forum “Armaggedon: The Sequel? That’s a nah.” // group rp // CLOSED
Started by @spacebluelily language

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Basic Info

Name: Kovi
Nicknames (if any): Feel free to make some.
Age: Physically appears to be in their mid-teens. Markings on back indicate anywhere from 250 to 300.
Gender and pronouns: Biologically genderless, any pronouns but generally they/them.
Species: Child of Light/Skykid
Universe: Beneath the Heavens


Skin tone: A dark blue-grey.
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Glowing markings on their back along the spine that correlate to their age.
Height: 4’9”
Weight: Unknown
Eye color: Yellow-gold, without sclera or pupil. May glow white at times.
Hair color: Completely white with an almost unnatural shine to it.
Hair style: Usually a braid of some sort, but varies.
Body type: Thin with some muscle.
Usual outfit (optional): Wears a completely white tunic, and on top of that they wear a shimmery light blue cloak/cape. Any jewelry they have is silver.
Face claim (optional):


Basic personality: Kind, helpful, curious. They don’t really have a sense of privacy, however. Watch out.
Sexuality: Who cares about that?
Hobbies: Cleansing darkness, hanging out with friends, teaching moths.
Talents: Can play a few instruments, will 100% do your hair for you if you ask and they’ll be pretty good at it.
Job (optional): Nope-
Magic user?: Yes, but I’ll only explain their abilities if someone asks.
Background (optional): No thank you.
Physical conditions: None?
Mental conditions: None?? Maybe? Except that they can hear other people’s thoughts.
Other: Not that I can think of.

Basic Info

Name: Atlas (Last name tbd)
Nicknames (if any): Feel free to make some.
Age: 24
Gender and pronouns: I don’t know the right term, She/They/He.
Species: Basic Manta
Universe: Beneath the Heavens


Skin tone: Dark
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Various scars, notably one that cuts across their bottom lip down to their chin.
Height: 6’2”
Weight: (Insert random numbers here)
Eye color: Orange
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Dreadlocks tied up in a ponytail thing
Body type: Non-binary and muscular.
Usual outfit (optional):
Face claim (optional):


Basic personality: They’re… nice, but they’re also a bit of an ass. It really depends. Other than that, I’m testing everything out.
Sexuality: Pansexual. Probably.
Hobbies: ???
Talents: Took the time to learn how to use their spear for combat as well as their normal job.
Job (optional): Spearfisher, fisherman.
Magic user?: No?
Background (optional): Nah.
Physical conditions: Unknown.
Mental conditions: Unknown.
Other: If you can’t tell, I haven’t developed them too much.

(Note: None of the artwork here is mine, nor do I claim it to be mine. I merely take inspiration from it. However, as the face claims came from a picrew they are tailored to the character, but the credit still goes to the picrew creator.)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

A normal day.

Atlas grabbed their spear and net, then walked down to the sandy shores of the Wastelands that they knew so well. To make their day just a tad easier, they were the only one out that day.

They swiftly dived into the ocean, immediately exhaling the breath of air they held and then inhaling the salty ocean water. It took them a moment to become accustomed to the change of elements, but soon they were effortlessly swimming through the waves as they searched for their next catch.

A few minutes of searching, and something caught their eye.

On the sea floor, an unfamiliar cave sat, its dark opening likened to that of a gaping maw. Strange, they thought, that wasn’t there before. Perhaps the rocks crumbled away to reveal it over the night? Whatever happened, the curiosity was killing Atlas.

They tied their net to a nearby rock and then swam down to the cave with their spear at the ready.

They entered the cave.

They kept swimming.

And then everything turned black.

“You haven’t been to your Homerealm in a long time, Avi. Maybe you should visit,” Kovi suggested. You’ve been avoiding it for years.

Avirex shook their head in response. “I may have been born in that realm, but I don’t consider it my home. I’m… fine here.”

Kovi sighed. Despite knowing Avirex nearly their whole existence, they were still a mystery at times. Sometimes they wished they could look into Avirex’s mind like they could with non-skykids. “If something happened, you know you can tell me.”

Right after they spoke, they heard an unfamiliar voice in the back of their head. Come find me.

Avirex had responded to Kovi, but they didn’t hear. They stood up and looked around, and then down at Avirex. “I’ll… be right back.” And then they quickly went into the surrounding forest.

Come find me.

They followed to where they thought the source of the voice might be, until it was deafeningly loud. They took another step forward, nearly tripping over something on the ground. They looked down to see what it was to find… a stone mask? Nothing about it looked unordinary, until they reached out to touch it.

A blinding light emitted from it that engulfed Kovi, and then they were gone.


(Oops, I totally forgot about this one, huh? I know I'm late but lemme just— aggressive scribbling. Also, heads up that I did end up adding a second character to my original sheet! I hope that's okay! Just decided I wanted to represent the full chaos duo lolol)

"Oi, Moss-for-brains."

Zoro grunted his distaste for the name but otherwise ignored the man poking his head into the crow's nest. He focused on lowering his body nearer to the floor, holding himself vertically on his hands while his muscles strained to support the massive weights balanced on the flats of his feet. Sweat dripped off his flushed face as his nose brushed the floor, then he straightened his arms out again and repeated the process.

The cook grit his teeth around the filter of his cigarette and pulled himself into the enclosed room. There was a distinct humidity in the nest, explained away by the reek of sweat which made Sanji scrunch his nose. "Don't ignore me, you shitty bastard," he said, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "The others just drew straws. Luffy pulled for you, so you're accompanying us to the island."

The swordsman's face pinched as he met Sanji's exasperated glare. He grunted again, this time with the effort of launching the weight into the air. He flipped back onto his feet and caught it, then let it thump onto the floor near the other weights. "Yeah?" he grumbled, throwing a towel over his neck and mopping up the sweat that had collected there. He knew better than to believe the cook had come all the way up there just to tell him that.

A smile pulled at Sanji's lips, and he took another drag of his cancer stick. "Luffy drew the short straw. Hope you're ready for a day of being my pack mule, Ma-ri-mo," he informed, dragging out the last three syllables with a shit-eating grin.

The sound of sliding metal rang throughout the room as, in a single instant, Zoro kicked one of his swords into the air and swung at the arrogant cook. Sanji was just as quick, fending off the blow with a solid kick, and the two pushed against each other with all their might as Zoro snarled, "Like hell I'm going to carry your things all day, Pervert Cook!"

"Captain's orders, stupid Marimo. Unless you've forgotten what that means?" Sanji countered, exuding cockiness.

With one final push, the two disengaged. Zoro shook his sword once, out of habit, then returned it to its sheath and wordlessly pulled his coat back over his arms. He retrieved his remaining two swords and secured them to his side, then dropped through the ladder while Sanji's, "Oh, is that all?" echoed through the crow's nest above.

Zoro slid down the ladder and landed on the deck with a thump, already turning to find his captain when he heard Brook's, "Yo-ho-ho!" and spotted the witch strolling towards him.

"Oh, Zoro," she called, her voice honey-sweet in the way it only got when she was sure to get her way.

"Nami-swaaaaaaannn!" the cook's lovesick voice rang out from the ladder. Another thump hit the deck behind Zoro, and the swordsman rolled his eyes resignedly.

"Not to worry, my lovely lady," Sanji professed, hands clasped together with heart-shaped smoke billowing from his cigarette. "I already informed Marimo of the arrangements. Might I interest you in a mikan beignet before we set out?"

Nami gave him an indulging smile, but her attention was on Zoro. "That would be lovely, Sanji-kun," she responded, waiting for the cook to run off to the kitchen before saying, "You will go with him today. We're low on just about everything after all the marine attacks lately—" And that was true. Especially when dealing with someone like Luffy, who's metabolism burned through an entire feast with every battle. Zoro had caught the cook chainsmoking more than normal lately, counting inventory multiple times a day and showing even less mercy when confronted with the captain's pillaging. "—and even Sanji can't carry everything in one trip. Plus, we can't afford you getting lost again."

Zoro opened his mouth to protest, but Nami cut him off with a wicked grin and a flippant wave of her hand. "Or should I increase your debt again?"

The swordsman stiffened. Then he crossed his arms and spat, "Fine, then. …Witch." He barely had time to raise Kitetsu's sheath to block a flying kick as the cook returned in a furious blur.

"How dare you speak to Nami-swan that way, you shitty bastard!" he shouted, somehow effortlessly balancing a tray with two perfect desserts perched on it even as he launched another kick.

"It's none of your business, Ero-Cook!" Zoro responded with just as much heat, this time unsheathing two of his swords to retaliate.

A blinding pain struck them both over the head at the same instant, and they fell back with similar groans of pain to see Nami standing there with clear irritation on her face. "Enough," she growled, her fist shaking threateningly.

Normally Sani would have responded with his usual vigor, hearts in his eyes, and a devoted, "Yes, Nami-swan!" As it was, his vision turned hazy and he staggered a step. He raised his head, confusion flickering across his face. The tray in his hand dipped and the desserts splattered against the ground with a deafening noise.

Sensing something was terribly wrong with the cook, Zoro abandoned his pride for a moment and reached out to steady him, only to stumble himself. The combined weight sent them both sprawling on the ground, so dizzy they couldn't stand. Alarm flared in Zoro's head, but he lacked the strength to move. Fighting it anyway, he turned his head to get a glimpse of the cook, and his eyes widened when he saw him—dissolving?

Lifting a hand, he realized the cook wasn't the only one. Pieces of his skin were breaking off, turning into light that blinded him—and everything went white. The last thing he heard was Luffy's cry of, "Zoro! Sanji!" and Nami's scream for Chopper.

@spacebluelily language

Crowley sat on the grass of St. James Park, near the pond, as he watched the ducks swim around. Every once in a while, he would throw them some frozen peas. If Crowley had to describe how his day was going, he would have said that he was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad month would be a more accurate description, now that the demon thought about it. It all started after Armagedidn't. He had lost his job in Hell, but Crowley didn't mind¹. That just meant he had more time to spend with Aziraphale. And there was the bonus that he no longer had to hide the fact that he was friends with an angel. Since he didn't have a job, and had way too much free time on his hands, he decided to help Aziraphale around the bookshop. By scaring away customers. Now, this might not seem like a great tactic, but for an angel who was using a bookshop as a front², having a demon who could turn into a humongous snake at will was great.

During the nights, Crowley would drive around as an Uber driver, bringing people to their destination, and using just a bit of magic to get them talking. He learned a lot from conversations, mostly that his riders had been slighted in one way or another. From small things like being inconvenienced, to large, and quite frankly horrible things like being betrayed by a friend. Most often, days after the ride, they would find out that the ones who had slighted them had something bad happen to them. Whether that was being found cheating on their partner or to losing a scholarship. Of course, it would be silly to think that the red-headed goth in the vintage Bentley had anything to do with it. After all, it wasn't like he had the power to bring misfortune to whoever he saw fit. Right?

Everything was going great, and for the first time in centuries, Crowley truly felt happy. Until he wasn't. Until even what little he had left on Earth was wrenched painfully away from him. He wanted to punch the Metatron in the face, to take out all of his anger on him. After all, he was the reason why Aziraphale had left. It was all his stupid fault.

Oh, Crowley. Nothing lasts forever.

He feels tears falling down his cheeks and something nudging his feet. He takes off his sunglasses to wipe his tears away, revealing yellow snake-like eyes. The demon looks down and sees a white cat with strikingly beautiful blue eyes staring at him. The cat just stares at him and much to his surprise, it doesn't seem to be scared of him. Huh. "Hello there," he whispers, as he goes to pet the cat. It lets him, and it purrs as he pets it. His mobile phone rings and he takes it out of his pocket, staring at the screen, as the familiar tune of Queen flows through the air. He lets his phone ring, but he doesn't actually answer it. Unknown Number the Caller ID says. Probably a demon who had managed to get his number. Not that it was difficult to get his number. The cat, who had decided to move into Crowley's lap looks at the mobile phone with interest and places a paw on it. Much to the surprise of the demon (and of the cat), the phone starts to glow. And before he knows it, the light starts to engulf him and the cat, before the world around him fades to black.

¹While he didn't mind being fired from his job, what he did mind was the fact that he lost the apartment that was given to him by Hell when he was fired.

²Crowley was well aware of the various theories on the internet about Azira's bookshop. His favorite, by far, was the theory that the bookshop of the mysterious Mr. Fell was a front for the mafia. In reality, the bookstore was more of a library to the angel so he could store all of his books. It also served as an embassy to Heaven.

@the-void-phantasmic group

(Amn sleepy, sorry if response is ✨inaccurate✨)

GLaDOS woke up in a… very unfamiliar place. She was laying down on the ground, which was strange, since she never lays down. The air here was significantly warmer - and fresher - than the facility’s stale, recycled air. The ground was also much softer. It was grass and dirt, instead of concrete.

She slowly opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the sunlight before looking around.

She’d visited the surface, so none of this was new to her. And anything she hadn’t seen before, she merely skimmed over. Now wasn’t the time for curiosity, although she had plenty of questions floating about in her head.

The android quickly stood up, picking blades of grass out of her hair. She noticed a small figure, not very far away from her, that seemed unconscious. She tilted her head and approached the figure, and soon saw that it wasn’t human.

The little girl looked like one of those creatures from human stories… she’d forgotten what they were called, but she knew that an identifying feature of those creatures was those long, pointed ears, which she could see poking through the child’s short, messy hair. The girl was wearing a dark purple cloak, which was draped over her almost like a blanket, obscuring most of her body, save for her head and one of her arms.

GLaDOS crouched down next to the little creature, lightly poking her. When she didn’t get a response, she simply assumed the child was dead. She shrugged and stood back up. Now how am I going to get out of here?

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Sandra jolted upright, breathing hard. What just happened?
She looked around, fighting the fog in her mind to try and get her bearings.
She looked down at the grass she was sitting on. It was… wrong. Not the same grass that grew in her village.
The trees were too thickly clumped, and too tall. She’d never seen that flower before in her life, and that was saying something.
It became abundantly clear that she was no longer in the village Newart, or anywhere in Chasan for that matter.
She pushed herself to her feet, and the lack of a familiar weight against her back sent panic spiking through her. She reached around, trying to see.
Her bow and quiver were gone. She’d left them in her room that morning- she hardly ever left her gear behind.
She cursed her careless lack of diligence and looked around. Alright, she’d been talking with Owen, then she headed towards home and saw an unusual looking plant, and then… nothing.
Sandra spotted a long, thick stick, so she picked it up, both for walking and use as a weapon, if need be. Her confusion and curiousity at an all time high for this week, she set off walking.
what in the blazes is going on?


On the grassy forest floor lay two indistinct figures, dappled in the shadows of the canopy above.

A breeze flitted between the trees, scattering the light and illuminating the bright blonde hair of one of the unconscious men. His face was slack, only a triangle of pale skin visible beyond the curtain of his bangs. One single, spiral eyebrow stood proudly above his closed eye.

A bird fluttered to the ground, hopping closer to the blonde. The man's eyelid twitched once, then slowly parted to reveal a deep blue, sleep-clouded eye. It focused on the bird as it advanced, hopping onto his arm. It shoved its beak closer to his hand and then—

"SHITTY BIRD, I'M NOT DEAD!" Sanji lurched into a sitting position, drawing his hand back to himself with an absolutely murderous aura about him. The crow shrieked and fled into the air, and the chef was half-tempted to leap after it for pecking him. A dozen other birds took to the skies at the sudden shout, and Sanjit tsked to himself.

He let his shoulders drop, then, and surveyed the area. 'Where am I?' His gaze landed on the swordsman a few feet away and his features twisted into a scowl. "Oi, Marimo. How long are you planning to nap?" When there was no answer, Sanji pushed himself to his feet and placed his hands on either side of his hips, leaning back into a stretch that produced a few pops from his back. Then he kicked the side of Zoro's head, causing him to spring up in pursuit of a counterattack that Sanji easily parried with the sole of his dress shoe.

Zoro growled, then seemed to realize where they were—or rather, where there weren't. He relaxed his stance, lowering his swords and gazing around the trees warily. "What happened? Where's the Sunny?"

There was a quiet snick as Sanji flicked his lighter open, holding the flame to the end of his cigarette. He fitted the stick between his teeth and took a long draught of the smoke, then released it in an equally long, drawn-out breath. "I don't know," he eventually said, unease creeping into his expression. "A devil fruit user, maybe?" The thought that Nami could have had anything to do with their sudden passing out didn't even cross his mind. Neither, did it seem, cross the swordsman's.

"I didn't see anyone, though," he continued. "This could be the island we planned to restock at, but…" He paused, absentmindedly straightening his tie. "I don't smell the sea. Wherever we are, it's far from the Sunny."

Zoro shot a glare at him. "How you can smell anything over all that smoke is a wonder."

The chef bristled and clamped his cigarette between his teeth. "How I can smell anything over you is the real wonder."

The swordsman took a step towards him, raising one of his swords in a surefire sign he was about to swing it at him—when a snap of a twig alerted both of them. They froze, automatically shifting stances to work in tandem. Nothing happened for several seconds, and Sanji sensed nothing with his haki, so he relaxed.

Squabble forgotten, Sanji wandered a few steps away and examined the trees in further detail. "Wherever we are, we need to find our way back to the others. I hear running water off this way," he gestured with a tilt of his head. "If we follow it, maybe we can find a town or village."

Zoro grunted unintelligibly and started off in the opposite direction. The chef let out a long-suffering sigh and grabbed his haramaki, then began to drag him the correct way, muttering under his breath about a "directionally challenged, lost-child bastard".


(Sorry about the spotty activity, y'all! Work has been kicking my butt and exacerbating my writer's block, but I have a few days off coming up soon that I'm hoping I can use to recharge!)