Name: Blackleg Sanji
Nickname (if any): Shitty Cook, Curly Cook, Ero Cook, Nosebleed-kun, Dartboard Brow, etc. (if you're Zoro). Less commonly, Mr. Prince.
Gender/pronouns: Male, he/him
Age: Twenty-one
Official Art | Pre Timeskip (19 yo) | Fanart | Screenshot (Yes, his eyebrows swirl in the same direction. No, to my knowledge, we don't ever see it in the show or manga.)
Clothing: His trademark suit is all black. The long-sleeved dress shirt beneath his gold-buttoned blazer is a warm yellow tone not unlike the color of his hair. His tie is also black, as well as his iron-sole dress shoes. A gold chain is hooked on the left side of his slacks, connected to the belt loops.
If he starts rolling up his sleeves, taking off his blazer, or adjusting his tie in a fight, freaking,,—run.
Personality: The number one simp. He worships the very ground women walk on, fawning over them and bending over backward just to appease them—oftentimes to the point of embarrassment for everyone there to witness. Sanji refuses to harm a woman, no matter how much she may want to harm or kill him in return. In fact, he's been known to actively protect women who would hurt him, given the chance.
Aside from that, Sanji is a prideful man. His bounty is a whopping ฿77,000,000 (where I'm at in the show), and he's earned every beri of it. He's a remarkable fighter, one of the monster trio's very own, and relies purely on the use of his legs in battle. Every kick from him is a devastating blow, and his Observation Haki is unmatched within his crew. Though, just as he will not harm a woman, neither will he fight with his hands. If something were to happen to them, he would not be able to cook for anyone.
That said, Sanji will feed anyone and everyone who is hungry. He takes great joy in it, and in knowing people enjoy his food.
His dream is to find All Blue—a legendary ocean where fish from all four seas swim together. It's a cook's paradise, and he's determined to be the first to find it.
(This is just the basics. I find him to be a super complex character, and you can read more about his personality here. Just beware of the spoilers if you plan to watch the show at any point!)
LIKES: Nami, Robin, tea, Nami, cooking, Nami, spicy seafood pasta, Robin.
DISLIKES: Marimo (Zoro), criticism of his food, Marimo, Kamabakka Kingdom, men who would hurt or disrespect a woman, and Marimo.
Backstory: (I haven't gotten to Whole Cake Island, yet, so I'm not going to address Sanji's family whatsoever. I've already been too spoiled on the subject lol. ) At ten years old, Sanji worked as a cook on a ship called The Orbit. This ship was later attacked by a famed pirate known as Red Leg Zeff. Sanji, convinced Zeff was intent on killing everyone on The Orbit, attacked the pirate out of determination to stay alive long enough to fulfill his dream of finding All Blue. He was very easily overpowered (read: got the absolute shit kicked out of him). At the same time, a massive storm was ongoing, and a huge wave capsized both The Orbit and Red Leg Zeff's ship. Zeff, compelled by the dream he and the young Sanji shared, saved him from drowning and the two washed up on a rock outcropping. They remained trapped there for eighty-five days, slowly starving to death, until rescue finally presented itself in the form of a ship on the horizon. (Some other things happened; in the anime, Zeff had to cut off his leg in order to reach Sanji in time to keep him from drowning. In the manga, he cut off his own leg and ate it to survive….) Zeff confessed that he had a new dream, seeing as All Blue was no longer within his reach. He wanted to open a restaurant on the sea, as a beacon of hope for every starving sailor. Sanji pledged to help him, and together they founded the Baratie, where Sanji worked as a sous-chef for the next nine years. Then Luffy showed up, refused Sanji's refusal to join his crew, and from there, chaos.
- Despite the nicknames given to him by Zoro, he's one hell of a cook. The Best, in fact.
- Should've hacked up at least one lung by now from how much he smokes. He's rarely seen without a cigarette in his mouth.
- This video sums his personality up pretty well.
- An example of his fighting style. He has more…firepower in recent techniques, but I like this fight!
- Ya like jazz? Here is Sanji's Main Theme, Counterattack Theme, and Battle Theme. When you hear them, you know something cool is about to happen.
- Do NOT mention the drawing of him on his bounty. He will get depressed.
Name: Roronoa Zoro
Nickname (if any): Marimo (Moss Head), Shitty Bastard, Shitty Lost Child Bastard, Idiot Swordsman, etc. (if you're Sanji). Otherwise, known as "Pirate Hunter Zoro" by many.
Gender/pronouns: Male, he/him
Age: Twenty-one
Official Art | Pre Timeskip (19 yo) | Fanart | Screenshot (No, we don't know how he lost an eye.)
Clothing: His outfit is fairly iconic. He wears a distinctive dark green coat that leaves a large triangle of his chest exposed 24/7 (because shirts are for losers?). Beneath the coat is his signature light green haramaki (belly wrap) which used to hold his swords, though that duty now falls to the red sash tied around the outside of his coat. His boots are black and knee-high.
In addition, Zoro keeps a black bandana tied around his upper forearm. If you see him taking it off and tying it around his head, it's too late for you–
Personality: In a few words, single-minded and self-assured. If Zoro wants something, he will get it. End of story. This is his mindset as he pursues his dream of becoming the world's greatest swordsman and besting Dracule Mihawk, Hawkeye, in a duel.
The only thing that comes before his dream is Luffy and his crew. He has undying loyalty and faith for his captain in particular—as do all of the Strawhats, but Zoro's support is the unquestioning, unwavering kind. His captain may be an idiot, but Zoro won't hesitate to follow one of Luffy's rarely-issued orders. He is the First Mate, Luffy's right-hand man, and he proves it with his every breath. Not to be dramatic or anything.
Additionally, Zoro is the most directionally challenged being you will ever meet in your life. Left, right, down, and up, north, east, south, and west—they mean nothing to him, and yet he will vehemently deny it and has perfect confidence in himself despite numerous instances that should prove otherwise.
His bounty (where I'm at in the show) is a hefty ฿120,000,000, second in his crew only to Luffy's ฿400,000,000.
LIKES: Swords, fighting, onigiri, training, alcohol.
DISLIKES: Curly Cook, weakness, sweets, Curly Cook, disloyalty, and the Curly Cook.
Backstory: (I'm exhausted trying to write all this down so I'm just going to copy/paste the brunt of his backstory from this page!)
By the time Zoro was 8 years old, his father Arashi had already been killed in a battle against pirates threatening the Village, and his mother Tera died of illness, leaving Zoro orphaned at a dojo in Shimotsuki Village, where he trained to be a swordsman.
Even as a child, Zoro was strong enough to defeat most adults, but could not defeat Shimotsuki Kuina, the daughter of the dojo's master, Koushirou. During a training session, he got to meet Kuina's grandfather, Shimotsuki Kozaburo, who gifted him a pair of swords to aid in his practice. After their 2000th fight (and Kuina's 2000th victory), Zoro challenged her in private for one more match—with real swords. Although he had improved tremendously since their first match, he still lost and cried with frustration, telling Kuina about his dream of becoming the world's greatest swordsman. Hearing this, Kuina confided in Zoro, telling him that she shared the same dream but knew she could never attain it. Her father had told her that girls could never be true sword masters, and that her fighting potential would decrease as her body matured. Zoro, annoyed by her defeatist attitude in spite of repeatedly winning against him, told her that one day he would beat her because he was more skilled, not because she was a girl. The two made a promise—that either of them had to become the world's best swordsman.
The next day, Kuina suffered a fatal fall down the stairs of her dojo, much to Zoro's anger and disappointment. Realizing that she would never have a chance to fulfill her dream, Zoro took it upon himself, asking Koushirou for her sword, Wado Ichimonji, and began working to develop his signature Three Sword Style, holding his own two swords in each hand, and Kuina's clenched between his teeth. Zoro stated in the Baratie, that, "Once he decided that he would become an invincible swordsman, he left his life behind."
- His three swords are Wado Ichimonji (the most precious to him), Sandai Kitetsu, and Shusui
- He used to smile in pre-time skip, but you can count the number of times he's smiled after being beaten by Mihawk on one hand. (Unless we're talking about his feral grins when fighting, and then things get a little more…dicey, lol)
- An example of one of my favorite Luffy and Zoro interactions.
- Nothing happened. Warning: HUGE Thriller Bark spoilers, I do NOT recommend watching if you intend to watch the show at any point.
- I hope you like dark and menacing, because that's his theme. All of them. (But DAMN does that flute go hard.)
Zoro and Sanji are Luffy's "wings". They help him get where he needs to go. Exhibit A.