forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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She grabbed a towel and pulled the bread out of the oven quickly, setting it on the counter with a proud smile at how good it looked, "Ready to eat love?"


Loki came back into the kitchen and looked over her shoulder and nodded "definatly ready." He kissed her cheek


Avalin hummed and grabbed the two plates, looking up at him over her shoulder to ask, "Do you want to split one of the loaves? Or do you want yours and I'll take mine."


"mind if we split one and leave one for tomorrow? I don't think I can eat a while loaf in one sitting. He said with a smile, getting out some food for Spot and Queenie to have thrir breakfast


"Sure, I don't think I could either," She said with a light laugh, picking up one of the loaves and setting it on one of the plates before grabbing a knife and cutting the loaf into slices for both of them to share.


He set the food down for Queenie on the countertop along with water. He did the same for spot before heading over to the table to begin breakfast


Avalin brought over their food and smiled, setting his plate in front of him while kissing his cheek before going over and sitting down in her own seat to eat.


He smiled softly at her and nodded in thanks. "Ready to go back out into town?" He asked, glancing up at her "Lilian still has to show you how to make the chocolate and we still have to explore."


(Popping thor in soon ;)
After setting Queenie down to play with Spot, Loki came over and wrapped Avalin in his arm's pressing light kisses to her neck and shoulders


(ooooooo yay :D)
She didn't move or fuss at all when he came over, only brushing her hair to the side for him and humming in content. Even as she finished washing the plate and set it to the side to dry, she didn't move, getting slight goosebumps every time his lips brushed a sensitive spot.


The kisses got longer and slower. "My queen…" He murmured, breath warn against her skin. He nuzzled her head with his nose, gently nibbling at her ear


"Yes, my love?" She hummed in reply, sinking against him and tipping her head to the side. Her arms snaked around his sides and she couldn't help but smile.


"I love you," he whispered, lips brushing against her ear. He pressed a tender kiss to the sensitive area below her ear before pulling away slightly and smiling "Ready to go?" he asked with a tilt of his head


She shivered from the kiss, looking up at him and nodding before hooking her arms around him once more and pressing a final kiss to his lips, "I love you too, now let's get going before I get sidetracked."


He chuckled lightly before pressing a kiss to her temple and going back to the liging room "where to first? Lillian's" he asked, readying himself to teleported

"I'm afraid that won't be happening, brother," Thor leaned against the threshold, arms crossed and a storm of fury in his eyes
(Do you want to be Thor again?)


(I can be him :) can you do one more response as him as well though? Then I'll take over )
Avalin's eyes grew wide when she heard Thor's voice, turning in Loki's arms to see why he was here. "Loki..we should get going," She said softly, not wanting to see or be a part of what was inevitably going to happen.


(of course.)
Loki protectively drew her behind him as magic wisped around them.
Thor shook his head "that won't work, we'll just find you again. I don't think you or Avalin can run for that long."
"You always understimate me, brother." Loki held his ground, "Leave her out of this."


(XD Random question, could you maybe bring back Loki's dark side if they end up fighting now? I was reading back to see how I portrayed thor before and I really like the clash between him and 'angry' Loki)

Thor studied his brother for a moment, shaking his head once again before straightening up and taking a step forward. The fury was still evident in his eyes as he spoke, though for a split second, his expression changed to sadness before the anger appeared again, "Loki, you have broken the law by escaping that cell to look for your wife, and have drug her into this in the process at the same time. You will both appear before the king for trial and to receive your punishment." He seemed to be the formal king he was, seeming not to care that it was his brother and his brother's wife before him.

Avalin could see the lines of stress that were new on Thor's face from when she had last seen him over five years ago. Instinctively, she grabbed a handful of his shirt and kept herself behind him besides her face, which poked out from behind his back to watch. She knew she didn't stand a chance against Thor or even Loki if something inevitably broke out between the brothers.


(Yeah of course! its fun writing him too!)
"I wouldn't have escaped that cell if you'd just let me look for her a bit longer!" he yelled desperately, his magic snapping around them, once more the signature dark green of his darkening moods. "I never drugged her into compliance. How dare you even suggest such a thing, that I would ever do that to my queen?" He straightened as Thor stepped closer, pressing against Avalin. "You're not taking either of us anywhere. Especially her," he growled, silently slipping a dagger into his hand from his sleeve. "Your new role has changed you brother, hasn't it?" he taunted, keeping a hand on Avalin


"You were the one who lost the chance to look for her, you know that well," He growled, the distant sound of a storm starting to roll in as he took a few more steps towards the pair. His eyes flashed with anger and he didn't break eye contact with his brother. "I have to take you back, both of you, whether you like it or not," The king roared, now at the end of his limit with the last comment, "You try keeping a kingdom running when half of its occupants disappeared and have now reappeared, wondering what had happened. Yes it's changed me!" His focus on his brother only faltered for a moment as he looked towards Avalin and saw the fear and worry in her eyes, causing him to grit his teeth and try to sound a fraction more gentle, "Brother, Please just come with me willingly along with Avalin. For the sake of everyone's safety."

Avalin's grip had tightened on his shirt and she tried to stay small and out of the way, watching both of the brothers carefully while also pressing closer to her husband as his magic returned to the deep green. She swallowed when she saw the knife now in his hand as well as when she heard the rumble of thunder in the distance. Whatever was going to happen, it wasn't going to be a pretty sight, and her face showed the fear she had of what was going to happen.


"Only because you stopped looking for her completely. I did what had to be done, what was ultamatly necessary. Loki's eyes flickered to the window before focusing on his brother once more with a frown. "We did run a kingdom together, you and me. So don't tell at me now for leaving when your the one who forced my hand to look for my wife alone. We could've continued looking for her and run Asgard together but no, that just couldn't happen!" He sighed and shook his head, glaring up at Thor "I told you back in the cell, Im not your brother, not anymore, and we're not going with you." He said, the green growing black


"I stopped the searches for her because it had been five years! Five! You had forced my hand in that decision because of the destruction you were causing. I did what was necessary as well, that's what you don't understand." The sky was continuing to darken as his frustration grew, "We didn't run Asgard together, you ran the search parties for Avalin while I was faced with handling everything else." Thor glared right back at his brother and his muscles tensed. He was clearly ready to fight. "Then you leave me no choice. Loki Odinson, prince of Asgard. You are under arrest by the order of the king. Come quietly or prepare to face his wrath."

By this time Avalin was terrified, but yet she stayed close to her husband, refusing to leave him even as this threatened to turn into chaos and war. She didn't know where Spot and Queenie had ran off too, and she hoped they were in a safe spot, where she wished she was too even though she would refuse to leave Loki.