forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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(happy birthday!!!!!)
He started to walk off in the direction of the cafe. "No, she didn't disappear. Though I think her son might have. She wasn't too happy when I came." He explained


She nodded in understanding and followed right alongside him, Spot trailing along behind them, "Loosing a son and not knowing if he would ever return would be really hard."


He nodded "it was hard for all of us." He said softly, rubbing his thumb along her hand. "Five years without knowing where half the world went. Five years of searching and not knowing where you went."


“It’s sure going to be different with everyone back now,” She said softly, messing with his fingers as they made their way to Lillian’s, “I can tell everyone had adjusted to us being gone. Life is going to be so hectic for the next few years.”


He nodded again in agreement "did anything happen to you when you were gone? Did you go somewhere? We're other people with you? Or was it like a deep sleep?" He asked, hoping to get some insight on what she experienced to make sure it never happened again


Avalin went quiet for a moment as she thought of how to describe the place, “I was all alone, I remember that part, and we did go somewhere. It doesn’t really make sense, but it was a place of pure white…there was nothing besides the color white all around. No people. No one to talk to. It…it was terrifying. Time there isn’t normal either. The five years you said I was gone? It felt like five months.” She shivered slightly and shook her head, “I never felt hungry, or tired, or any other normal thing. I was just…there. When I tried to call out to others, my voice only reached my ears and no further. I could still move my body, but I couldn’t walk anywhere. There wasn’t an actual floor I was standing on either. I wasn’t falling though, I was really just…there. This might be creepy, but maybe that’s what it’s like to die.”


His hand instinctively tightened slightly on her hand and his jaw clenched slightly. He stopped and pulled her to him "I'm sorry I couldn't keep the promises I made to you," he muttered, knowing that most promises were empty with fact or proof and hating how even though he poured everything into the promises he'd made for her, they'd be just as empty without proof


“Love,” She said softly, looking up at him and leaning against him, “You’ve kept all your promises. I know you have. You came back for me, you took care of Spot. Loki, you kept your promises as well as you possibly could.” Standing on the tip of her toes, she pressed a loving kiss to his lips, “I love you, that hasn’t changed in all the years I’ve been gone, and right now, I want to go get some good food with my husband and our pets.”


Loki kissed her back and nodded, making a note to make up the lost time later late. He breathed in hevily "If my Queen wishes to eat then we shall eat." he kiled softly and kissed her once more before they continued walking


A tiny smile settled onto her face as she continued walking with him, her thumb absentmindedly running over the back of his hand. It was comforting to be around someone again, especially someone she knew.


They walked into lilian's cafe, immediatly greeted by the older woman "oh my stars! you're back! Are you alright dear?" Lilian asked, hugging both Loki and Avalin "you two have plenty of catching up to do, as we all do. I'll get you the drinks and send you off home."


“Lillian!” Avalin’s face brightened when she saw the cafe owner, happily hugging her back before nodding, “Drinks sound amazing, I don’t doubt you have catching up to do as well.”


She nodded, whiping away tears with a handkerchief, glancing back at a man with sandy blond hair and freckled across his nose who ebraced who seemed to be his child and wife "Yes, very much." She smiled happily and waved her son over "Oliver this is his magesty Prince Loki of Asgard and his queen, Her magesty, Avalin." Lilian introduced while Oliver bowed in respect and shook their hands "mom has told me a lot about you two."


Avalin flushed a little at the title, still not completely used to being called queen or her majesty. “Nice to meet you Oliver,” She replied, shaking his hand and smiling at him, “How much were you told?” For some reason, she was able to tell that he had been dusted as well, though neither his wife or kid had.


Oliver chuckled lightly "Basically all of it. How you two met, how much you've changed him, how in love you two are." Lilian smiled innocently while nodding "mhm, all of it." she turned to get the drinks from the counter


“Lillian,” She fake protested, her cheeks flushing even more as she glanced at her and smiled, “You really did tell him everything.” Glancing around, she leaned against Loki, murmuring softly, “This place has changed somehow, I can tell, but it looks the same.”


Lilian smiled brightly as she passed around drinks for another table.
"Changed Ina good way I hope." Loki muttered softly against her hair, folding her arms around her.
"Oh! I forgot to introduce yoy," Oliver chimed in, waving over his wife and kid. "This is my wife Holly and my son Braxton."


She nodded, murmuring quietly, “It’s changed in a good way, I just can’t pinpoint exactly how it changed.” Avalin smiled brightly when his wife and kids came over and she shook their hands, “Nice to meet you both. I’m Avalin, and this is my husband, Loki, Prince of Asgard.”


Holly smiled and shook their hands while Braxton looked at the in curiosity "you're not from here, are you?" The kid asked, tilting his head "where's Asgard?"


“It’s another planet of sorts,” She replied with a smile, “And no, we’re not from around here, we just know Lillian and wanted to stop in and say hi.”


Braxton smiled, seemingly happy with the response. Holy picked him up and smiled at the two "you've known Lilian for a bit now haven't you?"


She nodded, glancing up at Loki, “He’s known her for much longer than I have, but yeah, we’ve known her for quite a while.” She glanced at Oliver with a smile before looking at Braxton, “How old are you, bud?”


“Nice!” She replied with a smile, holding out a hand for him to high five, “That’s a good time of year to have a birthday.”