forum Unravel the Glitch // One-On-One // CLOSED
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@spacebluelily language

“Oliana! Wai-“ It was to late, she had left her alone in the house, with a glitching Anabeth who was going to die in any moment. “Don’t worry, Ms. Anabeth, We will find an end to this.” She sighed and sat next to the crying woman, who she now embraced into a hug.

Deleted user

Oliana didn't want to go anywhere. She'd glitched away, but hadn't figured out where. So she'd gone into her haven, into the network. She sat down, looking around at the expanse. No one could enter here, and that made her happy.

@spacebluelily language

Seconds turned into minutes, Minutes into Hours, Abigail still was with Ms, Anabeth. Anabeth started glitching even more, she started to scream in pain, which scared Abigail. She couldn’t do nothing expect to watch the poor woman. Finally, Anabeth closed her eyes, and her screaming stopped. Abigail wasn’t sure if she was dead or just resting.

Deleted user

"I just…I don't get how this happened," Oliana said, her voice echoing slightly in the network. "What happened? What happened to me in the future? What made me like that?"

@spacebluelily language

Abigail sighed and decided to leave the house, but not before writing a note. Abigail hopes that Anabeth wasn’t dead, but it didn’t look like she was going to stay alive much more longer. She left the house and sat against her motorcycle, looking up at the sky.

Deleted user

"No, there's no way this is possible. I would never do that. And I can't even time travel. I wouldn't be able to do it anyway. So someone must be impersonating me. That's the only way. It has to be."

@spacebluelily language

She sighed and decided to call Oliana. She typed Oliana’s phone number and waited for her to answer. Abigail understood that Oliana must’ve saw something horrible that would’ve made her leave Abigail in the house with Anabeth.

Deleted user

"Oliana speaking." She tried to stop the shakiness in her voice as she answered her phone. Whoever was calling didn't need to know what was running through her head. No matter who it was.

@spacebluelily language

Abigail almost dropped her phone, because she wasn’t expecting Oliana to actually answer. “Oliana, you’re not planning to stay wherever you are forever are you? I understand you need time to calm down and whatever happened to you or. . what you saw while hugging Anabeth could be another reason why you need to be alone and have some time to calm down, but. . we have a job to do and I really would appreciate if you would stop ditching me.”

Deleted user

"Look, I'm sorry. But I have too much on my mind. My worst nightmare might have just come to fruition, and I can't handle it. I need to be alone, more than you realise. I get that we have a job to do but I need to focus on my mental health. Tell Clementine. She'll understand." She hung up.

(also random question: have you figured out who callie's dad might be (from the dc rp)?)

@spacebluelily language

Abigail sighed, got up and got on her bike. She zoomed through the city and back to the agency. She parked her bike on her spot and walked inside the agency. It took her a couple of minutes to find Clementine’s office. She sighed and knocked the door.

(No, not yet. I’m stumped.)

Deleted user

(well her initials are C.C., and her dad's initials are J.C. he's in Arkham because he makes people's worst fears come to life. thats all i will give you. that should help a bit. but no, its not joker)

Oliana took deep breaths. In and out. What she saw had to be impossible…but it wasn't. She needed to talk to someone. Someone who could help her. Clementine would be perfect, but she didn't want to run into Abigail.

@spacebluelily language

A couple of minutes passed, and since got no response from Agent Indigo, she decided to knock on the door once again. She sighed as she took a couple of steps away from the door. “Agent Indigo, are you in there?”

Deleted user

"Yes, sorry! Come in!" Clementine called, partially distracted. She waited until Abigail came in and for her to close the door. "How did it go? Where's Oliana?"

@spacebluelily language

(Makes people's worst fears come to life.. . well scarecrow uses a variety of experimental drugs and toxins to exploit the fears and phobias of his victims, and his real name starts with the initials J.C. Are you saying that Jonathan Crane, aka scarecrow is the father?)

@spacebluelily language

“Uh, well, you see, we’re not even close to finishing, Oliana says that she needs to focus on her mental health, and i thought it would be better if I pause the mission until she gets better.” Abigail says while fidgeting with the sleeve of her outfit.

Deleted user

(Makes people's worst fears come to life.. . well scarecrow uses a variety of experimental drugs and toxins to exploit the fears and phobias of his victims, and his real name starts with the initials J.C. Are you saying that Jonathan Crane, aka scarecrow is the father?)

(yes! her name is actually Callie Crane. I wanted her dad to be Irish but couldn't find any Irish DC villains so I made it her mum. also I didn't care about her mum so she's an unknown villain. it makes me happy that you figured it out!)

Deleted user

“Uh, well, you see, we’re not even close to finishing, Oliana says that she needs to focus on her mental health, and i thought it would be better if I pause the mission until she gets better.” Abigail says while fidgeting with the sleeve of her outfit.

A knowing look crossed Clementine's face. "Yes, she has always really struggled with that. And especially now, with people blaming her for the Glitch. She's probably in the network. She'll come out when she's ready. Don't be surprised if she comes out of your phone later to talk."

@spacebluelily language

(Makes people's worst fears come to life.. . well scarecrow uses a variety of experimental drugs and toxins to exploit the fears and phobias of his victims, and his real name starts with the initials J.C. Are you saying that Jonathan Crane, aka scarecrow is the father?)

(yes! her name is actually Callie Crane. I wanted her dad to be Irish but couldn't find any Irish DC villains so I made it her mum. also I didn't care about her mum so she's an unknown villain. it makes me happy that you figured it out!)

(Oof, Poot mother who doesn’t matter. Anyways, after you gave me the hint, everything started falling into place. I had to question myself what DC Villain was related with fear, and after I got my answer I repeatedly knocked my brain so it could remember the real name of scarecrow,)

@spacebluelily language

“Uh, well, you see, we’re not even close to finishing, Oliana says that she needs to focus on her mental health, and i thought it would be better if I pause the mission until she gets better.” Abigail says while fidgeting with the sleeve of her outfit.

A knowing look crossed Clementine's face. "Yes, she has always really struggled with that. And especially now, with people blaming her for the Glitch. She's probably in the network. She'll come out when she's ready. Don't be surprised if she comes out of your phone later to talk."

“Comes out of my phone!? What. .?" Abigail asked, very much confused. Inside, Abigail was very confused, and a little bit creeped out. She was confused because she didn’t knew what the network was, but she guessed it was like a word inside the internet or something like that, and creeped out at the fact that Oliana could come out of her phone later. How she would do that was something Abigail didn’t know.

Deleted user

"Oh, I thought you knew. Oliana's power isn't just teleportation, it's technology. That's why she's so good at tech, it basically runs through her veins. She knows every little bit about a technological device. And she can travel through them, too. When she glitches. she goes into a place that she calls the network. From there she can travel anywhere."

@spacebluelily language

Two seconds passed, three seconds passed and Abigail said nothing. A couple more seconds passed and finally she said something. “That’s so cool! Even cooler than just being able to teleport. Well, I won’t take any more time away from you, Agent Indigo.” Abigail said. She smiled, opened the door, left the office and then closed the door.

Deleted user

"Strange girl," Clementine said once Abigail had left. She hoped Oliana was OK. She knew exactly how difficult this was on her. She decided to give her a call.
"Oliana speaking," She heard, and she could hear the shakiness in Oliana's voice.
"Are you OK, Liana?"
"I'm fine, I just need a few moments."
"Come on, you can't lie to your Aunt. I know you."
"I…I saw something."

@spacebluelily language

(Le Gasp)

Abigail sighed and decided to go to the lunch area. She sat behind one of the tables and looked at the blank wall. Many expressions came on her face in seconds. Then, Abigail winced and laid her head on the table.

Deleted user

"OK, well tell me what happened."
"Abigail and I went to visit Maxwell Heines' sister, Anabeth. She started to glitch, and when she was done I went to hug her. She was sobbing and saying that she didn't want to die. Then she glitched while I was hugging her."
"What happened next?"
"I think my glitch mixed with hers, because I saw a vision. The true cause of the Glitch. I've worked so hard to prove that it's not me…but it is. I don't know whether it's a future me or an alternate me, but it's me. I'm the cause."