Name: Colton Lamb
Nicknames: Cole, Colt, Lamb, anything else you can come up with lol
Age: 12
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him/They (on occasion)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Year: Second Year
Pet (optional): Piebald banana ball python named Citrine whom he loves dearly. They gossip about his classmates, and she's technically an emotional support/therapy animal, so he can take her wherever he wants
Appearance: (I'm subject to change the style of his hair and stuff, but basic features should stay about the same) (Extended: He's slightly below average height at 4'8, and he appears pretty slim. He has a somewhat athletic build from sports)

Personality: Colt isn't inherently unfriendly, but he can be a bit mistrusting of others, especially those in other houses. Since Slytherins are often looked down upon by other houses, they stick together, and he's no exception. He gets along pretty well with other Slytherins, and he can even be pretty chatty if you get him talking about something he likes. He's a bit needy for attention, and he hates being ignored. He is subject to having panic and anxiety attacks at times, which Citrine can help him with, and his classmates aren't aware of it (he's usually able to find an excuse to leave). He's not above using less than honorable means to an end, although he's pretty good at getting away with it (Citrine helps him cheat on exams on occasion).
Likes: Citrine, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Quidditch (he plays Chaser for Slytherin, and he's unfortunately pretty accident prone), Sugar, Attention, Divination (he acknowledges that it's kind of stupid, but he finds it interesting regardless, and it's not hard)
Dislikes: Being cold, Being ignored, Charms (he thinks it's a dumb class, and does well in it since he doesn't find it challenging), Needles (they make him nauseous and nervous oops)
Background: Colt was born as the younger of two sons in a Pureblood family. He's had a pretty comfortable upper-middle class upbringing, although his parents are quite busy, and he's always been stuck in his older brother's shadow. His brother, Kieran, is a sixth year, a prefect, and also a Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team. It seems like in everything Colt enjoys or attempts to do, Kieran outshines him, and Colt is constantly trying to find something that can be his own. He wants to stand out for his own achievements, and not always live under his successful brother. He likes being at Hogwarts, but Kieran always seems to be lurking somewhere…
Other: Colt is a Parselmouth, although he hasn't told anyone, not even anyone in his family. Although he could gain attention from it, he knows it would be mostly negative, so he just keeps it to himself. It's nice for talking with Citrine, though.