forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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Pyria hisses.

"Be careful, yous will blow this place sky high-" she starts before the vial detonates. She growls.

"Well shit." she says.

She reaches into her pouch and pulls out a vial of white chemical, scampering up the stairs and dousing all the fires with the thing. She goes back down.

"Dumbasses. I tolds you it was not usual Greek Fire."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo breathed a small sigh of relief as the goblin reacted as expected. He flashed her a smile as she descended back into the hold, berating him.
"I mean, you put it out, soooo… looks like my gamble paid off." He had made the assumption that if she wanted to join the crew, shw wouldn't let the ship burn.
He stuck a hand out. "Name's Kavo. And if you're looking to get your share of loot as a crewmember, try talking to the Captain instead of holding his ship hostage. You'll get farther." He nodded at the Captain's door. "Think you've already met him, but that's your best shot."

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Inez awaited a more clearer response than "friend". "I'm, uh-" The man opened the door and two men emerged. He greeted them, and they looked slightly confused. "Oh, there you are! I was looking everywhere for you guys!" He pats one of them on the shoulder, as if saying hello to an old friend. He did this then used a hand gesture Inez hadn't seen before at Kavo.
Kavo quickly snatched the vial out of Pyria's possession, setting it down and lifting Orion up by his collar while a man took the Greek fire away. Inez was relieved. "Good question, although I think he just told us."
Pyria started to hiss something to Kavo as something else explodes. She extinguished the fire quickly. Inez thought back on the entire situation, wondering if Pyria intended to join the ship the entire time; She respected her 'act first, ask later' mentality, but maybe not entirely in this context.
"You put it out, so… looks like my gamble paid off." Kavo said to Pyria. Inez placed the vinegar on the floor, distracted. She hopelessly attempted to make the difficult-looking hand gesture Orion gave Kavo, well aware that it was probably disrespectful, but couldn't adjust her fingers in the right position anyway. Kavo kept talking to the Siren-man and goblin.
"…If you're looking to share loot as a crewmember, try talking to the Captain. You'll get farther." Inez looked up. "Think you've already met him, but that's your best shot." He continued. Inez didn't comprehend Pyria's desire to be on the ship. Nor did she understand anything about the familiar man, or why Kavo was talking like he'd met him before. Was it possible he had? Inez waited for something else to happen. Her attempt to clear tension earlier was… unsuccessful, to be blunt.

(I said it'd take "a sec" but yeah that was an understatement as you can see-)

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She hopelessly attempted to make the difficult-looking hand gesture Orion gave Kavo, well aware that it was probably disrespectful, but couldn't adjust her fingers in the right position anyway.

(This is the funniest thing I've read today. thank you XD )

(bows you are very welcome :D)

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Pyria huffs and brushes herself off.

"Fine. I talk wet dogman. Only for a little bit. If I no get what I want. . ." she says, her sentence trailing off with a small, violent smirk.

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(somewhat untrustworthy goblin with explosives and a very unpredictable man with guns and a sabre. yet again, what could go wrong?)

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(Lol, Pyria could end up just detonating a firecracker in the captain's breakfast one morning, she could put pressure-sensitive explosives everywhere in his cabin, she could boobytrap the ship's wheel so that when he touches it next it blows up in his face. Or she could end up absolutely adoring the captain. The first option is the most likely XD )

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Hey guys I've been working doubles back to back the past few days so I haven't been on notebook like at all. I'm sorry. I'll try my best to get a post up tonight. Again, my apologies)

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(that sounds tiring,, and,, it's okay! take your time! :))

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Orion's life seemed to flash before his eyes as the large crab man came barrelling towards him, grabbing the greek fire from the goblin. He attempts to dodge his arm reaching towards him, though Orion wasn't too used to his legs yet so he wobbled a little as if he were on a balance beam as he tries. (You could say Orion has… sea legs? 0.0)
With such force, Orion was caught with the collar of his shirt in the crab mans hand, raised off of the floor.
To Kavo's words, Orion listens carefully even to what he was saying to the goblin on his shoulder. His mind spins in circles, not able to fully grasp what was happening, as it all was going by so fast.
He raises his brows at the confidence of the crab man, as if nothing could possibly defeat him or go against him. It was nothing compared to the captain but it was remarkable nonetheless. And Orion didn't doubt his confidence either.
Having seen how he relentlessly tore apart his friends with no visible weaknesses other than his emotions that were brought out when the sirens sang.
And now with the crab man dangling Orion like a piece of meat on a fork with such strength caused Orions hope to dwindle to small pieces like shards of fiberglass.
He swallows hard, furrowing his brows as he lets out coughs "Ya know, you could let me down now. Doesn't look like id get very far with you on my ass" he says, reaching up to his neck as he lets out yet another cough.
He looks over to Inez "help a guy out would ya?" he calls over to her, his voice getting more raspy and weak the longer he's held up by his collar.

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though Orion wasn't too used to his legs yet so he wobbled a little as if he were on a balance beam as he tries. (You could say Orion has… sea legs? 0.0)

(i love these puns so much)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo had been fairly certain the man he was dangling from a pincer was the Siren, but his words about not getting very far confirmed it. He'd been able to hear that slight residual low hum of magic around the man, and nobody on the crew had made that sound before. The face had been the same, and the man had run, which had made Kavo pretty sure the Siren had transformed somehow. Pretty impressive. Gotta watch this one.
He didn't set the man down, though he did shift his grip to the hem of his pants, instead of the collar, so he wouldn't choke him. "You might not get far, but getting anywhere is too far, since you were supposed to be in the brig." Not his job, but he had to wonder who the idiot was that had been tricked into letting the Siren out.
Kavo scuttled back through the crew quarters, carrying the Siren, and came out the other side in front of the Captain's cabin. He knocked on the door, glancing back at Pyria.
"Captain Silver-tongue, got two troublemakers here whom you might want to see. One wanting to join, the other trying to leave." Funny how they'd wound up together.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain had waited for the knock on his door. He hadn't been sure who would walk through it, and by the voice of Kavo it meant that the crew had at least partially handled the stowaways. Knowing that someone would walk in, Axel had made sure to be in an appropriately dramatic position, one leg languidly thrown onto the desk, arms rested on the sides of his chair like a throne. An easy air of confidence surrounded him. He wanted these people to come to him, to have to go out searching for them meant that they had a portion of power over him. Something Silver-Tongue detested.

Even in his position, the Captain still knew where his weapons were and the quickest way to get to them in the event of a fight. One never actually relaxed around enemies, only gave the illusion of it. You learned it, or died. Clearing his throat, Silver-Tongue called out to the other side of the door.

"Bring them in!"

One wanting to join? Probably the goblin creature, it looked mentally unstable enough. The Captain shifted, his fresh washed hair fell in damp curls around his face, cleaned of the blood. But a man like Silver-Tongue could never quite wash the smell of blood from his hands, or the murder in his eyes.

One wanting to leave. At a guess, it was likely the pretty man. Again, he looked achingly similar to the Siren, but if it wasn't, and it was some freak coincidence.. Well. What was a man like that doing on a ship like this? What could entice them to stowaway on a pirate ship? Before the door cracked open, the Captain chuckled lightly, sleep was forgotten and exhaustion easily washed away with the excitement of a new encounter.

Maybe he'd offer them a drink.

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Knowing that someone would walk in, Axel had made sure to be in an appropriately dramatic position,

(yup thats axel alright)

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Inez quickly looked up as the man was yanked upwards. Orion looked to her. "Help a guy out, would ya?" He asked nonchalantly- or, he would have, had it not been for his breathlessness. She took a step forward. "Sure, I-" Then remembered the context; Kavo seems to know this guy. He really does look like the Siren… It seemed more prominent with each moment. There's no way, right? There was a pang of familiarity in the voice, too. The tone, and in his face, and… Inez's eyes flickered between the men.
That has to be a Siren.
Kavo shifted his grip so Orion wouldn't suffocate, but Inez didn't step back. He continued. "You might not get far, but getting anywhere is too far, since you were supposed to be in the brig." The brig? Must've missed something, for better or for worse. Kavo began to walk out. Inez followed and glanced back at the room, the men confused. She turned back and followed. Wherever Kavo was taking the man, she didn't know. Until she Pyria at the captain's door. Kavo met her there. Inez stopped for a moment. 'Escape'… they were keeping the Siren here? Why? She caught up with the rest, then hesitated to continue forward, staying a safe three feet away from the rest. Being close to the captain's line of sight would draw attention to her blatant absence earlier, and it'd be more favorable- in her opinion- to procrastinate on any mention of it for as long as possible.

More than she was concerned about the captain's reaction toward her, Inez tried to fathom what he'd do to Orion now that he'd try to escape. Only half for her own sanity. She was surprised by her empathy towards the intruder, who was now a hostage. All there was to do right then, though, was to stare at the door.
The door opened and Inez peered past the others. Captain Silver-Tongue sat in a dramatic position, likely on purpose. He laughed a bit, not necessarily a good sign. The weapons that were stowed around the room added to this. But who knows at this point?

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo opened the Captain's door, slowly, and stepped in. He dropped the Siren unceremoniously in a heap on the floor in front of the desk, before turning and gesturing at the goblin to come join them. He then positioned himself in the doorway.
Axel Silver-tongue was fully capable of protecting himself from either threat, but Kavo wasn't taking any chances on the two running amok in the ship again.
He nodded over his shoulder at Inez, and made sure she could see in under one of his pincers, the poor curious dear.