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forum "You shall be judged for your crimes." "Ah, about that.." // CLOSED
Started by @spacebluelily language

people_alt 77 followers

@spacebluelily language

Here's the plot:

There is no plot. This is more of a warmup rp since I haven't done something like this in a while. Even though the majority of my rps end up losing their life, that will not stop me from making another one. All I know this is going to be devoid of any romance (or not, depending on the plot we make up) and nothing dark. I know super vague, but I'm sure we can work it out together!

normally i'd add a section for the rules of the rp but basically follow andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules and everything will be a-okay!

@spacebluelily language

(hello maglo!!! thank you for showing interest in pandora's silly rp! would you like to join me in what i call suffering? and hello to whoever ends up stalking this!!)

Deleted user

(You seem like you've got a prompt/idea in mind with the quotations as a title)

@spacebluelily language

(yeah, I have an idea, but it's half-baked so it might not make much sense. I was thinking of two not-so-human individuals who have beef with each other. One is obsessed with the idea of justice and you know, bringing people to justice and the other is a "criminal" (in quotation marks because that's how Justice views them) who just wants to live their life in peace without people meddling in their life due to past wrongdoings. This is all i have but i guess the general idea is that Justice wants to judge erm lets call them R, for their past crimes, and believes that "their so-called idyllic life is a front for a sinister plot" for one reason or another and I guess Justice and R are in this sort of cat and mouse game? I don't know, I might come up with something else tho cuz I'm not so sure if this makes sense)

Deleted user

(Sounds interesting)
(I'll go with whatever you decide, I've got no ideas myself)

@spacebluelily language

(i think we'll go with this, but i might add, or remove things as we go along, cuz again, this isn't exactly concrete. So uh , the suffering begins! You wanna do templates? And what role do you want to take?)

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Name: Kara
Age: 19
Race/Fantasy Species: Human?
Pronouns: She/they
Sexuality: Who knows!
Height and Weight:
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Ponytail
General Looks: Tall and lean, with Calm Sky Blue Eyes

Personalty: A very calm and to the point Person
Likes: The sky and stars, practicing sword play,
Dislikes: Loud people, being hassled,
Background: A former traveling Ronin, who searched for their brother across many cities, which got her in some trouble with the local law enforcement a few times, as she was new to civilization, and occasionally did mildly immoral things. Now lives in a city, having settled for a bit.

@spacebluelily language


Name: Catalina "Cat" Bain
Age: shrugs
Species: 100% Human, definitely. Yeah….nothing suspicious going around here…
Race: checks notes Scottish?? British??? French????
Pronouns: She/Star/They
Gender: Female
Sexuality: They have no idea, nor do they care. They're married to their work /hj
Eye color: Green
Hair color/style: She has red hair, but the color can change depending if star is in the mood of dying their hair. Goes from red to blonde, to maybe a darker shade of red, to just plain brown. Very exciting stuff.
Height: Uhhh, like 6'3?
Personality: Due to her job, they tend to have this formal professional air around them that makes a lot of people believe star is this stern, no-nonsense kind of gal. Oh, you broke the law? Haha, jail for ten years. While they're not necessarily wrong, she's also more chill. In private, and around a few selected people they're somewhat shy and polite and are more lenient when people make mistakes than when they're in their work persona.


  • She loves anything sweet. Those who know star tend to say one can win them over by buying them anything that is enough to satisfy a sugar addict.
  • Tea. She loves tea so much that if it was up to star, they would only be made of tea. But due to her job, she's 85% caffeine, 55% stress, and 10% tea.
  • Stars :D (they loved them so much that she made them one of her pronouns)
  • soft spot for children and animals


  • her job (jk jk….or am i…). more specifically, she dislikes it when certain people make star's job more difficult than it should be
  • half of the police force (somehow they're more useless than past officers)
  • rain…whenever they're out on a case, it always starts to rain. it is frankly quite annoying
  • criminals ("JUST ABIDE BY THE GOD DAMN RULES" - Catalina, ????)
  • clowns & seafood. no explanation will be given.

Background: Catalina lives in a constant state of caffeine and all-nighters. For as long as star can remember, they've been doing the same thing. Capture criminals and let Justice deal with them. She's a big follower of Justice, and they practically live by their motto. Even as a child, all they ever wanted to do was uncover the truth and help the people whom criminals have wronged. Star has worked so hard to make her dream a reality, and could not be more pleased to learn that she is a role model to those children who share the same dream.


Catalina lives in a constant state of fear and anxiety. She knows that something is wrong with them, especially when star remembers events that happened hundreds of years before she was creat- …. born. Between court cases and criminal chases, she works on finding out what exactly is wrong with her. But they have the strangest feeling that something, or rather someone…is watching their every move, and doesn't want her to uncover the truth.

@spacebluelily language

(they're super fun)
(haha thanks, wanted to get this done earlier but i was smothered in work and doc appointments)
(so how we gonna do this? do you post a starter or do I? or is there like something you wanna discuss before we start?)

Deleted user

(I think you post the starter first, and we can go from there. Unless theres any pertinent setting details we need to mention)

@spacebluelily language

(hmm, don't thinks? the start was basically just going to be some dude who works with law enforcement sees your char, my char gets notified and we go from there)