forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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(A little bit, but not really. She is resistant to being blomn up tho, and heat)

Deleted user

"My name be Pyria. You name be dead." Inez blinked. "You're not actua-?" Whatever the goblin was putting on the ground started to ignite, and Inez found herself a good fifteen feet away from the fire/explosion. Unsure of her next move, she quickly stood and looked at her immediate surroundings, not much in the way of something to extinguish the fire. Sprinting updeck(?) proved equally useless, the confusion in her expression illuminated by the flames, which grew rapidly. Inez didn't know what Pyria's state was now, surely if she had been able to find herself on the ship without being detected she was smart enough to know fire could be fatal (nice observation). Pyria intended to rob the ship, didn't she? ' You name be dead.' Inez realized it was a miracle she wasn't at least burned. Actually, she could have been, but whether or not she was wasn't the first priority. It would be to extinguish the fire, but she wasn't quite sure how.

(sorry for the short reply)

(also i do realize that Inez could have yknow yelled "fire" and waited for further instruction but… i dont think she would)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Mm, I don't want to move the Captain because I think I'm waiting for Orion? And I genuinely can't begin to fathom how our 'splodey goblin and our dear Captain will interact. So I think we're waiting for Orion to make a move, Inez and the goblin to.. Hopefully not blow up the ship? Vimes to get a starter up for Juan and.. Mosis to post a character sheet me'thinks.)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Soon, Orion's head perked up at the sound of a ~creeeaaakk~
the door
He has his back turned against the cage and one of the sirens bodys on top of his legs as if he were trying to hide them. He didn't do too good of a job, as he doesn't normally have to hide his legs often. Usually it was the other way around.
He was lucky when a man comes stumbling in, his face red and a wide smile on his face as he holds a cup of water. Or was that?
Is that rum??? You've got to be kidding me Orion things to himself, sighing.
"Is that my hourly dose of salt water?" Orion asks the man sassily, clutching the knife out of his line of sight. The man laughs "oh i guess it is!" he says looking at the cup. He leans on the metal cage, the barnacles and rust pressing against his clothing, leaving a gross orange brown color to his shirt.
Orions eyes glowed orange in the lanterns light as they latch onto the mans keys on his waist.
THe man reaches his hand into the cage and holds the "water" above him, tilting it and letting it splat on his head.
OH HELL no, not the hair Orion thinks as he stands up quickly, grabbing the mans wrist and pulling it down with his weight against the metal cage, snapping the bones in half. The man yells out in pain only for a second before Orion reaches through the gap in the cell with the same hand and grabs the collar of his shirt, pulling it forwards and bashing his head into the metal bars.
The man tries to pull away but Orion had already gotten ahold of his shirt, now holding it there before reaching through and stabbing the drunken man in the stomach.
He falls to the ground, knocked out and bleeding out as well.
well shit, he's too far away now
Orion looks at the man on the floor, grimacing at his stench. He was sure he would be drinking to celebrate the capture of the siren, or to be mourning the loss of his crewmates. Either one, Orion didn't give a rats ass about him or his feelings.
He gets on the floor of the cell, trying his best to avoid the large barbed net and reaches through the square hole in between the bars. He presses his face to the bar as he tries to reach the ring on his belt loop, a few keys attached to it.
Finally able to get it, he pulls the keys towards him, bringing the mans hip along with until the belt loop snaps and Orion has the keys in hand.
He quickly stands, wiping the rust off of his face in disgust. A pool of blood slowly forms around the man and he was sure it would drip through the wood to the bottom floor where they stored their supplies.

After a few panicked seconds which felt like hundreds, Orion gets the right key into the lock (call this idea basic i know it is) (jk please dont im sensitive ;~;) and turns it.
Another terrible sound to Orions ears. He was lucky in his human form his ears were less sensitive.
He steps out and looks down to the man, then down to himself and his….lack of clothes.
"Ωχ όχι…." He mumbles to himself.

Soon Orion finds himself dragging a naked mans hairy body into one of the cells. He decided to dip his finger in the blood and draw a rather innapropriate yet very simple image on his forehead. He gives a small giggle at his beautiful painting before standing up, locking the corpse in the cell and looking at his new set of clothes. He wore black-brownish pants that were a little baggy along with cowboy/stomper boots that had a slight heel to them. They were torn up and he was pretty sure one of his toes could be visible if you paid enough attention. The top was a white button up where the buttons were broken all but the top once, so he chooses to leave that one unbuttoned as well. The whole thing reeked of alcohol and now the shirt stained with blood.
Maybe if i kill that snake i can steal his clothes instead… no just his shirt. He can keep his pants he thinks to himself, not wanting to go through what he had to not even five minutes ago.
A shiver of discomfort rushes down his spine and he makes one of the ugliest faces Orion would be capable of making as his mind forced flashbacks onto him.
Orion shakes his head as he pushes the thoughts away.

Looking back at the cell with the dead sirens in them, he gives them a sorrowful look,
"Λυπάμαι αγαπητοί μου… Ελπίζω να σας δω σύντομα "

Deleted user

(me neither, its gonna be so great. its a perfect mix of emotion, genuinely laughed because of the fact that his hair getting ruined was what really set him off in that moment, but i also think the greek is a nice touch :))

Deleted user

(oh no he definitely pulls it off, hes styling himself and everything)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain began to taste the air again, placing the book face down on the desk, his now free hand idly running up to his neck to scratch at the agitated scales. There was.. Something in the air, too far away for the tall man to truly tell what it was, but he hadn't survived this long by saying everything would be fine. He wouldn't leave his quarters for now, there was only one entrance at the front and from the way the room was layed out, Axel could constantly have the door in his line of sight.

Just in case, the Captain made sure to clean his guns, checking them over, along with actually cleaning his saber of the Siren blood. It had such a tang to its smell, masking whatever it was he had caught a hint of earlier, it filled his mouth with the taste, and the Captain couldn't quite tell if he found it unpleasant or not. As he worked, the repetitive actions were good for thought.
In Harpsford, pirates weren't exactly.. Welcome. But that was the same in most sane cities, average people didn't like to think that there were murderers walking among them(👀), but it was really was relatively easy to slip in undetected.

The Deceit had a false board planted where the name of the ship was so carefully painted on, and the only barrier to falsified papers was money. Making a fake flag was laughably easy as well for anyone with basic knowledge of ships. When in disguise the ship went by The Returned, and while The Deceit was a very distinct ship, and could be recognized by a dedicated search, usually a few healthy bribes sorted out anyone who stuck their noses where they didn't belong. Or a dagger if they got too close.

Briefly placing down the sword, Silver-Tongue began rifling through his desk for lists of contacts in the area, who could sell off the Siren bits and give him the profit after their cut was taken. Leeches all of them, but you could trust them to make the most coin they could, and understood the heavy risks of double-crossing him. It was as close as Axel got to trust. It was easier to work with a middleman in sane cities, one couldn't very well waltz right into the open market and start auctioning off rotted bits of corpses. The thought amused him, perhaps he'd do it, just for the looks on the shocked townspeople's faces.

The room was illuminated by gentle runes carved into the walls, giving the room a dusky light, the Captain had never trusted open flames on ships. The soft, magical glow made shadows dance on the blade of the sword as it sat on Silver-Tongues desk. He took in a breath, releasing it with a low rumbling noise. The Captain hated waiting, he tried to keep himself busy with whatever he could. Simply to avoid.. This.
Being alone. With himself. And his thoughts.

Violet eyes searched the room, for something to do. He could sleep, but he still felt that slight edge from before, never quite relaxing again afterwards. Sitting down at the desk, he began to write, intense violet eyes focused only the pen and ink, he'd been putting off writing this letter for months now. It was time it got done.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(I feel like the first thing Orion would do when they make port is take everyone to like a clothing shop of some sorts and get new clothes for everyone because, in Orions words probably "why wouldn't you want to look fabulous?")
(im glad yall like him though! I didn't realize how loved he would be XD)