forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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Avalin petted Spot with a smile and watched with the best unworried face she could muster as the green enveloped the two of them and he disappeared. Her eyes closed and only opened when she reached Asgard, right in front of the castle. She smiled down at Spot before striding to the door, a worried look on her face as she hoped the guards would recognize her and let her in.


Once Avalin was gone, Loki headed inside to tidy the room up as well as himself, changing into a comfortable white shirt and black pants. He ran a hand through his black hair to try to take it a bit. After he cleaned up a bit, he fed Queenie small portions of food, not wanting to feed her too much in case she rejected the food.


She sighed as no one answered the door, deciding to use the servants door around the side of the castle. It was very old and almost no one knew about it anymore, but she remembered where it was and carefully wandered to the side of the castle, pulling away vines hiding it and pulling open the rusty metal door. Spot followed her with a wagging tail as they walked through the dark passage, emerging in the kitchens of the castle. The maids and servants looked terribly scared but soon they recognized their old friend and smiled broke over their faces. They explained that even though their family and friends had returned, Thor refused to let them spend time together until they were let out of work for the day.

Avalin sighed and shook her head, promising to herself that as soon as her and Loki properly returned to Asgard, she would make sure they were able to spend time with loved ones. She would’ve eagerly spent all day talking with them but she didn’t have the time and so, she pushed on, only encountering a few distracted guards as she hurried to her room.


Loki leaned against the threshold of the screen door leading to the beach. How many times did he stand here, waiting for her to come back? How many times did he make up a scenario in his mind that she was just getting dressed and would come back in 5 minutes? Or that she was peacefully asleep in their bed and he hadn't wanted to wake her? He sighed softly, knowing that it was all behind them now. Knowing that'd she'd come back in an hour rather than 5 years.
(Thank you for mentioning me in the chat! I love rping with you! You're amazing and great!)


(You’re welcome!! I love rping with you as well!)
She reached the door quicker than she thought she would, stopping in front of the door before pushing it open. Her eyes scanned the room and she smiled, walking over to the bed and flopping down on it for the first time in five years. This room reminded her of amazing memories, time with Loki especially. Sadly she couldn’t lay there and take the room in forever so she rolled off and stood up,looking for a bag or suitcase, anything she could put stuff in that she wanted to take with.

The closet was the first place she walked to, pulling out her favorite and most midgardian clothing. Since they were staying on earth for who knew how long, she didn’t want to draw much attention to herself. Avalin soon had selected what she wanted to bring with, even choosing something to change into while she was here. The clothes were laid carefully on her bed and she moved to the next things on her list, everything else she needed to bring, including the book that rested on a nightstand next to their bed that she hadn’t been able to read for too many long years.


He glanced down at Queebie who was rubbing against his legs. He smiled and picked her up, "yes, I've missed you too, little one. Thank you for protecting her."


Soon she had grabbed everything, a neat stack laying on the bed as she scooped up the clothes to change into and went into the bathroom. She needed to clean herself up a little bit. Avalin splashed her face with water and smiled, changing quickly into a soft white dress she found fitting for returning after five years. Instantly she felt better and soon she was back out into their room. She couldn’t tell how long had passed and so she decided to hurry, scooping everything into a small bag and looking around the room one last time. Her eyes flicked around and she sighed, walking out of the room she shutting the door behind herself.
With a face of worry, she slipped back out of the castle and started making her way back to the bifrost. It was the only way back to Loki without getting Thor involved.


Loki held Queenie at and arms length, looking her over to make sure she wasn't hurt. Queenie swatted at him with a tiny paw, wanting warmth from his body heat.
"Fine, have it your way." He sat down on their bed and we Queenie next to him. He flicked his gaze to the open doors and sighed "come back to me my love."he muttered softly, lying back on the bed and closing his eyes


Avalin hurried around people, mumbling soft excuses as she kept her eyes on the bridge. All she had to do was reach that bridge. Her dress fluttered our behind her but it was the least concerning thing as she pressed through the city and started making her way back. Soon she reached the outskirts and was on the bridge, pressing her eyes closed momentarily as she guessed how much time she had left and started across the bridge. Almost back. Her eyes showed her excitement to be back with Loki as he reached the end of the bridge and looked around for where she was supposed to go next. She cursed herself for never paying attention to how this thing was worked.


The clocks struck the last hour of the day, the Bifrost opening for the last time that night for any late comers that chose to exit the other realms.


She sighed in relief and dashed forward, realizing that this was one of the first times she had traveled the Bifrost without him by her side. Avalin swallowed a breath and stepped through with closed eyes, the light almost blindingly bright as she traveled back to earth. Her grip on her bag tightened and when she arrived on earth she stumbled a bit from disorientation. When she opened her eyes she noted she was on a beach, the beach next to the house they were staying in. She smiled in relief and walked towards the house quietly, feet padding in the sand and the white dress flowing around her.


Queenie hopped off of Loki's chest and trotted to the screen door. Loki glanced up at Queenie "what is it tiny thing?" He stood and headed to the door, seeing what Queenie was looking at. He smiled in relief and opened the door, striding to Avalin and scooping her up in his arms, bridal style.


Avalin squeaked as he picked her up, smiling as her arms automatically looped around his neck to hold on. “I’m back,” She said with a small laugh, dropping her bag to the ground and just looking up at him with a loving smile.


"Yes, yes you are my angel." He muttered, pressing the heads together and letting the feeling of relief wash over him. "Finally back to me."


Her eyes fluttered shut and she just relaxed in his arms, feeling safe. She loved being with him, and that hadn’t changed in the five years she had disappeared, if anything it made her want to be with him more and as long as she possibly could.


He walked back to their bedroom, setting her down gently on the bed before laying next to her and drawing her close "I don't think I'm sleeping tonight." he muttered softly, lightly tracing her features with his index finger


“I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep either,” She admitted, leaning into his hand and sighing. Her whole body just felt too awake to sleep and she curled next to him, pressing a few light kisses to whatever part of him was closest to her, almost if she was reassuring herself that he was real and not just her inagination.


He burried his and in her hair and tilted her head to so their lips met in a tender kiss, growing more desiring and passionate as Loki finally realized this wasn't a dream.


She let his lips without hesitation, growing just as passionate as the kiss continued. One hand snaked into his hair and she ran through it, her other hand moving and cupping his cheek to bring their lips somehow closer.


He fed into the desire by leaning in closer, tightening his hold on her and entwining their legs together


Her legs hooked around his and she pressed her body closer to his, thanking everything that she was back with him. She trailed her hand down from his cheek to his chest and grabbed a small fistful of his shirt, afraid that he was going to disappear in her arms and she would be without him again.


He pulled off his shirt and pulled her ontop of him along with the covers to keep them warm. His hand trailed over her skin, feeling ever familiar curve and dip of her shoulders and back


With his shirt gone, her hand trailed over his chest, a hum escaping her as his hands traced her back. He was really here. She smiled against his lips and pulled away barely, catching her breath and murmuring a soft, “I love you.”


Once again, she pressed her lips to his, though only for a moment before letting her kisses trail over his face and jaw. She was so happy, feeling as if she was bursting with excitement.