forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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"And I would've kept searching if it took me the rest of my life! Nothing was more important to me than finding her, nothing! But that didn't mean I wasn't there for you, that didn't mean I was a ghost in the halls of the castle, I was still there by your side whenever I could be." His magic swirled dark green, only turning light green when it was around Avalin. "But of course you wouldn't want to recount those times I stood beside you." he shrugged "At least take me using my true name, Thor. Don't bring me in as our father's son, you know I'm not his son and you know I'm not your brother." He splayed his arms to the side, his magic flowing around him in black and gold static whisps as he stood between Thor and his wife "leave her alone, she doesn't deserve to be punished because of my actions."


Thor's hands balled into tighter fists and he stepped up until he was just outside of his brothers magic, "Loki, you are my brother, even though not by blood." The storm was directly over the house now and it had started to rain, making the scene look even more intense as he spoke again, "I have to take her as well, you know the law, brother. And I will not call you by any other name than Odinson, because that's who you are, you're not Laufey's son. Not after father took you in."


"You lay a hand on my Queen I can only promise you worlds of hurt and destruction," he snarled, dropping his arms and straightening his stance. "You mean after he stole me from my kingdom? the one he purged and destroyed until it was rubble and dust? how noble," Loki glared at his brother, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "If anything I am Frigga's son, the only one of our parents that decided to try to help instead of cast me aside like some worn out play thing,"


"I have to take you both, brother. If the only way I can do that safely is fighting you and winning? Then I'll have to do that," He replied, growling, "He didn't steal you either, you know what happened. You were abandoned and he found you while he was trying to keep the nine realms safe." Thor's eyes seemed to flash with anger and he tensed even more, "Then be Frigga's son, but that means you are still father's son as well."

Avalin had taken a small step away as the brothers got closer and started to face off, frozen in her spot as she watched.


His magic whipped around him, his raven hair lifting as magic glowed around him. "Think you'll win? care to test that theory?" He taunted, a small growl escaping his lips. "He tried and failed, leaving his son to deal with the carnage that came with the aftermath of a destroyed society."


"I will test that theory," He growled back, the storm overhead only growing worse as Thor held out his hand and Mjölnir came to his hand, "Care to oppose me brother? I will not play nice."


"oh, you have no idea…" He growled, waving his hand with the knife in it to turn it into his staff. His signature tailcoat appeared as well. "You will not take her, not as long as I'm alive." He said, his main concern was getting Avalin as far away from the danger as possible


Avalin knew by now that it was in her best interest to leave, even as she hated herself for having to leave Loki to go against his brother. She was just too weak in comparison to their powers. Slowly, she backed away from the face off, slipping into the bedroom and shutting the door tightly behind herself as she tried to convince herself everything was going to be alright and neither of the brothers would hurt the other too badly.

A stroke of lightning flashed outside of the house and his hand tightened around his hammer, "Last chance brother, get Avalin and have both of you come willingly."


"Why?! why can't you just leave us alone? Now that everyone is back, what's so important that we both have to come with you?" his eyes glowed a bright green, his magic tangling around him until they formed copies of himself around the room, allowing Loki to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time


"Because you broke the law, and even as the king's brother, I can't let you get away with this." Thor watched as the copies of his brother appeared, though his eyes stayed fixed on the one in front of him that was the real him, "With you I could give you leeway and let you slide without punishment. Avalin though would be charged with aiding a fugitive, and her sentence would be terrible in comparison. I don't think you want to deal with that." Without another word, he made the first move and swung towards the one he thought was really Loki, eyes cold and flashing with anger.


Loki dodged his brothers swing moving out of the way of the other but never moving far from the bedroom door. "Aiding a fugitive? She never helped me escape that cell. She wasn't even on asgard! How can you charge her for being imprisoned somewhere she had no control in gtoing o in the first place?!" He lunged at his brother, magic snapping around him as he used the staff to keep Thor distant from the door


"You and her have been staying here on earth after your escape, and since she was the start of you leaving in the first place, that's the smallest sentence I could give her, unless you want to make it longer." Thor didn't seem to really pay attention to going towards the bedroom, knowing he would have to most likely take out Loki before Avalin.


"We stayed here because I knew you wouldn't want us coming back," The copies of him faded, leaving only him standing "You. Will. Not. Go. Near. Her." he stood straight in front of the door, ready to protect his queen from his brother


Thor's eyes narrowed and he watched his brother carefully, "You have to come back. It's not a choice, it doesn't matter about you or me caring if you stay." His grip on his hammer tightened and he stepped forward, "If you don't want me going near her, then get her and both of you come willingly with me."


Loki cocked his head slightly to the side "and then what? Have you persecute us? Have you throw her in a cell for what? For coming back after 5 years?" He shook his head with a laugh "and here I thought you were going to be a fair king," he muttered.


"I'm trying to be the fairest king I can," Thor insisted, trying to keep his voice calm though it was clear he would crack eventually, "Which is why I need to bring you back. Fair means fair to everyone, no special treatment because you're the king's brother."


"I'm not expecting any special treatment. I'm expecting you to leave." He crossed his arms over his chest "If you're so keen on us coming back with you, why don't you try?" He grinned and leaned against the door. "I mean, you can certainly try, I'm not saying that it'll work…"


Thor shrugged, matching Loki's crossed arms, "Or I could just bring more companions with me and we bring you back by force. I have no qualms with bringing you back by force."


Loki tilted his head with a smirk "you could." He drawled simply,Not moving from his spot. His eyes glittered green and gold as light caught his irises


(I'm back for a few days! :D)
"Do you want me to do that brother?" He asked, shifting around on his feet as he continued, "Or I could just wait until you leave Avalin's side and use her as bait. There are a million opportunities brother, ones that you haven't even considered."


Loki tried to control himself when Thor said he'd use Avalin as bait. His magic reflected what he tried to hide, snapping like whips around them both, the tention was so tight that Loki started to bleed from his nose. He said nothing, only dropped his smirk and glared at Thor


"not going to happen," he tapped his staff against the ground a few time to creat a barrier around the door. He glared at Thor and shook his head once before unlocking the door with his magic slipping inside


Thor stood facing the barrier, shaking his head and deciding it would be easiest to call in some help. He didn't want to have to bring in his brother, but the law required him to, and the people were pressing him just as much to.

Avalin had taken up a spot tucked against the bed frame and the wall while crouching down, holding Queenie in her lap while Spot had tucked himself up against her legs. She immediately looked up when the door opened, trying to hide her worry.


Loki took a breath to calm down before turning and slowly walking over to Avalin. He crouched down next to her and reached out a hand but didn't touch her "are you alright?" He asked softly, his tone gentler than moments ago when yelled with Thor