forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(i beleive any of them. Pyria ran into Orion in the stairwell. They're just kinda there rn. I ended my post when they saw eachother for reaction time. But Inez and Kavo are after Pyria so they could be there as well.)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(if you'd like to you can! i think it would help a little but i think Jaiden would need to reply either way since Pyria is the one who everyones chasing and since she's the one who ran into Orion ya know?)
(sorry if im being difficult. btw)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo came scuttling around the corner, and stopped short.
The goblin was perched on the Siren's shoulder.
The Siren who should have been in the brig.

This was a whole new set of problems. Were they working together? Had the goblin lit the fire andset the explosions up as a diversion to get the Siren out? HAd the Siren somehow gotten the goblin to try to blow up the ship? How did the goblin get that dagger? If they were working together, why did the Siren look so surprised?

And what are they trying to do now?

The Karcaon crouched in the doorway, his arms and pincers spead wide, waiting. The only way he left them to go through was back through the crew quarters, and he could head them off on the other side if he was quick.
They were both threats, and needed to be contained.

Deleted user

(aa sorry i missed this; celeste, you really are keeping us all on track haha and i can do whatever is convenient.)

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Pyria chitters at Orion curiously before hissing at Kavo.

"No like crabman. He big and loud."

She tosses a bit of something at Kavo. When it hits the ground at his feet, it produces a loud bang and a burst of flame.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo wasn't expecting the flashbang, but he didn't move, trusting his carapace to handle the explosion.
He held his ground, and the flashbang only succeeded in waking the day shift sailors sleeping all around the Siren and goblin.
They scrambled out of bunks and hammocks, looking for a fight, and saw the two combatants in their midst. There was a pause.
Kavo made sure he was covering the doorway fully, so their only options were to deal with half the crew, grumpy and punped full of adrenaline from being woken up suddenly, or to come through him.

He kinda hoped they'd try him.

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Inez stopped abruptly as she saw the… Siren? No, a man. He closely resembled the Siren she'd seen before, though. She flinched before noticing his human figure, a bit consoled by this, until she saw Pyria on his shoulder. It reminded her vaguely of a witch and familiar. The goblin held a dagger, the Si- man a knife. Inez's sword lowered. The man looked surprised by Pyria, but he could be working with her. He did have a knife, so maybe he'd planned to do something while the fire was distracting the others..?

Inez glared at the goblin, then let herself focus on the face in front of Pyria. He really did look like the Siren. She vaguely remembered similar wounds on his face and arms, but he was still human. Was it possible he wasn't? She decided to ask flat ou-

"No like crabman," Pyria said, holding something other than her dagger. "He big and loud." Throwing something at Kavo's feet, yet another explosion surfaced, sending smoke into the air. The Siren-like man looked a bit set off by this, so it seemed unlikely now that they were working together. Several men woke and stood around them, Kavo blocking an exit. Silence fell, Inez not sure who to swing at if anyone at all. She positioned the blade in a defensive stance.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captains quill hesitated again, he scratched out the word he'd just written, with such violence that the paper ripped. Meaning he'd have to start again. Axel crumpled the paper into a ball, letting it fall onto the desk. The tall man growled softly, he looked frustrated, trying to split his attention between being on guard and writing. It tuns out he was a terrible multi-tasker. He liked to give one thing his complete and undivided attention and doing that one thing until it was done, then he could latch on to something new and do that. It gave Axel something to channel all of his energy into, in a way that still managed to be destructive, just usually not for himself.

So crumpling up the ruined paper, the Captain decided to abandon letter writing for now. It could wait, he'd put it off so long a little extra time wouldn't truly matter. He glared at the paper, suddenly bolting upright and hurling it at the wall. It hit the other end of the cabin with little noise, bouncing a few times before coming to a stop.

Then an explosion sounded. For the briefest, split second, Silver-Tongue thought it was the paper that made the sound, then the shock cleared and he recognized the sound from coming outside. He cursed, his old habit of smelling the air for smoke and burning wood came back in a flash, no sailor rested easy knowing there was even a spark on the ship. The Captain threw open his door, looking around for the cause of the disturbance. Down the hall seeing.. What the hell?

Half the day-shift had woken up, startled and potentially angry, Kavo stood at the end of the hallway, standing with Inez, blocking off any access to more of the hallway. And the oddest sight, was the goblin creature from before standing with a man. Just from a side profile the man looked agonizingly similar to the Siren that was supposed to be in the brig, in a cell, not in the middle of the ship. Whoever was responsible was not going to have a fun time(they already haven't T^T), and the Captain took in a deep breath. Slowly, he crossed his arms, leaning against the wall, watching with amused eyes. His guns were still with him, though the sword had been abandoned on the writing desk.

As long as the ship didn't catch on fire, this should be fun. And if it wasn't? Then the Captain would step in, and make sure something happened.

Deleted user

(Oo dayumn! It's gettin' spiceh up in here!)
(Sorry about length ;-;)

Pyria considers the situation, then reaches into the satchel at her side.

She pulls out a vile of brilliant green liquid and smiles.

"Greek fire. Ship go bye-bye if you kill me or man I'm on. Got it?"

Deleted user

(Oo dayumn! It's gettin' spiceh up in here!)
(Sorry about length ;-;)

(hell yeah)

Deleted user

(Omg I love all of this XD I'm sorry I can't post right now D:)

(its fine! take your time)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo thought quickly, frantically trying to remember if he'd ever encountered Greek fire before.
The military ship he'd been on in his youth had run across someone using a weapong called 'Roman flames', and he wasn't sure if it was the same, but… it certainly looked similar.
He remembered the captain and lieutenants bellowing for vinegar, and latched onto that memory, hoping he was right.
"Inez." He leaned over to the girl. "Do you ever cook with vinegar? We're going to need some soon."
He hoped she could find it. It might be the only thing that saved them.
If she could find it. And if he was right. And if she could get back in time, and if the greek fire was the same as Roman flame, and if Kavo could deploy the vinegar in enough time to neutralize the fire, and…

That was a lot of 'if's.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Orion almost jumped out of his scales-well…skin, when the goblin monkey thing jumps on his shoulder. Though he stays still, not wanting to cause it to do anything rash. Especially when it was so close to his neck.
He stands there in place, looking from the goblin to Kavo and Inez. Kavo seemed to somehow figure it out imediately as if he knew sirens were able to shift, taking the form of man. It was rare, but occasionally it happened. Many who found out never lived to tell the tale so it was never written in any book or painted in any murals.
So how did he know?
Inez on the other hand didn't seem to have figured it out. Not to his surprise. And thank goodness she hadn't either. The fewer people knew, the better.
He looks to Pyria then to everyone else "You heard it-her..them" he turns to the goblin, "sorry we're not really that close yet" he whispers to the goblin with a shrug before whipping his head back to Kavo and Inez.
Orion lets out a white smile filled with pointy teeth when Pyria mentions keeping him safe. "yeah!" he says happily, his grin wide "what the goblin says!" he says, though doing a double take when he hears the words greek fire.
He was well aware of what that was and his eyes widen, really not liking the idea of yet another fire.
Orion just couldn't seem to catch a break today could he?
His goat like bronze eyes latch onto to Kavo. He was repulsed by his features and it never helped with the fact that he watched him rip his friends to pieces. He holds a steady glare at him "Dont make this any harder than it has to be man" he says to the crab man.

Deleted user

Orion just couldn't seem to catch a break today could he?

(no, no he could not.)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo seemed to somehow figure it out imediately as if he knew sirens were able to shift, taking the form of man. It was rare, but occasionally it happened. Many who found out never lived to tell the tale so it was never written in any book or painted in any murals.
So how did he know?

(This is a good question. Didn't realize it was privileged info. Will give him a reason to know XD )