forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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Loki followed Spot until they reached Lillian's place. He tested his hand over the handle, silently hoping Avalin was there. He glanced up as he saw Lilian rushing to the door. He smiled softly and opened the door to hug her
"I heard what happened, I'm so sorry!" She cried into his shoulder


Avalin was nowhere to be found in the diner, the only thing there was were a few older couples that seemed shocked when he walked in. Spot went exploring as Loki and Lilian talked, tail wagging and nose to the ground as he licked up crumbs from underneath the tables.


Loki held the see woman as she cried, finding comfort and an overwhelming feeling to cry as well. He silently guided her to their normal booth and sat down with her. "I'm safe to assume you haven't seen her?" He asked quietly
Lilian shook her head "no, not for five years. No one knows where half of every being on Earth has gone."
Loki's heart sank a little deeper at the thought of having no information on where anyone went


(What should I do now? Should I make everyone poof back soon and he realizes people are back and goes to the beach to find her?)
After making his way around the whole restaurant, Spot made his way to where Loki was with a wagging tail. He sat quietly and looked up with big puppy eyes, begging for food even though he had just used the same trick on everyone else and gotten some leftovers.


(yeah that should be good)
Loki glanced down at Spot "you little thief, I know your tricks." Loki said, having a hard time keeping a lightly tone "no more food until later." He patted the dogs head


(Oke, I’ll let them talk a little more first)
Spot’s tail continued wagging but he dropped the puppy eyes, leaning into his hand and just sitting next to the booth.


Loki scooted over with Lilian to make room for the dog.
"He's grown so much," Lilian said, pulling away from.lokis shoulder to glance at spot "I remember when he was just a wee little thing." She petted spots head
Loki nodded, remeverinhow clingy Spot was to Avalin. "Sometimes I thOught he was trying to kick me out of bed. Little thief tried to drag me out of bed just so he could sleep next to Avalin." Loki chuckled softly a rufed Spots fur


With them giving him enough room to get up onto the seat, he did exactly that, almost laying across Loki so he could get pets. An innocent look crossed onto Spots face and he stuck his tongue out when he heard Avalin’s name.


Both Loki and Lilian petted Spot, "little rascal, that's what you are. Now who did you learn that from I wonder." Lilian teased, giving Loki a knowing look
"It wasn't from me, but yeah, I know Spot, I miss her too."


Lilian laughed softly and rubbed his belly while Loki petted his head and chin "you've missed this haven't you? Getting all the attention," Loki asked with a small smile.
"Oh dear stars, I forgot to ask if you'd like anything!" Lilian scooted out "same as always, dear? And maybe some water for Spot?"
Loki nodded in thanks and glanced down at spot. "Adorable rascal you are."


Spot was definitely enjoying the attention, tongue hanging out of his mouth and head pushing into Loki’s hand so he wouldn’t stop petting.


Loki sighed softly and continued to let spot rythmically. He glanced up as Lilian came over with his and Spots drink "thank you," he said sincerely


The dog gave the best look of thanks he could manage but didn’t move from Loki’s lap, smelling that it wasn’t food. He was much more contest getting petted if there was nothing to eat yet.


"not thirsty?" Loki asked, glancing down again, seeing that spot didn't move. "No food huh? That's whatb6ou want, isn't it?" Loki chuckled light and asked Lilian to bring a small steak.


Spot understood the word ‘food’ and his tail started wagging, spinning around on Loki’s lap so he was on his back and could easily get up if food was brought over.


Loki sighed and shook his head "rascal," he muttered, finishing his drink and setting the cup aside. He flicked his hand over the table, revealing a map of New York with his magic whick was still a dark green.


Spot just laid on his lap, tail still wagging and nose sniffing the air for any sign of the food. He pawed at Loki’s side and pressed his head against him to ask for more pets. Spot was a dog who figured if pets were started, they’re going to be continued.


He glanced away from the map to Spot "really? More?" He asked with a laugh. "Ok, ok, fine." He tested his hand on Spot's head and rythmically stroked the place over the dog's brow with his thumb. He looked back towards the map and took away all the places he hadn't visited with Avalin


That seemed to keep him content and Spot let him do his thing as long as he got petted. His tail wagged slightly and he was clearly smelling for anything he could eat.

A few minutes later, an almost sharp crackle split through the air. It made Spot whine and whip his head around to look for what the noise was coming from. Looking out through the windows, it was clear something was going on outside from the slight breeze that picked up. An older man, suddenly walked through the door, and from the gasp of shock from one of the tables, he was obviously one of the ones that had been dusted in the snap.


Loki's head snapped up at the sound and stood. He saw the man come through the door, immediately engulfed by a woman who he assumed was the man's wife. "Let's go spot," he muttered, making his way out of the cafe with the dog in tow


Spot whined but followed, looking towards the kitchen and the smell of food. He just wanted his food and pets, not to leave right before he got those two things.

Cries of happiness could be heard as people reformed and family that still lived close by saw them. Others looked around lost though, worried when they didn’t see family or someone they knew. A hundred bajillion miles away (XD numbers) the beach Avalin and Loki had last been on had the same effect, though Avalin hadn’t come back quite yet.


Loki searched all of New York including the places they didn't been. He called her name continuously, growling in frustration when he couldn't find her. "Where are you my love, where?" He muttered, dragging his hand through his hair in desperation


When she did reappear, she was quite disoriented, shaking her head and stumbling around on the sand at the beach. Blinking a few times and petting herself adjust, she looked around for any sign of Spot or Loki. Queenie reformed by her, still a little kitten. Avalin took comfort in at least knowing she wasn’t completely alone and scooped the kitten up in her arms. With a worried looking on her face, she started along the edge of the water at the beach, calling for Loki.


Loki teleported himself and Spot to India, hoping the last place they went together would be the first place she reappeared