forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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She nodded, looking up at him and studying his face before reaching up and hugging him, "Are you alright? What happened out there? What are we going to do?" Queenie meowed and curled into Avalin's lap further as Spot looked at them.


He hugged her close with a sigh of relief "I'm fine, love. We need to pack anything we have and leave. Thor's bringing renforcements." He said, pulling away slightly and snapping his fingers to summon a bag. "We can get food for Wueenie and Spot once we're settled away from the mess." He stood with her in his arms


"My bag's still packed from the palace," She said gently, not moving to get down from his arms though, "Why is he bringing reinforcements? What happened between you two? Will we ever be able to go back to Asgard?" Avalin said everything quietly, almost as if she was worried for the answer or that the fighting would start again. "Where are we going to go, love?"


"he wants to bring us in for trial." He explained. "He thinks we did somthinn. I understand that I didn't take things rationally but you did nothing wrong. I'm not letting you be codcocted of somthig you didn't do." He glanced down at her when she asked about goingback to asgard. "I-i'm not sure love. Probably let not for a while." It broke him telling his wife she wouldn't be able to go home because of him. "Anywhere you like, just as long as it's far from here." He said, stroking her cheek gently


She nodded silently, hiding her sadness from not being able to go back home. The only place in her mind that she wanted to go was back to Asgard, though she knew that wouldn't be an option for a while. "Wherever you're safe is where we should go," She eventually said in the same quiet voice as before, "Whatever place is going to be the safest from your brother until its safe for us to go back home."


Loki nodded and kissed her brow "we'll see if we can go back in a few months when things cool down." He promised, waving a hand so light green magic transported them, the pets and their things to a secluded island off the coast of Europe. He glanced up at the house they were in front of and sighed. "It's not as nice as the other house but it's something."


Avalin once again just nodded, studying the house in front of them before turning and pulling Loki into a tight hug. "I'm just glad you're safe, this house is just as pretty." She listened at Spot trotted off to explore the new place, while Queenie meowed and rubbed against their legs.


Loki held Avalin close and pressed a kiss to her head "Your safety is my biggest concern, love, far above my own." He scooped her up in his arms and brought her inside. He set her down on the bed wich was open to the whole house. He snapped his fingers to make their few things appear in the closets and drawers. He layed beside her, sudden;y exhausted from the fight with his brother as his flares of magic.


She didn't complain at all as he picked her up and brought her to the bed, snuggling close to him and wrapping an arm around him to try to comfort him. It was clear that he was tired and she softly whispered, "Get some sleep, love."


He sighed softly and turned on his side so that they we pressed close to each other. He a hand over her body and his to magically change their clothing into something more comfortable to sleep in. For her, a soft grey t-shirt shirt and fluffy blue PJ pants, for him the same but black. He kissed her softly and curled around her protectivly. "I love you godess." He murmered softly before shutting his eyes and falling asleep


"I love you too my king," She murmured back, closing her eyes as well and tucking in against him. Avalin didn't go to sleep though, instead thinking over how quickly things had just changed and how now they couldn't go back to Asgard for a while. At least she still had Loki.


A few hours into the night, Loki took a breath and opened his eyes. He sat up and glanced over to Avalin. He sighed in relief and stroked back hairs that had fallen into her face. He kissed head and rested against the headboard, unable to go back to sleep


Avalin was still nestled in next to him, shifting around as he moved and her arm that was thrown over his chest moved. Spot and Queenie had also decided to come sleep sometime as well, though both of them were curled up together at the foot of the bed.


Loki watched Avalin shift then glanced over to where Queenie and Spot were. He smiled softly and looked up to the ceiling "do what you want to me, but you will not take those whom I love." he whispered to seemingly no one. He shut his eyes to finalize the vow and went back to sleep beside his wife, wrapping an around her waist


For the next few hours Avalin continued to sleep without waking up, though as the sun broke over the horizon she started to wake up. She sighed and yawned, nestling further against her husband and just letting herself slowly wake up.


Loki groaned softly and shifted, tightening his hold on Avalin while continuing to sleep. He breathed in deeply and burried his face in her hair


The corners of her mouth tilted up in a small smile and she thought of how lucky she was to be here with him. Her eyes opened slowly but she didn't move at all, just looking around the house and rubbing the back of his hand gently.


Loki awoke a few minutes later. He stretched slightly and gazed down at Avalin, "and here I thought I was still dreaming." He joked tiredly, pressing a kiss to her head.


(Sry i was gone so long I was skiing all weekend and didn't have free time)
"Nope, not a dream," She replied, looking up at him with a smile and pressing a light kiss to his lips, "Did you sleep well?"


(it's ok! I hope you had fun!!!)
He leaned into the kiss "kind of," he replied with a soft sigh, propping himself up on an arm. "Did you?" He asked, try to change the topic so as to not worry her


Avalin frowned slightly when he said 'kind of', though she answered his question and continued gently, "I slept well, but you should get some more sleep if you didn't sleep well. You drained yourself using your magic yesterday." He needed his sleep and she felt bad for shifting around and possibly waking him up.


Loki shook his head and pressed a kiss to her head "it's ok my beloved. I'll be fine." He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand and wistfully smiled at her. "Don't worry about me my love."


"You need to sleep though," She protested, shaking her head and gently trying to push him back so she was laying down without rejecting the kiss on her head, "I'm going to worry about you love, I'm your wife."


"You know you're more than that to me my love. You're my wife, my life, my queen, my love, my goddess, my equal, you're the one who keeps me from doing crazy things," he smiled and lied back down "fine, I'll sleep for a few more hours. But then we're fully getting up." he curled around her body and pressed her close to his chest, slowly drifting off again


She smiled at his words and the fact that he had listened to her, happily resting pressed up against him even though she was wide awake, "That works, just get some sleep." With a warm body pressed against her and laying in a comfy bed, soon she found her eyelids drooping once again and was soon sleeping as well.