Avarice.

The crew could probably deal with a stowaway goblin. The thing had looked like it had grabbed something, but the Captain knew for a fact that he didn't keep anything valuable that close to the door. He knew where everything was in the cluttered room as a matter of fact, the only things by the door were an hourglass, 7 silver coins, and a dagger he'd left lying out a week ago. The pirate crumbled the letter he was writing and grabbed a fresh page of parchment, starting again with the letter. A feral grin smothered his face, today just kept going huh? Whether they were good or bad omens were yet to be seen, but it was interesting to be sure.

The Captain was on slightly higher alert now, his eyes kept flickering back to the door for the knob to turn or even a hint of movement in the hinges, his ears pricked just in case as well. Before, perhaps someone could have walked in quietly and not have been immediately seen, that option was gone now. The wild dog had his hackles up, and was ready to bare his fangs.