@spacebluelily language
Here it is @SwimwithGamers_The_GT_Thot
Here it is @SwimwithGamers_The_GT_Thot
who wants to be what?
i'd like to be the villain. what type of relationship would you like it to be? MxM, FxF, or FxM?
Alrighty then! Would you want a character sheet or would you just like to jump in?
Character sheet plz
Oki, here you go
Age: (20-30)
Normal Outfit:
Name: Adam Adams
Nickname(s): Ad
Age: (20-30) 23
Sexuality: gay
Appearance: Adam has blue-dyed hair, cut close to head to keep the cost of dye down. He has grey eyes and a square jawline, an athletic body.
Normal Outfit: Black t-shirt, jeans, and a bracelet on his right wrist.
Personality: Adam is a fun guy to be around- he loves to joke, and make new friends.
Likes: Food, friends, fun
Dislikes: silence
Other: n/a
Name: Slow
Appearance: Considering his eyes to be recognizable, Slow covers them with a visor. There isn't much visible of him in general.
Outfit: His outfit is streamlined, black and blue. Visor, cuffs, and gloves are silver. It's skin-tight, made of protective material.
Personality: Not very talkative, Slow will get right to the point of the job. He has never said anything to a news reporter.
Likes: privacy
Dislikes: news reporters, prolonged battles.
Abilities/Powers: He can create a time distorting bubble, which he would describe as 'putting a Youtube video on .25 speed" so he can stop an enemy long enough for another to come and arrest them. He can slow something down so far, however, it's like he's stopped time. However, it affects him as well.
Backstory: Slow appeared one day on the hero scene- no one knew who he was, or why he had his powers. All they know is he helped stop one of the biggest baddies of that year. Since then, no one has been able to get him to speak about his powers, his beliefs, or anything else.
Name: Nathaniel Gray
Nickname(s): Nath, Nate
Age (20-30): 26
Sexuality: Gay as hell
Appearance: Nathaniel has short fluffy/messy black hair. He has pale skin and dull grayish-green eyes. He has a semi athletic build and a couple of non-noticeable scars and one noticeable scar.
Normal Outfit: Nathaniel wears a black and white long t-shirt, a dark grey jacket or hoodie, black pants, and black with white converse. He usually sticks with this color scheme, and when he’s not, he wears the dark version of light colors.
Personality: Nathaniel is extremely popular and people pin him as the nice, outgoing guy ready to help people. He’s the opposite of that. He’s cold and sour and doesn’t care if he hurts other people’s feelings. He’s sarcastic and likes to be feared. He doesn’t trust anybody except the few friends he has. It takes a while for someone to befriend him. He’s a sucker for kids and will be quite nice and friendly towards them.
Likes: dogs & cats, books, coffee, the color black, star gazing, playing the piano, sweet food and candies, fencing, kids
Dislikes: Light colors, the sun, parties, interacting with people, people annoying him, most people in general
Name: Black Hurricane
Appearance: It stays pretty much the same, except that his hair is now more messier, but it isn’t noticeable.
Outfit: A black shirt and pants and a long dark green coat with a hoodie. And Black combat boots. He wears a black leather glove that has silver buttons on them. He always has his hoodie on and wears a black mask.
Personality: Black Hurricane’s personality is pretty much the same as Nathaniel’s, but except he’s murderous and insane.
Likes: murdering people, stealing, teasing the good guys, blowing up things, winning, having fun (which is very different from what people call fun)
Dislikes: losing, police, the police department, the good guys coming and ruining his fun, prolonged battles
Abilities/Powers: Shape-shifting, and photographic memory.
Backstory: He appeared one day on the battlefield, with one of the biggest villains that year. Though nobody knows this. His first official appearance was a month and a half after the capture of his mentor. No one has been able to find out anything about Black Hurricane. Though many people have tried.
I know I should have done this earlier, but it was going to happen even if you picked the jump in option.
Do you have any ideas on how they meet? Do you like want to make them meet in the battlefield, or do you want them to know each other in their civilian life, but not as a hero and a villain?
Well, I think this might be interesting-
they know each other in civilian life, and perhaps a romance starts to bloom on that side, but on the battlefield, they end up being each other's main enemies, with the hate and disdain for each other growing and growing, and then just as the relationships on both sides of their lives are coming to a turning point- boom someone gets hurt on the battlefield, and either a) their disguise is torn and the other recognizes them, or b) the wound is almost fatal and the other realizes who they are when paramedics removed the mask/news reveals their identities and then a n g s t
…. Swim, you freaking genius. And you're right, it would be interesting. Okay, then. I'll put up a starter as soon as possible.
👍🏻 I do my best aha
It had been a long night for Nathaniel. He had spent what little night he had left tending to the injuries he had gotten from the battle with Slow. He was just having some fun by putting some buildings on fire and murdering a couple or more people. But of course, Slow had to come around and ruin the fun for him. Nathaniel barely got any sleep and instead of sleeping in, he decided to wake up early, go for a jog, and decided to buy some tea and something to eat. He was now sitting on a bench in a nearby park, looking at the birds eating seeds from the ground.
Adam would never understand how arson and murder constituted fun to someone.
The hero had done his best to sleep that night, tending to his own wounds. It might not seem like it, but he really wasn't fireproof, even with his powers. He hissed some as he bandaged one burn, letting out a breath. He'd done what he could, but he'd have to be careful for a bit to ensure it didn't worsen in its condition.
So, when Adam did finally have to get up and do things, he wasn't too happy about it. But, he made his way down the street, hands in his pockets as he looked around.
Nathaniel sighed as he closed his eyes. Slow and Hurricane's relationship was similar to Joker's and Batman's. Except he wasn't obsessed over his enemy. And wasn't torn over the choice of killing him or keeping him alive. He knew what he wanted, and with all his fury, he just wanted Slow to die. He wanted Slow to die a painful death. And he hoped he would be the one to kill him. He opened his eyes and got up, putting his hands inside the pockets of his sweater. There was no point in him staying at the park when he could be doing other important things. Like washing the ashes of the building he burnt down to the ground, and the blood of his victims out of his suit. And then mending his suit. Which was now ripped in some places. All thanks to Slow. He hummed a tune as he walked down the street, not paying much attention to anything that was going around him.
Sam wasn't paying much attention either. He didn't want Hurricane dead, but he did want the man at least in jail. In the deepest cell. Where he could never see the light of day again. Hopefully in a straight jacket.
"Oh, sorry," Sam said. He'd been so caught up in his thoughts, he accidentally bumped into somone.
Nathaniel looked at the person who bumped into him, about to say something nasty to them but then noticed that the person was Adam. He chuckled a bit and shrugged. "Oh, it's fine, Adam. It's partly my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."
Adam looked up as well, a smile coming to his lips.
"You too?" The man fell into a much better mood, now that he realized he was with someone he knew.
"Long night?"
"Mhm. Didn't sleep much." Nathaniel replied with a nod. "It's pretty normal for me, though. I've gotten used to it." He paused and tilted his head slightly. "I take it you had a long night too?"
"Yeah… just some stress over work. My boss asks a lot from me." Adam chuckled some, shaking his head a bit.
"But, hey, that's life, right?"
"Yeah…er…are you busy at the moment?" He asked. "It's been a while since we last hung out. And honestly, I'm not exactly sure if you have your job in the morning or in the night, so if you're heading to work right now, I understand."
"Hm? No, I'm not busy. Work, well… it could call at any time for me to head in, but for now, I'm good. It'll be nice, to hang out with you again." Adam smiled, hands still in his pocket.
"Great!" Nathaniel said cheerfully. He was glad he was getting the chance to hang out with Adam. "Anywhere, in particular, you want to go too? You can think about this as a break from work.
"Well, why not a cafe? It might be nice to hang out there and get some stuff to eat." Adam smiled, his hands pulling out of his pocket. It was fun, handing out of Nathaniel.
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