forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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"that's up to you my dear. I've been around earth more times than I can count." He said with a smile "we can go anywhere you want."


(Have you seen Avengers Endgame?)
She thought for a moment and smiled, an idea of where she wanted to go in her head, “Where’s the prettiest place you can think of on earth? I know this planet is amazing, but there has to be a favorite place for you.”


(yeah I have, you?)
He thought for a moment, thinking the anywhere with her is the most beautiful place on Earth and any realm. He smiled, knowing that it wasn't the answer she was looking for.
"The beaches in Maldiva, India. They're absolutely stunning at night." He finally said


(Yeah, and based on both infinity war and end game I have a way that we could mix this up a bit, if you’re willing to hear?)
“Could we go there then?” She asked, her eyes brightening as she looked up at him. Just looking at him reminded her of how amazingly lucky she was, to find someone who adored her as much as she adored them and was amazing, almost perfect as well.


(heck yes! I'm always down for a twist! Whatcha got?)
He nodded "why not? We'll have to sleep there though. It's going to be late by the time we get there." He said, pulling her close to him, making sure the pets were close too. "I'm not sure how they'll respond to teleporting…" He hoped they'd be alright.


(Ok, :) here it is: so you know how in infinity war thanos snapped and halo of everything disappeared? What if that happened to Avalin? And then when In end game they go get the stones and Loki is there? Maybe it’s not Loki from the past, but Loki searching for Avalin and the government didn’t believe him when he said he was searching for her so they arrested him)

She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight, Spot coming over to see what the were doing and Queenie following. “Just don’t appear somewhere super busy, that’s when they’ll get scared.”

(Also sry for disappearing last night, I had to pack cuz I’m leaving my house for a week (I’ll still be in WiFi tho))


(yuuus I live that idea! Loki could go back to his old ways and become reckless, trying anyway possible to try to find his wife and everything! And it's Oki)
He kissed her head and nodded "I won't. We'll appear on the beach. Hopefully not many people will be there."


( :D Oke doke! When should we have it happen? At the beach? Or later?)
She nodded as well, tipping her head up and pressing a kiss to his jaw with her eyes closed so she didn’t have to watch them travel. She’d open her eyes back up when they were at the beach.


(maybe and or hour or two after they reach the beach?)
He tilted his head so he he kissed her lips while waving his hand to teleport them to the beach. "We're here love," he muttered, openihis eyes


(Oke :) )

She hummed and opened her eyes, looking around with a smile. He was right, from what she saw already, this place was beautiful and amazing. Spot immediately took off when they appeared, happy to have somewhere new to explore.


He glanced around as well, looking for Queenie who had happily curled up in the warm sand. He shook his head and smiled "any chance to sleep, hm?" He laughed "go explore dear," he said to avalin


She nodded and smiled, heading off towards the water and following Spot. The beach was incredible and she slipped off her shoes, leaving them near Loki before walking along the edge of the water.


When the water reached the shore or was disturbed by Avalin walking about, it turned blue, like stars that fell to the ocean. Loki smiled and watched, sitting in the sand next to the cat


“Spot!” She called as the puppy wandered off and started to make friends. The puppy glanced at her with a furiously waving tail and trotted back, splashing in the water alongside her and making Avalin laugh. Glancing over at her husband, her smile grew even more in thankfulness and happiness.


He smiled back and pointed to the ground, showing her the blue glow that came from when she moved in the water


She looked down and gasped, her eyes showing her amazement. Everything was perfect in that moment. Then, something changed, she felt..different, it wasn’t like she suddenly felt sick, but more like she felt like she wasn’t living anymore. She shook off the fact and looked down at the water again, this time not gasping from the water, but from her legs. They were turning to ash and dusting away. Her wide eyes looked to Loki to see if he knew what was happening and she started towards him, the dusting spreading up her legs quicker than she could run.


Loki's smiled dropped as he saw what was happening. He stood slowly, hoping it was just his mind playing tricks. “No…no,no,no,no….” he ran to her, kicking up sand as he tried to get to her, getting to hold her fir few more seconds before she completly turned to dust in his arms. He collapsed in the sand, and muttered words, soon turning to yells of desperation “why not me?! Take me and give her back! Give ger back!”


She hugged him as tight as she could before she disappeared, whispering a quick, “I love you,” with tears forming before she slipped away completely. The world disappeared from around her and everything slipped into black.


Loki stayed in his decorate state for a few more minutes before glancing around and standing. He noticed that Queenie was gone as well when spot went looking for her and Avalin. He wimpered softly up at Loki. "I know, we'll find them both. No matter what." He picked up the puppy and waved his hand teleporting them back to Asgard, his magic back to its static green instead of the light goldish green it had been for so many years when with Avalin


Half of everyone had disappeared, and from the screams and sobs from both the beach and from the people of Asgard, no one was happy or knew why it had happened.


Once in asgard, Loki headed straight to the castle and embraced his brother, glad that he hadn't disappeared.
"Where's Avalin?" Thor asked, glancing behind his brothers shoulder. Loki shook his head "I'm not sure yet." He muttered
"We'll find her," Loki nodded "yes,yes we will."
(How long did this last for again? 5 years?")


(Yeah, 5yrs)
The world was crazy as people tried to figure out what happened, eventually learning the snap was the cause of half of all life to disappear. They mourned the losses but most people didn’t know if there was anything they could do to get anyone back, so instead they just kept the lost in their memories.


(imma skip ahead a few months and years)
9 months later
"Loki we're not going to find her here, we've checked this place over and over again and found nothing," Thor reasoned while they went back to New York.
"If she dissapeared here, something had to be left." Loki said over his shoulder, holding spot on a leash. The ever growing dog seemed to be sniffing around again.
Loki had kept him well fed and groomed, knowing that Avalin would want him well taken care of when she came back, though he couldn't say the same as himself. Loki looked normal enough, a little on the this. Side but still ready for a fight. The true change was in his eyes. A dark, vicious green had settled in his irises, a sure sign of his emotions over powering his motivation to find his queen


By now the word had spread over the globe, with millions of people dead by the hand of one mean purple giant, the survivors just clung to the hope that this would all go back to normal. Most were skeptical though, figuring Thanos, as the name had gotten out, was long gone and nothing would change back. Grief of loosing Tony Stark rocketed through the world too, as people were heartbroken that iron man was no more.


(I lost all hope during IW)
He headed to their room, not wanting to be disturbed
"Loki please, you've been like this for months. It's unhealthy."
"And I will continue like this until my wife is found," he shut the doors and slumped to the floor, waving his hand to uncover the mess he had made trying to research each and every place in this universe and any other to try to find d where Avalim had gone off to.