forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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"I will do what I want, crabman." Pyria hisses.

"And as for touching me again, don't." she adds, brushing herself off.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo smirked to himself as he turned to go back down. "I'm sure you will. And Ill keep my grubby pincers to myself as long as you keep your grubby paws to yourself." He headed back to the Captain's cabin below deck, deciding that the goblin wasn't his problem. If they burned the ship down, they could deal with the aftermath without him trying to mitigate things.
He stayed outside the cabin door this time, waiting to see if he'd be needed. He rather doubted it, but.
You never knew on the Deceit.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

When Kavo's grip adjusted to Orion's pant line his eyes widen and he raises his eyebrows "slow down handsome. At least take me to dinner first" Orion says to him, putting his hands up as if he were being held at gunpoint.
"I will say, I've never been flirted with this….rough," he says with a shrug, trying his best to fight the urge to yank away from the giant crab man. "Oh, we should come up with a safe word! You know, before things get too rough" he says with a wink, knowing there was no use in trying to fight him after seeing that he was basically immortal from his giant, razor-sharp claws, and his brute strength to his impenetrable armor-like skin.
Now that his loved ones weren't being ripped to shreds and he wasn't focused on trying to escape at the moment, Orion's true personality was shining almost as bright as the moon above them. He was quick, witty, flirty, and most of all, sassy as hell. And he thought he was the shit lemme tell ya.

When they are all brought to the captain's quarters, Orion's muscles tense but he keeps his cool, not wanting to show any more weakness than he already had.
(I'm going to assume Kavo still has a hold of him. I couldn't find when he let go of him either. I tried to find out but I couldn't seem to find anything that specified. I'm sorry if I missed it though.)
Stumbling into the room, his body still being held on a tight leash by Kavo's hands by his pants. His eyes stray from Kavo to the goblin as it disrespectfully jumps on the desk in front of the captain, asking to be a part of the crew.
Wait… a part of the crew?? Who would want to be a part of this wretched crew? For the gold? For the title? Or so even more morally twisted and sick pirates can come together and create more havoc, chaos, and suffering.
Orion is surprised, to say the least when the goblin mentions him in the deal, not expecting it. He lets his dark lips curl into a smirk and he looks to Kavo, nudging his side with his elbow "as least someone loves me here"
you tell him, miss goblin-thing he thinks to himself smugly
Though when the captain starts to speak up again, his face turns serious and his eyes soften into a glare. He couldn't stand looking at the serpent, let alone talking to him. How could he after what he's done?
Kavo at least tore his friends up quickly, his intention only to kill and end life. Axel on the other hand loved to watch the suffering. He thrived off of the suffering, pain, and grief of others. It sickened Orion, to say the least.
But even now he holds his ground. Looking him in his snake-like eyes as he speaks. As those gross words slither off of that tongue like water off a duck's back.
"i don't know about yall, but everything's going pretty smoothly on my end," he says, looking around at everyone. "I've got a hunk of a crustacean flirting with me, a goblin on my side, a cute girl for company and an audience with the captain." he replies "though, you look much-much worse up close. Thought I should let you know that. Might wanna do something with your uh- everything"
When Kavo lets go of Orion and grabs a hold of the goblin, he was tempted to reach toward the creature but he decides against it. He wanted to help her to return the favor but figured he would try to do so another time.

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(its ok! since this one is kinda centered around him i wanted to let him have a sec to step in)

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"And you will not harm that man any more than you already have." Inez nodded in agreement, even if the man in the room could not see her. She wondered how Pyria knew about Orion, though. It was possible she had better hearing than most. The captain continued speaking to Pyria.

From outside the door, Inez listened to the stark contrast in conversations. Well, Kavo and the Siren were a bit one-sided. Less of a conversation. She held back hysterical laughter at the entire thing, maybe the exhaustion trying to step in. She knew this but decided to ignore it.
"…I don't know about yall, but…-" Inez considered coming in and screaming at him to shut up. He'd already seen how captain Silver-Tongue would react.
"Yous didn't agree to the terms I set with the man."
Kavo escorts Pyria outside.
Inez slips into the room quickly, her weapon facing the ground so as not to look hostile. She tried to catch Orion's eye and indicate the severity of what he was doing. She didn't know if it whether or not stepping in was a mistake, but she rarely thought twice, and then wasn't one of those times. She saw the look in the Captain's eye and chose to stay. If he was distracted by her reappearance, maybe, at least some of the negative attention would be off Orion. So long as he didn't tempt him anymore. If you can't choose between loyalty and morals, why not disguise one with the other? "Captain, I'd like to apologize for-" There was a word for that, wasn't there? "My absence." That.
(sorry for the shorter reply)

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("Miss goblin thing" XD nobody is sure what she even is exactly! Then again, she has rabbit ears, humanoid cat paws for front hands [opposable thumbs, obviously] and cat eyes, plus a kind've elongated face like a wolf's snout, and a sinouous tail reminiscient of a monkey's [the rest of her is basically a monkey's body as well]. It'd be a bit difficult to tell lol.)

Pyria chitters something rude in Goblin then bounds away, scaling the nets and sails to get to the crow's nest.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

As the goblin thing was escorted out, the Captain's eyes slid back to Orion. The Siren had spoken, it seemed cocky, a gamble. It occurred to Axel that he'd been fairly merciful today, though maybe the chilled chunks of flesh disagreed. He stayed dead silent for a long, long moment. Taking in a shallow breath through his mouth, the tip of his tongue just barely poking out, he tasted the air again. The clothes smelled of blood, booze, and other bodies, so it was likely one of the hired help, someone nameless.. If they weren't dead already, they would be.
The smell of the creatures skin was unmistakable, the smell of the ocean in every pore and those bronze eyes that hated his very existence. It was thrilling. Maybe Axel was even a little bit flattered, all he had to do to get a permanent place in the Sirens mind was to murder and maim his whole family. It really wasn't too hard.

The Captain was still lounging in his chair, though he seemed on the cusp of rising, of doing.. something. When a young girl barreled through the door, which made the man's hands go to his guns, but they twitched away just as quickly as he recognized Inez.

"Captain, I'd like to apologize for-" A pause. "My absence." It genuinely took Silver-Tongue a whole 10 seconds to realize what Inez was talking about. He frowned slightly, looking taken off guard, momentarily speechless. The little cook was worried abut that?? Now?? The ridiculousness of it made Axel's lips curl upwards, and he looked like he was holding back a laugh.

"Inez, lass. You're new, I doubt you've got your sea-legs, much less a stomach for blood. I'm impressed you lasted as long as you did!" The Captain sounded.. Proud? He was different with his crew, these people were his. And the Captain liked to think he took care of his belongings. He liked Inez well enough, she was a good cook and she seemed loyal. Just a tad squeamish, and that could be remedied over time. The Captains eyes softened slightly, and he chuckled, shaking his head, his angry tension from before dispelled. He rested his chin on his fist, looking from Orion to Inez, shaking his head again.

"What am I to do with you two..? Hm?" He finally stood, and while he was in a cheerier mood, he never quite turned his back on either of them. Axel walked over to his drink cabinet, unstopping one bottle and sniffing it, before grimacing and grabbing something else. A clear bottle with a dark liquid in it, despite its unorthodox look and bottle, it was red wine. Silver-Tongue looked up, waving the bottle at the two.

"Anyone want anything?" A smile, showing teeth, and eyes ready for a game, rather than murder.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(.. I just realized I'm running Axel like I would if I was DMing a villain in a DnD campaign lol I feel like I'm making everyone do checks to see how bad the outcome is gonna be XD)

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(pyria set the room on fire, roll for a dexterity saving throw")

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Kavo has a maxed strength stat XD Orion has an ability that gives him advantage on charisma attack rolls. Uhh Inez has -2 intelligence. The Captain has high deception? This is fun :D)

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(Pyria has +2 to knowledge checks to not blow herself up and +2 to Reflex saves to avoid getting trapped in her own explosions)

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(-2 intelligence, sounds about right- id say her strong suit is dexterity, and axel definitely has a deception advantage)

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(Pyria has -2 to Charimsa and Wisdom [she's a goblin, what do you expect?] -2 to Strength and Intimidate, +2 to Bluff checks [subtype of threatening to blow stuff up if people don't do something])

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Inez waited for a response, staring blankly. Did he not hear her? He grinned. "Inez, lass," He had. "You're new, I doubt you've got your sea-legs, much less a stomach for blood. I'm impressed you lasted as long as you did!" He almost sounded joyful. Inez was slightly embarrassed but forced herself to laugh a bit with him anyway. "What am I to do with you two, hm?" Inez shifted, glanced around. The captain stood and she watched him carefully. He seemed more cheerful, but in a controlled manner. The girl was surprised by her ability to distract, piecing words together to make a legible, formal sentence. She watched Axel's hands, which hopefully wouldn't be seen next with any of the weapons scattered around the room. He opened a cabinet and hovered over what appeared to be liquor, and eventually chose a dark red wine. He waved it precariously towards the two. "Anyone want anything?" He asked. Inez was at the very least aware of her weakness to alcohol. "Ah, no, I really shouldn't," Inez says nervously, smiling.

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(Hi guys! I’m still having a hard time figuring out where to jump in. Any ideas? No obligation to help once again, I’m just struggling and would love to participate!)