Abigail continued to wince, which of course confused her. Something was hurting her, and she was determined to find out what it was. She took out a compact mirror from her bag of her outfit and gasped. Her ear was. . glitching. Abigail dropped the compact mirror, fell out of her seat and screamed. Her screaming was cut when her head hit the hard floor. She laid on the ground unconscious.
"No, that's not possible. You and I both know that that isn't correct. You must have misseen."
"But I didn't Clementine. I know what I saw. You know that I don't lie to you very often."
"Liana I-" Clementine was cut off by an alarm going off. "I've got to go. I'll call you later."
When Abigail awoke, the first thing she heard was the alarm. She winced and sat up on the spot she was in. That’s when she realized she was no longer in the cafeteria. “W-What’s going on. .and most importantly where am I?” Abigail asked to particularly no one.
"You're in quarantine," Clementine answered from outside the box Abigail was in. "We found you glitching. Luckily our medical team has developed a serum that temporarily stops the affects of the glitch. And before you ask, no, we can't give it to the public. We don't want to give them false hope."
She felt so trapped being inside of the huge box. She looked around frantically to look for an exit, but stopped when she heard the word glitching. The last thing she remembered before her world turning black was her screaming. Screaming because her ear was glitching. She sighed, closed her eyes and crossed her arms.
"You will not be permitted to leave until this is solved. You and Oliana will have to work together through the box, and she will do the field work. Your friends and family have been notified that you are in a hospital and not to visit you for their safety."
Abigail chuckled to herself. Most of her friends were dead, and the ones who weren’t, where in hospitals trying to be cured from the glitch. As for family, both her mom and dad have been dead for seven years. “Right, we don’t need any more agents getting infected with this deadly and contagious virus.”
A medical spy came in with a syringe. Clementine knew why, and stepped back. "You need to take another dose. This one will be stronger and hopefully will last longer. You must take it." The medical spy walked up to the small container that was in the box. He opened the door that was on the outside and put the syringe in there. Then he closed the door and stuck his hands in the gloves that went into the box, picking the syringe up.
"Can you please open the door that is on your side?" He asked, more an order than a question.
Abigail sighed and got up from the spot she was on. She walked to the door and opened it. Abigail didn’t know what opening the door would do, or why the Medical Spy asked her to open the door from her side, but she didn’t question their methods.
The medical spy waited for her to open the door patiently. "Please give me your left arm. I need to give you another dosage of the serum. It must be in your left arm, as the other one was in your right arm."
Abigail just nodded and extended her left arm. Fresh burns and bruises were visible on her arm, and oh boy did they hurt. Left and Right she saw no difference between those two. “Alrighty, here’s my arm.”
The medical spy saw the burns and bruises but didn't say anything. It wasn't his place. He didn't know what her home life what like, and he wasn't gonna ask a person who was essentially a stranger. He injected the serum and then place the syringe back in the box. "Please close the door on your side."
“Okie Dokie, Officer.” Abigail said with a salute. She closed the door from her side and went to the spot she was on before she was forced to get up and open the damn door. She looked out at the glass and sighed. She felt like she was a prisoner in some sort of advanced jail, or a psychopath in a asylum. Whatever she was, she surely did hate being in the glass box that she was going to have to call home.
With the door closed, the medical spy was able to take his arms out of the gloves. He then opened the box from his side and grabbed the syringe. "Thank you, Agent Shiba. You are dismissed."
“Huh, Shiba. What a weird, but unique name for a Medical spy. . Agent. So, are you guys going to give me the serum every 5 hours or something like that? Also, I’ll be sleeping and eating here, correct?”
"Never mind his name," Clementine said. "But yes, you are not permitted to leave until the Glitch is cured, at least in you. This will become your home. Anything you need from your apartment will be collected and brought here. Any animals that you own will be brought here, as we know animals are immune. Rent on your apartment will be paid by the agency so that you do not get evicted."
Abigail simply nodded. She was disappointed that she wouldn't be able to leave, but it was for the safety of other people. At least her two dog were going to be with her, which of course made her smile. She sighed and looked around her little jail cell, or rather what was going to be her home. She would need a lot of things, and one of those included clothes. She was not going to be wearing the same outfit every single day. “Right, that’s something good to hear.”
"Of course, the bare essentials will be brought to you. As you can see, there is already a toilet and a bed. There is also a smalls shower for your personal hygiene. Unfortunately the only privacy we can give you is the shower screen. The only spies that will be visiting your cell will be female."
Abigail pursed her lips and nodded. Well, at least she didn't have to worry about female Agents visiting her, not many female Agents knew her, and the ones who did, Abigail was sure that they wouldn’t get near to her small little home. She sighed and swung her feet back and forth.
"Before I leave, is there anything extremely important that you will need in here tonight? Most of what you need will be brought tomorrow, but we understand if you need things immediately."
”No, there’s nothing extremely important that I need in here tonight. My clothes should suffice for tonight.” Abigail said with a slight yawn. She swung her feet back and forth for the last time, got up, walked to the bed and then sat on the bed.
"You don't have any pets? Any perishable food? We want to bring them here, especially if you have pets. We don't like leaving them alone when they could be with their owner."
“Pets, yes. I have two dogs, if they could bring them here, then I would really appreciate it, but I understand if they can’t.” Abigail replied as she rubbed her eyes. It was a long day, and on days like these, her dogs usually cheered her up.
"No, we completely can. We want you to be as happy and comfortable as you can while you're here, and that may only be possible with your dogs. It will be around an hour before they arrive. I have to go now." With that, Clementine left, leaving Abigail alone in her cell.
She sighed and looked around the cell. It certainly gave the prisoner type of feeling, something Abigail wanted to get rid of it, but until her stuff got to her cell, there was no way to do so. She sighed, laid on the bed and looked up at the blank ceiling. I’ll be here for so long that I’ll know where every crack and crevice is located.