forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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"Oh. Um. Shinies. Yes." Inez responded. 'Shinies'? She had to admit, she admired the goblin's drive to steal, but explosions didn't seem necessarily favorable in this context. Inez decided to give the idea the benefit of the doubt, to say that theoretically the firey outbursts from stories she had heard being told to children were based on something real. She clicked rhythmically, thinking about her next move; It'd probably be best to explain to Kavo about her inability to read then address the pyromaniac passenger to the captain. Hopefully her alerting him might distract or make up for her absence. She also remembered leaving her sword and jacket on the deck. She wondered if the sword had slidden off the edge by now, not used to neglecting it like she wa-
"Augh," Inez put her middle and index fingers on her forehead. This she assumed was now the aftermath of whatever fever dream she was having because of the Siren's song. She hoped the burning would end soon, too, since it was beginning to be inconvenient. It reminded her of a mild version of a hangover. Composing herself, she addressed the problem at hand. "Come with me." She said to the goblin. "What'd you say your name was?" Inez asked, opening the door. It was dark now, and wondered if she didn't see the goblin whether or not The Deceit's firey demise would be lighting the sky.
She could tell things had calmed down, since the ship was moving again and the gunshots and yelling were gone.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Mm, I'm just trying to think how he's going to end up working for The Deceit? I don't want to handicap your freedom too much, so I'd like to let Orion do stuff freely, but I can't figure out how, any suggestions?)

Deleted user

(obviously he isnt my character but i think orion would be good at fishing)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(oh i was just thinking over time in the roleplay we build up to it instead of having to have his freedom immediately. if that makes sense. I don't mind his freedom be handicapped rn)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

(you're right, Lemon, but I think ScotchTape was asking more about how to convince Orion to work for the Deceit after all that)
(Perhaps an exchange? A year of work for his freedom at the end?)
(Maybe Silver-tongue sells him off, Orion gets put up at a slave auction of some sort, and Silver-tongue buys him back, for less than he sold Orion for, of course. Reasoning could be his mood randomly swings to only wanting the siren to kneel for him?)

Deleted user

(oh right i suppose anyone might be a bit reluctant to work for someone who just yknow killed their friends-)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Mm! Yeah, I just want to think ahead, obviously we work up to it, but I was just wondering if you had any ideas. I like Davadio's ideas, but its your character! Just wanted some input if you had any :D )

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(yeah thats fine!! The only plan i had for him so far was that Orion was going to turn into his human form, use the knife he's hidden in the corpse to kill/threaten one of the crewmates. (he would kill him but i dont want to kill one of your npcs without your permission haha. and thatd piss Axel off i feel like XD)
(but with that he'd kinda try to sneak around his ship to try to kill the Axel. I was thinking maybe he's like "oh im impressed alright. Work for me and ill let you free in [insert random about of time here])

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(i like that idea too!!! And it's like besties but Liyas totally is crushin :3)
(i did that to leave room for romance on The Deceit for Orion haha. Bc i love myself some romance ^3^)
(it can be like a mix maybe?)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

( omg- all of the dramatic options. Also, you technically killed a bunch of my npc's with the Siren attack lol, they're free to kill if you so see fit! I'll work with whatever you come up with :DD )

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Oh oof i guess you're right XD)
(and thank you ^^ Though unless silver tongue has clothes lying around, theyre gonna find a naked corpse somewhere and Orion will not apologies. I am apologizing on his behalf XD)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(PFT- No Liyas legit sounded so cute. And thanks for the advanced apology XD I look forward to seeing what happens. I motion that I have no control over Silver-Tongue. He does what he wants and I'm sorry T^T )

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(oh trust me i know he does what he wants! i love it though! I know a lot of people like project what they feel about the situation onto their character but like Silver-Tongue is his own dude. Like-there literally is no controlling him XD and i adore him for it! great character!)
(also i literally love Liyas. I just made him but im already so attached and i hope we'll see more of him later in the roleplay)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

( I literally just start the first few words, and the characters write themselves haha, and YES WE WOULD LOVE MORE LIYAS :DD Though- Maybe without weapons around this time?)