forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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“What should we do after we get up?” She asked, eyes fluttering closed as she let the moments drift by. They had all the time together on Earth as they wanted, as long as Thor didn’t come ruin it, so Avalin didn’t know what to do.


She looked up at him and smiled as well, shifting around until she was face to face with him, “That sounds like a good idea.” She pressed a small kiss to his lips before shifting back around to where she was before, tucked against him with her head just below his.


He nuzzled her temple with his nose and sighed softly "my darling queen, this doesn't look like getting up." He muttered softly, wrapping his arms tighter around her waist


“You don’t look like you’re getting up either, my love,” She argued back playfully, pressing a butterfly kiss to his jaw and wrapping her arms around his neck to keep herself close.


"ah but you never designated a time when we should get up. Therefore we could technically stay here forever." He raised an eyebrow challengingly and smiled


She shrugged and smiled with a slight mischievous glint in her eye, “I suppose we could, but forever is a long time to just stay here.”


Loki leaned over her, his lips lightly brushing hers. "Very well, we could stay a bit longer, maybe not forever." He muttered, sweet honey coating his words


“Sounds good, now get your lips over here,” She murmured, a tiny smile on her face as she pressed her lips a little harder against his. Being with him again was amazing and she wanted to show him just how much she had missed him.


Loki smiled "with complete and absolute pleasure my love." He pressed his lip to hers, tilting his head slightly to deepen the kiss


She snaked her arms around his chest as they kissed, pulling him close as she put more emotion into the kiss and deepened it. Her mind didn’t even acknowledge the fact that Spot was sleeping right next to them and Queenie somewhere on the bed as well.


He kissed her back with as much want and love as he received. "Is this a continuation of last night, dearest one?" he asked, moving on to kiss her neck


(Oof sry I thought I had replied)
"Possibly, if you want it to be," She replied, moving one of her hands up and running it through his hair as he kissed her neck. Her head tipped back slightly and she let out a soft digh.


(you're good)
Loki smiled softly and leaned into her hand d before continuing and kissed her collar bone. He trailed back up to her lips, capturing hers in his


Avalin happily met his lips with her own once again, though she let him lead as to how far it was going to go and everything else. Spot and Queenie didn't seem seem to be bothered by the two of them and continued sleeping.


He flicked his tongue along hers, filling the emptiness of their partedips as they kissed. Her sweet taste invading his senses.


He pulled away slightly, still keeping contact with her lips. "My Lovely goddess." he murmured, lightly tracing the curves of her face with a gentle hand


"My beautiful king," She replied, voice soft and happy. Her eyes kept closed and she leaned into his hand, enjoying how close they were and the physical contact.


He smiled softly and nestled beside her, pressing his lips to her temple. He closed his eyes and breathed her in, his nose, lightly nuzzling her hair


"Shhhh, I've been gone for five years, I need some time to just remember you're actually here and it's not a dream I made up," She murmured, tucking herself close to him and letting her hand trace over his back and sides.


He sighed softly in content and held her close "Oh my dearest one, I'm not a dream. And if this is a dream, then I don't ever want to wake up." He kissed her neck softly


"This feels too perfect to be real life," She whispered softly in reply, saying it soft enough that he would only catch it if he was listening for words. She tipped her head up and once again pressed a kiss to his jaw, thinking to herself.