forum genshin impact
Started by @spacebluelily language

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Hey, I know about this thing!
My favorite character is Bennett, and his birthday was yesterday

@spacebluelily language

ello ello :D
kazuha is such a cool dude, i really like his character!! i'd really love to have him on my account but hahaha…i am poor
my current favorites, well i have many but to name a few… i'd suppose it'd be gaming, bennett, hu tao, zhongli & neuvillette
and barbara :3
i love barbara

and his birthday was yesterday

his only real birthday until the next leap day 😞

@spacebluelily language

ooo, good luck on your weapon wishes!
I've been saving for Neuvillette (and maybe try to get his weapon if I'm like super lucky), and even though I have a guarantee, there's always the possibility of getting him at hard pity. If I get him like super early like Raiden during 4.3, i'll go for Kazuha…but i am also saving for Zhongli and/or Venti when they rerun, so, we'll just have to see.