Name: Jada Eloise Emily Hawthourne
Nicknames: Jada, Thourne, Jade, Jay
Age: 15
Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Year: 4th
Pet: Two tabby cats. The large orange one's name is Sonto and the small black one's name is Fiona.
Appearance: Jada has soft, dark olive skin and light brown hair she dyed a soft mauve color. She has hazel, monolid eyes that are usually behind large full moon glasses. Her hair reaches her ribcage and has a slight wave to it. She has a dark splash of freckles across her fairly small nose and all over her shoulders. She's fairly tall for a girl her age (5'9") and has a fairly broad build. Large, dark lips and a heartwarming smile. She usually wears leather jackets and combat boots when not wearing her robes.

Personality: Jada is pretty subtle, she likes to fly under the radar and keep away from the spotlight. She's quiet and calculating, always watching everybody's moves and noting them for later. Extremely observant to the point where it's scary. Keeps to herself and is fairly introverted. Doesn't make herself known unless absolutely necessary. Seems to know something about everything and is a jack of all trades but a master of none. Pretty funny when you get to know her. She's very stoic, you never know what's going on inside her head unless she tells you.
Likes: Quidditch (Chaser for the Slytherin team), Ancient Runes (her favorite subject), cats, thestrals (doesn't know why she can see them), rainy days, her cats, hanging out with Regulus Black, reading muggle literature, sweaters, blankets, getting her way
Dislikes: Rats, messy rooms, hot and windy days, losing her glasses, the Marauders, people who act like they know what they're talking about, losing, Transfiguration (can't get it to save her life),
Background: Jada grew up in a mixed family, both race wise and blood wise. Her mother was a wizard and her father a muggle. Her mother's maiden name is Zabini, and she's cousins with Blaise Zabini's mother (though Blaise hasn't been born yet). Growing up, life was simple and easy. She has an older brother (Zachariah Edmund Eric Hawthourne) but he graduated Hogwarts before she got there, he was a Ravenclaw and Jada's mother was also a Ravenclaw.
Other: Jada is a legilimens, meaning she can read minds. Nobody knows except for Dumbledore and McGonagall. Her patronus is an eagle and her wand is ash wood with a dragon heartstring core with unyielding flexibility and is 11.5 inches.