forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain made a happy hissing noise, pleasantly surprised that their new mad friend didn't seem too bothered with him holding on to his wrist. Sometimes touch set them off, but watching the rambling, he couldn't help feel this one was.. Really far gone. It was like watching someones brains slowly leaking out of a crack in their skull, but knowing there was no bandage to keep everything in. With one ear he could hear Pyria again suggesting fire. It honestly ticked him off more than it should at the moment, like an irritated mosquito bite.

He had just opened his mouth to say something scathing when Inez stepped up. "…Can I do anything to help get him onboard?" The Captain let out an angry breath, but leaned forwards and grabbed Juans other arm, proffering it to her.


With a heave he moved the catatonic mans arm around his neck, like dragging a buddy, totally inebriated and going to go through hell in the morning, out of a pub. It was a bit awkward, seeing with all three of their height differences, it was an amusing picture. Axel had to stoop to support the shorter man. For just a split second, Axel was hit with the difference between the human girl and the goblin one. His grin dropped in concentration. At the moment he'd give his ring finger for two of Inez rather than an unstable, pyromaniacal goblin. As if anyone on this island was sane.

They needed to get back on the ship. They'd spent too long on their little detour and the Siren bits were not getting any fresher. Besides, they needed to prepare for their docking at Harpsford Bay, the new crew had to be vetted to see if they were trustworthy enough to go into town without screaming to the world that they were pirates! Or stabbing someone. Or stabbing someone and screaming. Axel honestly was a little bit excited to go to a normal town, their pirate friendly cove was cute, but didn't have the same accommodations or stores… and he wanted new boots.. maybe earrings.

But clothes shopping was currently being impeded by dragging a crazed avian man to his ship with a chef and a goblin he didn't trust as far as he could throw. Pirate problems.

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"Drag." Inez took Juan's wrist and mirrored Axel's movements. It was a bit easier to carry the man because of her height. She started walking after adjusting Juan's balance slightly. The circumstance wasn't favorable, but preferable over some other possibilities. At least then it was preferable, things usually change.

Juan's mix of English and what had to be a foreign language was thoroughly confusing, especially to someone like Inez. She remembered futile attempts to be taught speech, which she couldn't have cared less about and considered a nuisance. Watching other people got her far enough, in her opinion. The lyrics her parents used in their songs meant absolutely nothing to her, and if she could remember them they still wouldn't have.

Inez looked back at Pyria to see if she was following or at least not setting something alight. A few hours with the goblin taught her better than to let her be unsupervised for longer than twenty seconds.

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(XD this is funny, the way everyone always knows not to leave the goblin unsupervised)

"Drag." the captain said, and Pyria starts scampering along with the odd trio, squeaking amusedly when Inez looks back to check on her.

She gives the girl a pyromaniacal wave, smiling sweetly, revealing teeth that would probably strike fear into the heart of a silverback gorilla.

She then turns around and scampers up a tree, out of the captain's and Inez's view.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The Captain took a queue from Inez and did his best to glance over his shoulder, but in time to see the flash of fur as Pyria disappeared into a tree, the leaves rustling faintly. He blinked once, then twice. Then started speeding up his pace.

He didn't care if it made it harder for Juan or hard for Inez to catch up, but if they could ditch the goblin here- Though it had a knack for appearing unannounced and unasked for aboard his ship. They'd finally made it to the sand, the figures of the crew members aboard the Deceit visible now, most gathered around the edge to try and see what would emerge from the jungle. As soon as they were in eye shot, a few groans were heard and a few chuckles and the flash of coins were exchanged. Axel smirked, he liked to keep an eye on the crews betting pools. He wondered what the odds were for 'this' particular outcome.

The little tug boat still waited patiently, in the same shape it had been left in. The sand was difficult to drag a body through, so Axel dropped Juan there. He'd get someone else to finish the job for him, the fun bit was over. He waved at the ship, grinning.

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Juan’s body hit the sand, softly. He weighed almost nothing and yet felt so heavy every day from this island. He didn’t know how he’d gotten here, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be here. But ultimately, it made no difference. He was a puppet of the gods and the goddesses, and it didn’t matter what he did. He’d always get swept up into some sort of trouble, being puppeted around and played with like he was a feckless child’s toy.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Kavo had been watching the crew slowly realize exactly what was up. Some had immediately thought they should go help. Some had made as if to make off with the Deceit while the Captain was gone, and they'd been marked; he'd kept an eye on them.
A large part of the crew had gathered at the railing, watching the shoreline, making bets on who would come out. A few had bet Inez wouldn't make it, which was irritating to Kavo. Several had bet the Captain would have killed the goblin, and they were collecting on bets when the group emerged without Pyria, though Kavo wasn't so sure. A few had bet that whatever creature they came out of the jungle with would be dead, and they'd lost. One man had bet that the whole group would die, with all the concentrated chaos on that island, and Kavo could see where that bet had come from, though it had proven wrong.
The Karcaon had descended from the poop deck to the quarter deck, and waved back to SIlver-tongue when the reptilian Captain cheerily waved at the ship.
The poor bedraggled creature sitting in the sand looked like he'd been chased down and chewed on. Probably Pyria. Inez seemed concerned, as usual, her kind heart likely going out to the critter they were taking captive.

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Inez returned Pyria's wave with a suspicious stare before Pyria immediately climbed a tree. She had just turned when Axel sped up, almost causing her to trip, then quickly regained her balance. Speed-walking through the terrain she hoped Pyria hadn't done something in the foliage, like set it on fire or something. The smile she gave her was overly mischievous.
Inez watched the men observe the scene when they emerged, eyes narrowing when she saw them exchanging the glint of coin. Her mild annoyance was interrupted as Silver-Tongue abruptly let go of Juan, leaving him limp, so she just dropped him as gently as one can drop someone. At that point, anyone might want to lay in the sand. She still waited for him to rise back up again, though.
Looking up, she smiled wryly up at them when she heard a few members surprised or annoyed at her reappearance. She didn't take this personally, though, since Pyria and Juan's fate seemed to be bet on as well.
Inez glanced around at her surroundings and then realized her rapier was still in the little boat. She wondered why she still left it unattended at this point, being paranoid about losing it when she was holding the weapon and not throwing, tossing, or otherwise casting it aside. Glancing back at Juan, then deciding he might need a moment, she started back to the pull boat to retrieve her asset.
Picking it back up Inez noted the shininess and decided not to leave it alone now that Pyria was a member of The Deceit. This wasn't to say she would handle it correctly from then on, just to be more attentive about its whereabouts.

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("Incorrect weapon handling" again XD )

Pyria had not been shot, and this much is proved when she skitters out of the trees like a teal rabid nightmare.

As a matter of fact, her new nickname aboard the Deceit was "the Rabbit-thing from Hell."

Of course, she appreciated the nickname, but she'd set the man on fire who'd started. Posterity and all that.

So when she emrged from the treeline and saw the flash of gold, she screeched, letting everyone know they needed to recalculate their life choices. After all, she'd managed to survive the captain's wrath several times over the short time she'd been aboard the ship. What made the crew think that this time would be different?

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(random but i headcanon everyone having pointy teeth. everyone)
(and i dont mean sharp as in having prominent canines i mean like shark teeth)

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(Oh, that's exactly the kind of teeth that Pyria has, except thinner and a lot more of them. As a matter of fact, she has three rows of teeth, one right after the other)

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(yeah thats what i was wondering lol)
(my fault for living under a rock lmao)

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(lol sorry, my musical theater nerd is showing. For context it's 'Blood in the Water' from Legally Blonde the Musical)

(Oh- XD )

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(im literally in theatre and have watched 2 musicals in my lifetime dw ahahaha)