forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Mm, as soon as the Captain can argue Orion into "joining" the crew, I think we're heading to an island, we could pick up your character there? I think in your backstory you mentioned he was insane somewhere on an island? Or Davadio's idea, he could be on a ghost ship or something, that could be fun!)

Deleted user

(yeah i was thinking the same thing, i think they either have work or something else)

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(ok! its mostly comprised of traditional sketches ive done of her- also, she doesn't really match her original description, I'm not sure what happened there but maybe that's just another moment where she wrote herself?)

Deleted user

(ahaha thanks! I'm not that good lol, I can tell from your art it won't take long for you to get really really good :))

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Mm, okay, Celeste is officially on hiatus, and this scene is highly dependent on Orion. I don't want to touch her character without permission so I'd like a consensus. One thing we can do is hop right into introducing vimes character, we find land, we go, we have that scene. Another, we could just drop this scene for now, everyone takes a nap, and then we do stuff. Or anything else that people want to do or suggest! I'd just like to put it out to the group for everyone to decide!)

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(Yeah, agreed. I think continuing the scene later is good, and maybe we should introduce vimes in the meantime, assuming it's the next day. But yeah, if anyone else has a suggestion thats good with me too!)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(We could just store this scene in the time bubble to open later, lol. Not everything needs to make total sense, a timeskip could neatly solve our problems by fast forwarding a few hours. But again, I'd like to hear what everyone thinks.)

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("time bubble" gonna use that term whenever i skip over something now because i always write my favorite scenes first)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

(so I had a thought, but please other people speak up. If the captain says he wants a private conversation with orion, the rest of us could go find something to do, like go back to sleep or rest. Then when we wake up, the only time we have to account for later is whatever happened while everyone else was resting and that would only involve Orion and the captain. We could move on to finding Vimes' character that way)