forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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(Lol, don't even know myself)
(Have fun, Scotch!)

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(Lol, we're finally done people, y'all can come back now!)

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(my first few posts are just so awful to me, i have some of it rewritten if i can switch it out? obviously actions are the same and nothing drastic, just re-worded)

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(thank you so much :))
(id have the originals there as well to show progress, sorry i forgot to add that lol)

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(Lemon, I, personally, think your posts are perfect the way they are I think they capture both yours and Inez's personalities perfectly. There's nothing to be ashamed of there!)

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(Yeah, they have. I think maybe temporary hiatus for both is the case, so we'll just wait)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

..Fire? Fire might work. The Captain hesitated on the idea though. Most sailors had an instinctual fear of an untamed flame. Let loose on a ship, it was the ruin of many fine vessels. An all consuming spark that left the survivors to the mercy of the waves. It was why he had runes set into the walls to provide light, magic was dangerous, but it probably wouldn’t sink the ship. Probably. Even Inez, when she cooked, had a very specific spot to have any kind of fire. And even then, a crewmember constantly had to monitor it.

Yet.. There was a tempting allure to it. It might burn down the whole island. The Captain was struggling to think if that was a benefit or a draw. It would be a small gamble.. He could hear Inez thinking it over next to him, perhaps her thought mirroring his own, perhaps not.

"You know, set fire to certain areas, letting that guide him to my ship?" Pyria spoke the words so casually, like they were the sensible conclusion to draw, the next step in the conversation. Axel froze.
He didn’t make a noise for a long moment, barely even moved a muscle, but a vein in his forehead looked like it wanted to burst.

Then, very slowly, he smiled. Wide.
“I think.. We are entirely over complicatin’ things. Just herd ‘im forwards… Towards.. Your ship.” The Captains tone was as cold as ice, his smile never wavering. The words burned his tongue to say. Before, when Pyria had gone off on their own, attacking someone he had made clear they were picking up, that was just a small disobedience. Pyria was crew, Juan was not. A breach of an order, but not unforgivable. This was different. The seeds of a plan were being planted in Axel’s mind.

Death was merciful. It was easy. Silver-Tongue was starting to realize he’d been much too merciful the past few days. Time to switch things up a little. The tall man strode forwards, spanning the gap with two large steps. Bending over to grab his fallen gun, dusting it off. He glanced at the madman, still rambling in a mix of languages, going back and forth. He made a grab for the mans wrist, trying to get him to stand and lead him to the shore.

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Juan made no move to go along, yet he didn’t actively protest. It was like he was catatonic, he kept mumbling things. None of which made sense. But that was the way he did things, that is, his own way. Normally, violence was an outlet for him, but with his brains scrambled what was there to let out?

He didn’t seem to be paying attention, eyes flitting from place to place but head never turning. He mostly just stared at the Captain’s shoes.

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Pyria smirks, indicating she'd been joking.


Although, if it came down to it? She'd mutiny in a heartbeat.

"Since he doesn't feel inclined to move without fire, why don't we try my way?"

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Inez nodded along, only slightly concerned in the back of her mind. That was until she realized how Pyria worded her bold statement. She looked up at the captain, half expecting him to reach for his gun on the spot. Instead he tensed up. Inez looked back away, her head now turned, but still staring at him, waiting for his response like a racer waiting for a gunshot. A comparison not that far off from what could become reality.
Inez's eyes widened with Axel's grin. Not necessarily a great sign, but hey, no goblins dead yet. She took an instinctive step back from the captain as he reached for the metal-bird-man. It was a sight. He was definitely crazy, he'd fit right in on The Deceit once everyone got over the wings. If he made it on board. Although fire sounded… efficient, it probably wouldn't end well with all that foliage around. The captain's idea didn't seem all that appealing either, but it's better than being burned alive. Pyria would probably do what she wanted anyway, but Inez decided she'd rather try and drag a bird man to The Deceit than use fire. Maybe another time. She stepped forward slightly. "…Can I do anything to help get him onboard?" A slightly amused smile crossed her face at the absurd sight.