forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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Loki headed back to their bedroom and gently nudged Spot awake. Spot picked his head up and nudged Queenie who was curled up comfortable at his paws. She woke up with a new and glanced up
"I know, I'm sorry to wake you two, but I've got food." He set the food bowls down on the ground


Soon, she had found some needed supplies and set to work with a smile, measuring ingredients and getting back into the familiar rhythm of making bread.


Loki came back shortly, followed by spot and Queenie. He wrapped avalin in a hug "having fun without me, love?"


She shrugged, leaning against him with a growing smile, "Yeah, I am, but you helping would be even more fun." She brought one of her flour covered hands up and put a handprint on his shoulder before laughing lightly and trying to get back to work.


He laughed and brushed off the flour. He kissed her cheek before rolling his sleeves up and watching "I know you've taught me this….but I have no clue what I have to do…." He smiled sheepishly


"I've already finished mixing all the ingredients, so now we just have to mess with it and knead it." She scooped out the ball of dough from the bowl and set it onto the already flour covered counter, breaking it in half so each of them could work on something.


He took a half and started to knead it onto itself "how long to we do this for?" He asked, glanging over at her


Avalin started to knead the dough as well, trying to think of the best guess, "Several minutes, then we have to let it rest and do it once more before we put it in the oven."


She shrugged, smiling, "I suppose, yes." For the next few minutes she kneaded the dough, working it and mixing it together before finally stopping and putting the dough back in the bowl, "But it'll be worth it."


He nodded in agreement before continuing to knead the dough. He glanced down at Queenie who was pawing at his pantleg "no, I don't think you're allowed to have this."


"Not until its baked," She replied, walking over and getting something to put over the bowl to seal it off, "Whenever you're done, love, you can put it in the bowl next to you and it can start to rise."


He nodded and set the dough in the bowl to let rise. He washed his hands in the sink and dried them. Loki smiled and kissed his wife on the head before picking Queenie up and givihg her a treat from the cabinet. Spot came by and looked up at Avalin, expecting a treat from her


She smiled and happily accepted the kiss on the head before also washing her hands. She dried them and glanced down at Spot, still smiling as she crouched down and started petting the dog, "Does someone want a treat? Hm?"


Spot's tongue lolled out as he happily barked and nudged up into her hand. Loki handed Avalin a few treats before putting the bag away. He set Queenie on the counter, letting her roam around a bit


"Thank you," She said happily when he handed her the treats, feeding them to Spot before standing back up and moving to lean against Loki.


He pulled her into a hug, leaning against the counter for support. the sun was filtering in through the window as they just stood there, content in each other's arms. loki gently stroked her hair, watching as strands fell back into place as he lifted his hand to pet her again. His eyes filled with love for his wife anole with a soft smile.


"it's been too long my love, far too long." He whispered softly, kissing her head. He traced the lines of her shoulders and back with Light fingertips


"It has," She agreed in a soft voice, burying her head against him and shivering slightly as his fingers trailed over her back, "It's been way too long."


"Now we have eternity. Think that's enough time to make up for 5 years?" he asked, tilting his head back to gaze at her. Spot barked happily and spun in a little circle


Avalin shook her head and her mouth turned up into a smile, "Nope, but it'll be close." For a moment she was silent as her mind took her down a random spiral of thought.


He smiled softly and pressed a kissed to her lips "then we can certainly try." he murmured, glancing up as the timer went off for the bread. "I think breakfast is done,"


"Finally," She said with a sigh as the timer went off, hugging him close and kissing him again quick before slipping away to get the bread and stop the timer.


He smiled at her before turning around to get plates, some butter and jam from the fridge and some snives to cut the bread with