@Morals-are-for-mortals language
Basic Info
Name: Kovi
Nicknames (if any): Feel free to make some.
Age: Physically appears to be in their mid-teens. Markings on back indicate anywhere from 250 to 300.
Gender and pronouns: Biologically genderless, any pronouns but generally they/them.
Species: Child of Light/Skykid
Universe: Beneath the Heavens
Skin tone: A dark blue-grey.
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Glowing markings on their back along the spine that correlate to their age.
Height: 4’9”
Weight: Unknown
Eye color: Yellow-gold, without sclera or pupil. May glow white at times.
Hair color: Completely white with an almost unnatural shine to it.
Hair style: Usually a braid of some sort, but varies.
Body type: Thin with some muscle.
Usual outfit (optional): Wears a completely white tunic, and on top of that they wear a shimmery light blue cloak/cape. Any jewelry they have is silver.
Face claim (optional): https://ibb.co/c6Z3nnq
Basic personality: Kind, helpful, curious. They don’t really have a sense of privacy, however. Watch out.
Sexuality: Who cares about that?
Hobbies: Cleansing darkness, hanging out with friends, teaching moths.
Talents: Can play a few instruments, will 100% do your hair for you if you ask and they’ll be pretty good at it.
Job (optional): Nope-
Magic user?: Yes, but I’ll only explain their abilities if someone asks.
Background (optional): No thank you.
Physical conditions: None?
Mental conditions: None?? Maybe? Except that they can hear other people’s thoughts.
Other: Not that I can think of.
Basic Info
Name: Atlas (Last name tbd)
Nicknames (if any): Feel free to make some.
Age: 24
Gender and pronouns: I don’t know the right term, She/They/He.
Species: Basic Manta
Universe: Beneath the Heavens
Skin tone: Dark
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Various scars, notably one that cuts across their bottom lip down to their chin.
Height: 6’2”
Weight: (Insert random numbers here)
Eye color: Orange
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Dreadlocks tied up in a ponytail thing
Body type: Non-binary and muscular.
Usual outfit (optional): https://pin.it/2VV4m24
Face claim (optional): https://pin.it/3LHEM7U
Basic personality: They’re… nice, but they’re also a bit of an ass. It really depends. Other than that, I’m testing everything out.
Sexuality: Pansexual. Probably.
Hobbies: ???
Talents: Took the time to learn how to use their spear for combat as well as their normal job.
Job (optional): Spearfisher, fisherman.
Magic user?: No?
Background (optional): Nah.
Physical conditions: Unknown.
Mental conditions: Unknown.
Other: If you can’t tell, I haven’t developed them too much.
(Note: None of the artwork here is mine, nor do I claim it to be mine. I merely take inspiration from it. However, as the face claims came from a picrew they are tailored to the character, but the credit still goes to the picrew creator.)