forum "Did you really think I'd fall for that, little angeI?" // oxo // reboot! // closed
Started by @spacebluelily language

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@spacebluelily language

An angel and a demon have been friends for as long as they can remember. For about seven thousand years, to be exact. A friendship like this is quite rare to see. They've seen good things happen. They've seen bad things happen. But something happens throughout those seven thousand years.

The rest of the demons, with some help from their enemies, kill Character A's (the angel) friend. For this reason, the angel falls and becomes a demon, with a strong hatred for angels. And whenever possible, Character A kills them to avenge their friend. While Character B (the demon), somehow becomes an angel again. Something that confuses them. Years pass and Character B bumps into their friend. Character B recognizes them, but Character A doesn't…which leads them to try to kill the other.


So, this is a reboot of this RP that I made back in 2020. I admit this was inspired by one of the various Good Omens AU's where Azirphale is a demon and Crowley is an angel.

Our characters currently live on modern-day earth (no reason is provided as to why they live there, but as long as they get their jobs done, Hell and Heaven don't mind). This can be either 100% platonic or if you'd like this can become a romance. I'd like to be Character B, as I already have a character form for them.

@spacebluelily language



Age (not really important but it does give you the opportunity to have a fun quote):

Sexuality (optional):









Name: Azrael Katz

Nickname: Rae

Age (not really important but it does give you the opportunity to have a fun quote): looks 26ish but age is irrelevant for her

Sexuality (optional): Pansexual She/they

Species: Fallen Angel turned Demon

As an angel, Azrael stands around 5'7 is and had been more lanky since there was no need to fight. It was heaven, what did she need violence for? She used to have long strawberry blonde hair with streaks of slightly darker ginger throughout. Her eyes were pale greenish hazel that stood out against her vitiligo skin. She had 2 pairs of pale grey wings stemming from her mid and upper back (around shoulder blade height) and of course a little silver circlet halo representing her status as an angel.
Although her height hadn't changed, Azrael had put on a bit more muscle over the centuries she's been a demon, no where near the buffer beings she's met but she can still put up a fight on her own. Her hair (other than being cropped short), eyes and overall look have stayed relatively the same as well, though up close small changes can be seen. Her pale green eyes are now a deeper shade of green and seemed to have lost the light and happiness they once held all the time. Small scars scatter her hands and wings both from her fights over the years and by herself as a result of losing a beloved friend. Her wings are now tinged black as result of falling to hell and there are some bald spots from injuries but for the most part she has taken care to keep her wings in good condition as it is the only thing tying her to heaven and her lost friend.

Outfit: Instead of the pastal and bright colors she had been in favor of wearing as an angel, Azrael has now opted for more muted and dark tones hell reflects. She likes to wear jackets to cover her wings. Although that doesn't hide the fact she was angel, she would rather be safe than sorry. Underneath the jacket, Azrael usually wear simple clothes, shirts and sweatshirt usually paired with skinny jeans and boots. She does sometimes wears skirts or a fancier blouse but that's for the very few special occasions.

Personality: He's more reserved and quiet since becoming a demon, most of the light and bubblyness now gone. While he does keep to himself for the most part, he does have a few friends he had met in Hell he trusts. She sometimes does have her moments of pure joy but she usually is reminded of her friend's death and feels guilty.

Likes: Desserts, she has a major sweet tooth, listening to music, her pet cat, and orange flowers.

Dislikes: (most) Angels, and anything revolving around the incident with his friend, spiders, being flustered

@spacebluelily language

Name: Adeline Jameson Carlson

Nickname(s): Addie, Lina, Adele

Age: Looks about 24ish.

Sexuality: Lesbian (she/her)

Species: Demon turned Angel (archangel to be specific)

Appearance: Adeline has short red fluffy hair that reaches up to her shoulders. She is almost always seen with her hair down and very rarely puts it up in a bun. She has somewhat pale skin due to not getting enough sunlight (she's lived in hell for a long time, and the lack of sunlight down there was going to affect her sooner or later), despite the fact that heaven is in the clouds and gets a lot of sunlight. She has yellow eyes, which is rather unusual for angels and humans alike, so she covers them up with some magic so her eyes look more normal. With her magic, her eyes are light blue. She has thin, dark eyebrows, a somewhat round nose, and wears two black earrings on each ear. Her wings are medium-sized and now have a lightish grey color to them instead of the usual black. She stands at five feet and six inches tall.

Outfit: Her outfit depends on where she is. While in heaven, Adeline dresses more formally, as unsurprisingly, heaven now has a dress code. Her outfit consists of a long-sleeved frilly cream blouse with a dark grey suit jacket, dark grey suit pants, and light brown shoes. While on earth, she wears clothes with dark colors, as they remind her of hell, a place she was starting to accept as home. She wears long-sleeved shirts of various colors, a black denim jacket, a necklace with a silver star charm, dark grey jeans, and doc martens shoes.

Personality: In general, she has a devil-may-care attitude, although there are times she'll "sober up" and become very serious. She is very inquisitive but learned the hard way not to ask questions. Or at least, not too many questions. She's somewhat careless on assignments and almost comes back with an injury, which does get her in trouble with her superiors. She got so used to hell having little to no rules and their "Do whatever you want, I don't give a damn" attitude that it took her a while to get used to heaven's rules. She's sarcastic and tries to curb her sarcasm as much as possible when around the other archangels (excluding Raphael, who she knows is one of the few angels she can trust). She has no qualms about killing, and you will most likely find yourself discoparated if you threaten her friends.

Likes: Hearing music, gardening, cats, spending time with her friends Allura & Raphael, sweets, the stars

Dislikes: The demons that killed her and whoever else was involved in her murder, Archangel Gabriel, extremely cold days (they are terrible for her plants), and crowded places

Other: Adeline owns a cozy record shop (where she also sells coffee) decorated with different types of plants. It's really popular around town and she always gets a few people asking if it's possible to buy one of the plants. Unlike the rest of the angels, she prefers to hide her wings, even when she's on heavenly assignments.

@spacebluelily language

(first of all, I really like Azrael. Second of all, as it's quite late where I am, and I have to wake up early tomorrow, I will have to post the starter, well, tomorrow.)


(awe thank you! I love Adeline, I'm excited for their dynamic. Quick question, would you want to keep this platonic and have them possibly date other side characters in the future or do you want the main characters to eventually get together? If so I can just change Azrael's pronouns and preference.)

@spacebluelily language

(You're welcome and thank you! When I created the original rp I had wanted the main characters to get together in the future but we can keep this platonic if you prefer :))

@spacebluelily language

(alright, cool! i know i said i was gonna post a starter today but aejejdj things happened and I'm about to go to sleep. i will 100 percent post it tomorrow though)

@spacebluelily language

(its short, but it'll do for now, as i don't have the energy to write a longer starter)

Adeline flipped the We're open sign, and locked the door to her shop. Normally, Adeline would eat in her shop during lunch, keeping it open for customers to come by and grab some coffee or buy a record. But today, business was slow, so she figured it wouldn't hurt for her to grab some lunch at the nearby deli. She walked down the street, not really paying attention to where she was going, too busy thinking of the assignment she had to complete before the end of the week.


Azrael tugged on her long black trenchcoat as she stepped out in the chilly mid-day streets, making sure her wings were neatly hidden away before she ventured in the rush of people exiting their jobs and what not. She had actually just finished hers, securing another lost soul for hell while simultaneously making a bit of a deal. She couldn't necessarily call it honest work since it was, ya know, hell, but it was the closest thing she could do she supposed. He had evejncaled her a lifesaver, having mistaken her for an angel come to "save" his corrupt ass. Sure buddy, whatever you need tell yourself. Rae had thought. It was easier to lie and say she was indeed an angel sent from heaven than to convince the guy she was anything but. At least now. She she sunk her teeth in the bottom of her lip to keep her frustration down before taking a turn onto the street that lead to her apartment. While she wanted nothing to do with heaven, she didn't particularly like her life in hell as to spend her whole existance there so she settled for an in between every few months when Hell's politics got too much for her. She had settled on the east side of town, nice enough to accomadate her needs while still keeping her life private. Plus she was close enough to the city to make any deals needed without the excessive need to travel.
With a small sigh she rolled her shoulders tonrelieve some tension from her wings and shoulders and gently tugged on the door the coffee shop she liked to frequenton her days off, only to find that it was closed. Rae's brows creased in confusion as she looked between her watch and the 'closed' sign. It was a tad bit later than when she normally visited but she didn't think it'd be closed by now. She persed her lips and took a step back, a flicker of annoyance crossing her features before she slowly started back into a walk towards home, already dreading the fact that she'd have to settle and make her own coffee, something that she always seemed to mess up. But she'd have to manage.

@spacebluelily language

(apologies for the long wait)

When she arrived at the shop, she quickly ordered what she wanted, and watched as the worker made her sandwich. Her mind wandered to her newest assignment. It was so vague that Adeline had no idea where to start. If she didn't know better, she would have called it prophetic. Well, at least she knew what she was going to do the next couple of nights. She tapped her fingers against her arm, a habit she had picked up from Azrael eons ago. Azrael…even now, Adeline wondered if she was okay. The first thing she had done after basically being reincarnated into an angel was asking the higher ups multiple times where she could find Azrael. But they would never give her a straight answer. It was always in the form of a bloody riddle, and to make things worse, they were always in Middle English. Middle English was never, and never will be her strong suit. There was a reason why she was partially mute during the Middle Ages. At some point, Adeline got so exasperated with their bloody riddles, that she just gave up asking them.

She payed for her sandwich, a couple chocolate chip cookies and a bag of chips, and thanked the cashier. Instead of eating in the Deli shop, she decided to eat in her coffee shop, completely ignoring the fact that the reason why she was even here in the first place was because she wanted a change of scenery. She made her way out of the busy shop, apologizing to the people she bumped into. Once out, she dissapered into a large group of people. As she walked back to her shop, a woman walking the opposite direction caught her eye. She looked so much like…

"Azrael?" she called out, her hand tightening her hold on her bag. She didn't truly believe it could be her, but what if it was? Did that mean her long search would finally be over?