forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo watched the Captain's mood swing wide from what it had been. Somehow, the Siren's attempt to taunt him or barb him or jab at him or otherwise bother him had… well, failed was putting it mildly.
Silver-tongue seemed weirdly happy.
He thought for a long moment, before barking orders. The sailors who hadn't been part of the willing party to drag the sirne and corpses into the brig jumped at the chance to show they were just as loyal, by fishing out corpses. Kavo was about to join them, when the Captain stepped up to him.
Kavo did indeed know where Harpsford Bay was, and began running calculations in his head about travel time and speed and wind direction and tilt, before he was pulled from that by the question about Inez. He noted the Captain's displeasure, and his volatile mood, and immediately did his best to shield the gentle cook.
"Sir, I sent her below to find something to take care of this." He indicated the wound on his chest. It was shallow, and had already clotted, but it was his best excuse, and honesty was the best policy with a madman. "I can retrieve her if you'd like, since I sent her off." The Karcaon made sure to put the responsibility on his shoulders as much as possible, so the volatile Captain would have no reason to blame Inez for missing his spectacle.

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Pyria pauses, tilting her head. Considering.

After a moment, she hisses again and goes back to placing the violent shinies down, then steps back and smiles.

"Boom." she says, pointing at the ship, then at the fuses, metals and gunpowder.

She makes a clapping gesture, which produces sparks and the sound of flint striking steel.

She does it again.

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(inez would appreciate this if she had a brain and understood what kavo has been doing for her)

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(Just saw the replies, I’ll get a character up shortly! Maybe ship’s mechanic turned first mate? Idk.)

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(hey any time when youre not struggling for your life is a good time together)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain waved Kavo off, if he sent the Karcaon to find Inez, he'd just end up having to wait around even more. He was restless, not quite sure what to do with himself after the violence and blood was over. A part of his chest felt hollowed out and empty, compared to the thrill of before.
"Ignore it, I'll…" Silver-Tongue trailed off, unsure of where he was going with his own sentence. The tall man looked.. Distant, and highly distracted. If he'd sat and thought about it long enough, the Captain probably would have pressed on such a weak excuse, the wound was hardly life-threatening, but as it was the Captain waved it off. Maybe the girl got a bit too green at the gills with all the gore, or she had wanted to do something on her own. His mind couldn't stay on one topic too long anyways, his mind wandering from thing to thing.

Not finishing his half-constructed sentence, the pirate captain left the crab-man standing on the deck, retreating to his own cabin. The crew would handle themselves, both satisfied and afraid from the show, a good combination to have in general. The Captains quarters contained many silks, either hanging from the ceiling in weirdly intricate braids, or laid across other furniture in no discernible pattern or reason to it. The only thing resembling a theme was that all of the furniture was of a kind of dark, expensive wood, making the shadows look deeper in the corners, really selling the illusion of walking into a beasts den.

There were many things to look at, some would say too many, the room had so many oddities as to assault the eyes, every object vying for attention over another. Treasures and trinkets set up seemingly at random. But what was usually noticed was, instead of a window, a small tank was set up where one would be. It vaguely resembled a fish tank, mixed with a terrarium. It wasn't filled with water, but was instead a little ecosystem with a little pool in the side, a small house set up, and lots of vegetation filling it.

Still deeply engrossed in thought, the Captain approached the tank, knocking some food in it for Trix. Amused as the little pixie creature poked its head out of its little home. As always, she glared at him and made a rude gesture before going to retrieve whatever food he vaguely assumed little beasties like her ate, probably destroying her diet. As she searched, she kept glancing up at the Captain warily, looking more on edge than usual. Trix was a little fairy creature, with delicate wings that resembled a dragonflies and she couldn't have stood at over an inch and a half tall. She had leaf-green eyes and brown hair that didn't go past her thin neck. She used to be able to speak, but it was in an annoying tinkling sort of way, so she couldn't speak anymore. Silver-Tongue watched her for a few moments, before she found the food he'd left her and she retreated to her home. He wasn't quite sure why he kept the fairy, though he was 80% sure she was good luck, maybe he liked being able to have a creature firmly sat in a box that he could move, something he could crush in the palm of his hand if he wanted.

Besides, now that Trix couldn't make much noise anymore, it was a cute little pet. With a deep sigh, the Captain ran his hand through his hair, he probably looked frightful. With all the blood coating him, it was no wonder the little dear looked scared. For now, Axel settled on a change of clothes, switching out his usual jacket for a deep purple one, changing his stained shirt while he was at it. Taking a wash cloth in his calloused hands, Axel began to clean off his neck and hands as well, though Siren blood seemed particularly stubborn to remove from skin.

He sat in one of his chairs, heaving out a long sigh. It had been a long day and the pirate captain was thoughtful. He could feel his muscles begin to relax, starting at his lower spine. Silver-Tongue lounged like a cat, one leg thrown over the arm of the chair, his arm hung down the back. With his free hand he picked up a book, aimlessly flipping through it as he decided whether to do something else or sleep. He still felt tense, which was odd, he usually got the best sleep directly after a fight. Dark brows knitted themselves into a frown, the air still didn't taste quite right.. It was unsettling.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Just saw the replies, I’ll get a character up shortly! Maybe ship’s mechanic turned first mate? Idk.)

(I'd be fine with that! Do whatever you feel like feels in-character, I won't mind if you make up your own backstory or assumptions about interactions or whatever, we'll find a way to roll with it, yeah? )

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Inez saw the way sparks flew as the goblin(??? she wasn't quite sure) clapped her hands. Oblivious to the fact that explosives were an actual thing, and not a myth, she blinked cluelessly. "Um, okay. Anyway…" She turned back to the shelves, then turned back around quickly. If Sirens were real, then surely explosives were, too, right? Was that possible? "Are you gonna blow up the-" The goblin (definitely a goblin) looked confused. Inez realized that it was unlikely the new face could speak the same language, if at all. She had a similar experience when she was younger, and vividly remembered using some kind of strange sign language for words she didn't know. One specifically, what was it? Music? Right. She would symbol for what could either be a harp or guitar-like thing, she had no idea even now. Her lack of words never got in her way, but she ended up learning how to speak (enough) like a normal person by listening to others. Inez realized she was talking more in the past two weeks than she had in her entire life, possibly.
Inez pointed at the goblin. "You…" She signaled for a ship, floating, then drew her hands apart, making a comical explosion sound with her mouth. She wondered if she should be concerned about this, since it was possible Captain Silver-Tongue didn't know the little one was on the ship. But, again, were those explosion things real? It struck her that it was possible the goblin was also confused about their actuality. If they were, maybe she could distract her? "Anyway, uh…" She pointed to herself. "Inez." Then the goblin, waiting for a response.

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Pyria nods, giving the lady a pointed smile.

"Boom. Ship go boom. I get shinies to meself."

She claps again, and more sparks are produced.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo scuttled across the deck, and scrambled up the ladders and steps to the poop deck. He cracked his knuckles, unfastened the wheel, unlocked the levers, and lifted the anchor. The Deceit began drifting. Kavo adjusted the weights, tilting the ship into the wind, and cranked the wheel all the way around. Now, whenever the crew was done retrieving the Siren bits, they could just open the sails and the big ship would immediately turn all the way around as the wind caught them. From where they were now, it would be 2 days at nearly top speed.
He allowed himself a thought as he waited, making tiny adjustments to crank the most efficiency out of the ship. Inez had been gone a while, and he wanted to go let her know he'd sent her on a goose chase, if she was even still looking. His chest would be fine, he wasn't worried, but she had definitely looked upset by the goings on. Kavo wasn't of the opinion that all gentleness was weakness, and he didn't fault her for holding onto hers.
He watched as the crew dropped baskets usually reserved for fishing into the water, and hauled them back up on pulleys, full of siren body parts. He was seeing mostly fins and claws, occasionally whole baskets would come up full of arms, heads, or legs, and none of them looked fresh.
Kavo's eyes widened as he realized that was all his handiwork.
He hadn't quite realized how furious he was that they would drag his brother into this, but. Clearly, the Siren's song had touched a nerve.
And he had touched back…
It was another half hour before all the parts had been retrieved that could be. The crew set to opening sails, and Kavo watched as his calculations came out perfectly.
The Deceit swung around in a perfect arc, settling west, and they were off towards Harpsford Bay.

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(I really like all the details you put in about the actual sailing, its very intricate but still interesting to read)

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(I think thats more of a blessing than a curse, i end up having to look up very individual things in the middle of writing them (the most notorious being "can barbed wire kill you if you climb over it" and "metal prosthetic that doesnt conduct electricity") so it must be nice to have some prior knowledge of the subject instead of jumping right at an idea the moment you have it like i tend to do hahaha)

Deleted user

(Lol, poor Inez. Poor everybody.)
(With research, I generally know what I'm writing about, so research isn't generally a problem.)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Oh, research is fun, for me, I'll usually just write something and fake it till I make it or get so deep into a rabbit hole of looking into something that I can write an essay on it if I had to T^T )

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

After having to the endure excruciating pain of being carried in the net, the barbs scraping and pulling on his skin and scales, he's finally put into the hold.
THe crew plops him down on the floor almost as carelessly as they could before spitting in his face and calling him all sorts of names. Orion didn't care as much for the name calling, as that was normal. But he wanted to gag when they spit in his face. Hygiene was rare amongst pirates so he wasn't surprised when their spit leaves a disgusting smell on his skin and in the air.
They sneer and mock around him at him before one throws a cup of salt water on him, splashing all over him and the corpses he's forced to lay with.
Soon, they leave the room, leaving Orion to sit with himself and the bodies of his friends. Alone.
it's about damn time He thinks to himself with a heavy sigh.
Seeing as the sirens top half slipped through one of the holes in the net, Orion figured he would be able to if he turned human. Obviously with a few cuts here and there, he'd be able to make it out.
(sorry it's short)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(Short's fine! I'm mostly just waiting on a few things to wrap up, before we can start tying everything into one narrative thread! We're still in the introduction phase for like half the crew lol )