@spacebluelily language
"There is an old prophecy that said that in 5,000 years from now," they pause, their eyes glancing toward their companion. "From when it was written, not from our-"
"Yes, yes, I understood," it replied quickly. "Do get on with it."
"Right, so there will be an event where the gateway to different universes will open. The nine planets will align, and on that very same day, there will be a blood moon. The blood moon, according to the seer, is the cataclysm for the entire event."
hello hello!! so, basically, the plot of this roleplay is interdimensional shenanigans, where our characters are from different universes! They all find themself in one dimension (which dimension that is can be discussed!) and they basically go on an adventure and try to prevent the different universes from crashing into each other.
And the best part (for the extra chaos factor) is that you can be whatever character you want (provided that they aren't super OP or a real person)! You want to be your own character? Go for it! You want to play as the Doctor? Sure, why not. You want to be some sort of monster who has a soft spot humans? Go ahead!
Honestly, all I ask is for politeness toward your fellow humans, to follow andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules, and at least 2+ sentences in responses (I find it hard to work with just a one liner). And, yup that's pretty much it! I don't know how large I want this to be, maybe 3 or 4 people (including myself)…we'll see!