❝Madness is my specialty. It was quite simple.❞
status: Neuvillette rerun countdown - 19 days
I write fanfics and like to ramble about whatever thing I might be obsessed with at the moment. my favorite characters tend to have tragic backstories, are sarcastic, geniuses, depressed, in the closet, or all of the above. feel free to send me a dm if you need to talk or something. i don't bite.
We're gonna miss you Vis </3
doctor who, brooklyn nine-nine, ace attorney, genshin impact, splatoon, hades, percy jackson, star wars, cartoons, bbc sherlock, harry potter & fantastic beasts, musicals, sleeping, playing video games, writing, reading and greek myths!
adventure, drama, fantasy, sci-fi, romance (if done well enough)
Arthur Conan Doyle, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Rick Riordan
Good Omens (Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett), Percy Jackson & the Olympians (Rick Riordan), The Grimrose Girls (Laura Pohl)
"They're a rotten crowd....You're worth the whole damn bunch put together!" - Nick Carraway, The Great Gatsby, and "Crowley and Aziraphale sit in silence, wondering why God didn't give them a braincell." - Good Omens Scipt Bot
Rick Riordan, David Tennant, Neil Gaiman, my friends, family??