forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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After a few more hours of much needed rest, Loki awoke again to Avalin fully ontop of him wrapped up in the covers. He awoke slowly so as to not wake Avalin and shifted slightly. He smiled softly down at her "poor thing, more tired than me." he chuckled lightly and rested a hand on her waist "you deserve better," he whispered, pressing a kiss to head


Avalin slept for a while longer after he woke up, her arms hugged tightly around him and wrapped in almost all the blankets. She woke up soon though, slowly starting to shift around as her eyes fluttered open. "Did you get some more sleep, my king?" She asked sleepily, her lips barely moving.


"I did indeed, my queen." He stroked her cheek gently, grazing his fingertips along her lips "did you?" He asked with a loving smile, watching as she slowly awoke


She nodded, looking up at him with half closed eyes as she tried to wake, "I did." Avalin let her head rest against his chest again and she didn't loosen her arms up from around him, "What did you want to do today?"


He thought for a moment while stroking her hair. "I was thinking of going out into town to see what we have for food and clothing since we don't know how long we're staying here." He adjusted the blankets around her so they weren't so tangled.


Avalin hummed in agreement and looked up at him again, "We also need to get food and things for Spot and Queenie." She didn't want to leave the comforts of the bed and blankets, but slowly she started to try to untangle herself from the blankets.


"Trying to get up and moving," She replied, smiling and not moving away from him as she kept her arms wrapped around him even as he sat up.


He pressed a kiss to her nose and smiled. He loosened his hold on her. "We'll get food for them as well," he said, nodding to spot and Queenie who were still asleep


"Alright." She kissed his lips lightly before sighing and finally letting go of him as she rolled onto the bed and tried to decide what to wear.


Avalin smiled and walked to her bag, grabbing some clothes and changing quickly before flopping back on the bed and snuggling back into the covers.


Loki came back shortly in a deep green shirt and black pants. He looked around for Avalin before finding her in bed. He smiled softly and sat beside her. He gently stroked her arm "my love, are you comfortable?"


She nodded and hummed with a smile, pulling the covers over herself further and hiding her simple outfit, "Very comfortable." She glanced up though with a soft smile, rolling over to him and laying her head on his lap.


He smiled down at her, gently lifting a hand and stroking her hair. "Any longer and I think you'd fall asleep right here." He murmured, watching as gold and green wisps of magic floated around her and twine themselves through her hair


Her smile grew and she felt his magic weave through her hair, relaxing even as she murmured, "We should probably get going, before I decide I don't want to share you with the world today and we stay here."


"mm, I'd gladly stay here with you my love. I belong to no one but you my queen." He sighed softly and pressed a kiss to her cheek "but, as always, you are correct. We need to get some things before we can fully relax."


Slowly, she sat back up and sighed, kissing his cheek before standing up and stretching, "Should we leave Spot and Queenie here while we get some stuff?"


Loki stood as well and walked over to the two “I think we can let them rest here for now while we get the things we need. It should be fine. I’ll leave some water out for them if they wake up.” He waved a hand and watched as two water bowls appeared on the ground


Avalin nodded and smiled up at him once the water bowls had appeared, wondering for a moment where they were going to go as she wandered around the house and to the door, "So, what do we need to get? Food and supplies for our pets, anything else?"


Loki followed Avalin to the door once he was sure the pets were taken care of. “Food and water for ourselves, extra clothing, some medical supplies, other necessities.” He listed off, looking around in case they needed anything else. “After today I want to keep the usage of magic as low as possible Incase they can trace it.”


"That sounds good," She replied, nodding once again in agreement, "If not using magic is going to keep you and I safe, then that's what's going to happen." In all honesty, she had grown to like his magic quite a lot and she didn't want him to have to give it up, but she knew it was the best option.


He smiled softly and took her hand in his. He prayed to those in Valhalla that this would keep them safe. That they didn’t hate him so much so to be so cruel and separate him from his wife. He pressed a kiss to their intertwined hands and led her out the door “ready?”


"As long as you're ready, then yes." She matched his soft smile and squeezed his hand gently as she looked around, unsure if they would be recognised by someone or there was someone here that would tell Thor where they were. Hopefully the chaos from everyone reappearing would keep them safe for now though.


Loki led her down the quiet path that led to a small town outside the secluded area they were in. They made a few turns before finding themselves in a large crowd full of people. He looked around while keeping Avalin close as he scanned the area for any place to buy food