“Well, now that we have that sorted out just a bit, I can look for warehouses or places that could used as hideouts that have been bought lately. She could be in one of those places, and if not, I honestly don’t know where to look.”
"Well, yeah. But you can't leave. You're in quarantine. The only reason I'm in here is because I can't be affected. I already have the Glitch, but it's a different type. I'm immune."
“I know that I can’t leave, but what I meant by that is looking for warehouses or places that could used as hideouts that have been bought lately through the internet. I can easily hack into their system and look at everything that has been bought lately.”
"So you're wanting me to bring a whole tech lab in here? They're not portable. And I can't just bring a laptop in here. They're prohibited. Everything is connected."
At this moment, Abigail wanted to bang her head against the wall, get a concussion and find a way to stay unconscious for a very long time. Her eye started twitching and a slight frown started to form. “No, I’m not telling you to bring the whole entire tech lab. I can do it through my phone, which will take a bit longer than on a computer. .” Abigail said as she whispered the last part.
Oliana suddenly had an idea and turned to her gauntlet. She began to type some stuff on it, hoping that what she was doing would actually end up helping Abigail. "Give me a minute," She said, sort of absentmindedly.
Abigail did not just have a minute. She had a lot of minutes and hours. She just looked at Oliana slightly confused on what she was doing, but decided, that whatever she was doing, it must be important. She scanned the room and her eyes landed on a weird looking object.
Oliana finished doing what she was doing on her gauntlet, then looked at Abigail. "I have to go to my lab to grab something, I'll be back in a few minutes." She then glitched away.
Abigail shrugged at the exact moment that Oliana glitched away. She got up from the bed and walked to where the weird looking object was currently on. She picked it up and inspected it. It was some sort of knife and some other object she had no knowledge of.
Oliana wandered around her lab, grabbing seemingly random things. "I need this…and this…and this…oh and that too." To anyone watching it probably would have seemed that she was a little crazy, the things picked up having no correlation to the others.
Abigail dropped the knife thingy on a table and went back to her bed, looking around for something interesting. After a couple of seconds, she got tired of looking around and just started singing ever so quietly, while tapping her fingers on the bed to the tune.
Oliana looked at her haul. "Have I got everything?" She asked herself. She decided she did. She picked it all up in her arms and glitched back to Abigail's cell, but the outside of it.
Abigail stopped and looked at Oliana from the inside of the cell. She tilted her head slightly when she saw the objects Oliana was holding. They were all random objects that weren’t important. Or, did it?
Oliana began to put her plan into place. She combined items that certainly shouldn't be combined, and took away parts that should have been kept together. The only person who knew what Oliana was doing was Oliana.
What in the actual world is Oliana doing? T-This is so random, that even I don’t know what she’s doing. She sighed and rolled her eyes, just inspecting Oliana and letting her do whatever she was doing.
Oliana moved back a little to look at her work. It was only half completed, a fact made obvious by the many parts not added in. But it was well on track.
“This is gonna take a while. Welp, I’ll just. .” And then, she turned invisible. She got off the bed and walked around her little cell, looking at everything her eyes met. She picked up some objects, but then immediately put them down, since she wasn’t as interested in them as when she picked up the object that was a combination of a knife and a object she had no knowledge of.
Oliana finally finished what she was making. "Is this done?" She decided it was. Picking up the item, she glitched into Abigail's cell. "Hey, can you become visible again?"
Abigail blinked and turned visible. She was seen holding a pencil and quickly put it behind her ear. “What’s up? Finally done with whatever you were doing a couple of minutes ago?”
"Yes," Oliana replied simply, flicking a switch. "I've been meaning to make this for a while but I haven't had the time yet. I think it will help you. But I would rather let you interpret it: its functions differ from person to person."
Abigail blinked, blinked twice, blinked three times and then blinked four times. She took out some glasses from her pocket, put them on and then blinked once again. There were times were everything started turning blurry and this was one of the times. “Ah, Okay. How exactly do you think that this will help me?”
"Well, everything in this building - including this cell - is connected to the Two Moons. It can be monitored as long as it is connected to the wifi. Few people know this, and that is for good reason. It allows us to stop spies before they do damage to us. Even devices using mobile data can be tracked depending on the situation. This is completely disconnected to both of those."
Abigail bit her lip, looked at Oliana and nodded slowly. She was a bit confused, but, she didn’t show it. “Ah, I see. So, lemme get this straight. This doohickey is disconnected to the Two Moons? I dunno if I completely understood what you said. . “
"It's hard to explain. When I glitch, I go to this area that I call 'The Net'. No one else can access it and its how I travel through technology. That's what this is connected to. Not the Two Moons, me."
“Damn, that’s actually pretty cool. You know, the object being connected to you and not to the Two Moons. So, if everything else is connected to the Two Moons and this doohickey isn’t. . doesn’t that mean. . “