Clementine spoke to the agents who were looking after Abigail's case, in the sense that they were overseeing taking things from her apartment and bringing them to the cell. Then Clementine walked to her office to try and contact Oliana again.
Abigail wasn’t excited in being a cell. No, on the contrary, she was quite furious, but who wouldn’t be? It made her feel like if she was a animal that was being hunted, and after being caught, she was brought into a small little cell to wait until she died. She sighed and closed her eyes, hoping that sleep came to her.
"Oliana, you need to talk to Abigail."
"Why? I barely know her."
"She's just been affected by the Glitch. She's your partner and needs to know what you saw. I will personally make sure that none of what you saw gets out. But she needs to know."
Time passed, and sleep didn’t come to Abigail, and she moved around her bed restlessly. She sighed and opened her eyes, looked around and then something licked her. She sat up and realized that the agents has brought her dogs to her cell. Abigail chuckled and started playing with them.
Oliana finally stood up in the network. It had been hours and she had barely moved. Looking at her phone, she realised that it was 11pm. She knew she should go home, but she figured it would be best to see Abigail and explain first.
Abigail watched as her dogs sat on the ground, looking up at her. She pets them on the head and then sits down on the bed. She sighs as she takes out her phone, quickly takes a photo of her dogs and then checks the time.
11:05 PM
Abigail sighed and put her phone away. She sat on the bed with her legs crossed and watches as her dogs fall asleep.
Oliana took a deep breath, then started to walk around. She needed to find Abigail's phone's mini-network so that she could travel to her easily. It didn't take her too long to find it.
It was such a shame that sleep didn’t came to Abigail. No matter what she tried, it seemed like sleep wasn’t a thing she would get this night. She sighed, laid on her bed, looked up at the blank ceiling and mumbled multiple things. She knew something like this was going to happen, but she didn’t know that she was going to catch the glitch. As long as she was inside her cell, there was no way others would get it, or that’s what she thought. She didn’t know that it didn’t matter if they locked the ones with the glitch away, the glitch would find a way to infect every single person until there wasn’t one left.
Oliana began to climb through Abigail's phone. It was a silent affair, something a person wouldn't notice unless they were looking directly at the phone. It was dark, the lights having been turned off a little over an hour ago. Despite this, Abigail's dogs managed to see Oliana exiting the phone.
The dogs immediately started barking, managing to wake up Abigail, who had been able to fall asleep for a good ten minutes, Abigail groaned, sat up and looked directly at the dogs, while giving them the most disappointing glare in the whole wide word. “What’s all this ruckus about? There’s no one here expect me, you and mushroom. And then, to make things worse, you start barking during the time I finally am able to fall asleep.” She paused to breath, as she was almost screaming at the dogs.
“Third of all, here i am, talking to you two in the middle of the night like some lunatic! And I wouldn’t be surprised if you two don’t understand a word I’m saying.” She paused once again and sighed. “Sometimes, I wished animals could talk back to me, but, of course that’ll never happen, since I ain’t Dolittle.“
Oliana silently stepped from the side table Abigail's phone was on to the floor. "Um…Abigail? It's Oliana. I…I need to talk to you."
Abigail sighed and rubbed her eyes. She really didn’t want to talk to anyone at the moment, but, to all of sudden appear out of her phone, she decided that whatever Oliana had to say was important. “Well, Well, Well, it’s such a honor that you’ve decided to visit me! Tell me dear, partner, what can I help you with on this dark and grimy day?”
Oliana took a deep breath. "Look, I know that I might seem cold. I might seem distant and even the slightest bit bitchy. When you've spent so many years defending yourself I guess it happens. What I saw when Anabeth glitched means that all those years of defending myself was for nothing."
Confusion appeared on Abigail’s face, she, didn’t understand a single word Oliana was saying. Well, she did, but, not completely. “Oliana, what are you talking about, and most importantly what do you mean by that? I’m not completely sure if I understand what you’re trying to say.”
"I am the cause of the Glitch. Well not me me. I don know if it's an alternate me or a future me that somehow managed to get to this time but it's still me."
Abigail’s eyes widen just a bit, and a look of surprise flashed through her face for a couple of seconds before her expression turned neutral. “You’re saying, that a you from the future, or a alternate you is the cause of the glitch. Since when was alternate universes and time traveling a thing?”
"I don't know! That's the thing. But it was me! And I don't know why!" Oliana wiped a few tears away. This was stressing her out too much.
She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed and then looked around for a chair, so that Oliana could sit on, but found none. “I get it, it’s confusing and it’s stressing you out, but, if you don’t mind me asking, what exactly did you see when you hugged Anabeth? You know, anything else apart from ‘you’ being the cause? You have the right to not answer my question.”
"I'm not even sure: I can't wrap my head around it. All I know is that I saw me. And there's absolutely no possibility that it was someone else: I know it was me."
“I could say that this isn’t strange, but then, I’ll be lying. Why must the universe work in such mysterious ways?”
Oliana was quiet. It was so much for her to take in, and she couldn't even be sure if Abigail was taking her seriously. She rubbed her temples.
Abigail drummed her fingers on her legs while sighing. When she signed up for this job, she didn’t sign up to be working with something that includes alternative dimensions and future selfs. “So, do you have any ideas how we’re going to solve this?”
"No," Oliana said quietly. "No, I have no idea. It needs to be done, because we need to get rid of the Glitch. But I don't know how to do it or if it's even possible right now."
“There’s two things that’s bothering me at the moment. If it’s you from the future, we’ll have to find a way to stop her without killing her. If it’s you from a alternate dimension. . .then, that’s gonna be a bit harder. It won’t be the same you, because that you will have a weakness or a strength that you don’t have. Do I even make any sense right now?”
"Yeah, I guess it makes sense." Oliana sighed again, rubbing her temples once more. "God, this is just so much to take in. I still can't believe that this is even happening. It's just so…full on."