forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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Avalin walked alongside the beach, still calling his name. He couldn’t be gone, she refused to think he would leave her on this beach. Sighing, she turned around and headed back down the beach towards where she had last seen him, Queenie snuggled into her arms and seeming just as lost as she was.


Loki made to the beach and glanced around, not seeing any sign of Avalin. He started walking the edge of the beach, keeping a sharp eye out for any movement "please, please, please…" He muttered to the wind


“Loki?” She called out loudly as she walked, looking around for any sign of either of them, “Spot?” So far she found nothing, a few hundred yards from where she thought she had last seen them five years ago.


Loki spun around, thinking that he heard his name called, "Avalin?!" He called, staying deathly still, hoping to hear a response


No clear response reached her ears, though she thought she heard a wave crashing that sounded like her name. “One last try Avalin, then I’ll go to plan B,” She whispered, trying to not worry more than she was. “Loki? Spot? You here?” She called, setting Queenie down for a moment and cupping her hands around her mouth so she was louder.


Loki glanced around before taking a breath a d sitting in the sand and digging his hands into the sand. He closed his eyes and let his magic flow through his veins. He muttered a few words before watching his magic spiderweb around the beach, searching for any sign of Avalin's return


Avalin sank to a sitting position and rubbed her face, "Don't freak out, don't freak out, he's probably just at Lillian's. Yeah! Maybe he's getting something to eat before he comes back here, or maybe he's asking Thor for help." She sighed and looked over at Queenie, "Who am I kidding, I'm lost, Loki is nowhere it be found, and if he is somewhere on Earth, he's probably in a cell locked away by whatever government has him now."


The magic wound its way around the beach, reaching out to Avalin and circling around her. Loki glanced up as one of the strands of magic glowed brighter than the rest "Avalin," he breathed, slowly standinand following the strands


Queenie meowed and looked down at the ground, causing her to look as well and gasp at what she saw. A deep green strand of something below the sand circling around her. She scrambled and stood up, jumping away from it though it quickly circled around her again. "What in the world," She said, scooping up the kitten and standing like a statue in case whatever it was would hurt her. It almost reminded her of Loki's magic, but his was never that green when she was around, and it couldn't have reverted to that color in the little while she'd been gone.


Spot charged ahead of Loki, following the green magic. Loki muttered her name under his breath, his voice having gone raw from calling her over and over again


Avalin didn't move even as she spotted a dog running across the sand towards her. It reminded her of Spot almost uncannily, but Spot wasn't a full grown dog, not like this one was. She looked at it curiously, still not moving from the spot despite Queenie mewing several time almost panicked sounding and trying to jump out of her arms as the dog came closer.


Spot stopped a few feet away from where Avalin stood, trotting in a circle and looking up at her expectantly.
Loki watched carefully from the shadows of the forest near the beach, wanting to be sure that it was Avalin, wanting to be sure that she wouldn't turn to dust again in his arms.


"Spot?" She asked in a whisper, tipping her head to the side slightly and crouching down. Queenie jumped out of her arms and his under her legs, watching the dog with a defensive stance. Spot barked softly and trotted closer, just in reach of Avalin's arms. She reached out to pet him and soon he was nuzzled up next to her as she wrapped him in a hug and pet Spot. "Why are you so big now? You were just a puppy when I last saw you. And where is Loki? Did he leave you behind?"


She would hate h. He had gone back on his vow to be the best man he could be fire her. He'd resorted back to killing and destroying. He'd been reckless and ignorant about others problems. Loki shut his eyes and glanced away
Spot turning in Avalins grasp and pointed with his snoot towards the wooded area where the string of magic was coming from


Avalin followed the trail of magic with her eyes before scooping up Queenie and looking at Spot. "Lead the way Spot." With that, he trotted off towards Loki and Avalin followed with eyes looking and hoping for any sign of him.


Spot reached loki first in the clearing. He bent down to recieve the dog in his arms before standing up and turning to see avalin.
He smiled weakly, trying to hold back the emotions that threatened to wash over him "Hello, love."


She froze when she made it to the clearing and saw him, a mix of emotions rushing over her. Opening her mouth to speak, she set Queenie down and whispered in disbelief, "Loki?" Avalin rushed towards him but stopped a step away, reaching out and touching his arm to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She wrapped him in a crushing hug once she was sure it was him and buried her face in his chest, not letting go of him.


He wrapped her in his arms, holding her as close as possible in a hug just a tight as the one she offered. "My angel, my love, my queen," he burried his head in her hair, silently letting his tears streamed down his cheek in both happiness and relief. He breathed in a Shakey breath and held her tighter "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry my love." He managed through his sobs


"You're here," She breathed, silent tears of happiness and joy streaming down her face, "You came back." Avalin pulled away just enough to look up at him and she hooked her arms over his shoulders and just looked up at him with a smile and tears running down her face, "You don't have to be sorry for anything, love. Just answer me one question, how long was I gone?"


He whispered away the tears that stained her face and wrapped his arms around her waist "far too long for my liking." He tore his gaze away from her to where spot sat patiently waiting "quite a bit, I'd say around 5 years." He said, pulling her close


"Five years?" She repeated to herself, hugging him close again and burying her face into his chest, "I missed five years to be with you, and to see Spot grow up.." Avalin went silent and just let herself think and recover, "Did you look for me that whole time? I don't think you would've waited on a beach for five years for me."


"I tried, had some trouble for a year or so when there was no trail to follow, and when I was put in a cell." He muttered the last bit softly, "I managed to get out a few days ago and came here." He stroked her hair soothingly "I never stopped looking for you."


Avalin was silent, her mind wandering from what he said to just how much time she had missed. Her stomach grumbled quietly and she hugged him tighter, almost like she was afraid if she let him go he would disappear and she wouldn't see him again. "Can you tell me everything when we get back home?" She asked in a softer voice, "As much as I want to know right now, I just..can't think and process everything. There's too much going on in my head."


He smiled softly and nodded " of course my love." He glanced down as a small blackform stumbled towards them
"Hello Queenie," he said, crouching down and schooling up the kitten. He laced his hand with Avalin's, not wanting to loss contact with her again. "Want to go eat at Lillian's?"


“Sure, food sounds good right now,” She replied, fingers laced into his, “Is Lillian still around? Did she disappear like me?” Her whole demeanor showed how still worried she was, though she was slightly more relaxed when she could hold his hand and be close to him.