forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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There were quite a lot more people around than she had expected, making her keep even closer to him as she looked around with wonder. She could hear kids laughing and running around, making her smile softly as she walked to wherever Loki was leading her.


Loki pressed a reassuring hand to the small of her back and guided her through the morning crowd to a small store selling fruits and pastries “figured out where we are yet?” He asked with a side glance as he chose out some fruits to take home


"Not quite, it's really pretty here though, and the sky is so blue.." She trailed off, her eyes going to the sky and her smile growing before she turned to the shop and gawked at the different pastries, "Wherever this is, it's a gorgeous place, and the buildings are beautiful too."


“We’re in France. An older, more historic town on the southern end of the country.” He chose out a few pastries as well and nodded in thanks to the vendor. He handed Avalin one of the pastries and started walking around the open market


Avalin nodded, saying a happy, "Thank you," Before starting to eat the pastry. She still stuck next to his side and offered him bites of the sweet tasting food, "We should tour the city after we finish shopping."


“We can do that once we drop these off.” He said, accepting the food with a grateful smile kissing her cheek


"That sounds good," She replied, blushing slightly at the kiss on the cheek and going back to looking around the town and the beautiful sky.


Loki nodded with a small laugh at seeing her blush and bought a few more things for the house as well as some dog and cat food for the pets. “Alright I think this will be enough for now. We’ll head back to the house and then we can go explore a bit.”


Avalin nodded and glanced up at him while holding out a free hand, "Do you need me to carry some things? You don't have to take it all."


He handed a few bags over to her, mostly the ones with the pastries "can i trust you not to eat those until later?" He teased, glancing around the town with a relaxed grin, as he looked around at the historic buildings and homes


She grinned sweetly and shrugged, taking the bags, "I can't make any promises, sorry." This town was amazingly pretty and she looked around to try to take in all the scenery, though in the back of her mind she couldn't stop think about going back to Asgard and admiring the stunning scenery there.


Loki glanced down at Avalin "you miss it, don't you?" he asked softly taking her hand in his and rubbing small circles along the back of it. "this will be over soon my love, soon." he promised, not knowing if he could actually keep the said promise.


Her smile faded slowly and she didn't answer, just glancing at him and trying to play it off by shrugging. It had been so long since she had been on Asgard and she was starting to miss it quite a lot, especially seeing her friends. She wondered if they were worried by her not coming back for so long.


He wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her head “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “For all of this. It shouldn’t have been like this when you came back.”


"It's alright," She whispered, shrugging and just looking at the ground, "It's not something you could control. We just have to roll with what is being thrown at us. I just hope we get to go back eventually." Avalin didn't want to ruin the nice day, pulling a small smile onto her face and trying to forget the thoughts in her head, "At least I still have you. That beats going back to Asgard any day."


A faint smile appeared on his lips. He didn’t deserve her, for what’d he’d done, he didn’t deserve Avalin. He’d make up for any hardship and struggle he’d ever put her through. With a sigh and somewhat of a forced smile, he pulled her close into an embrace before continuing their walk home


"Do you think Spot and Queenie will be up yet?" She asked, tipping her head to the side slightly as they finally reached the house and she opened the front door for him. Now that they were back at the house though, she didn't really want to leave again, wanting to spend some time with Loki without the threat of Thor coming back.


"Most likely, yes. Let's hope they found the water." He set the bags of fruit down on the counter and started to sort through them, putting the fresh fruit in a basket and the other fruit in the fridge. He patted Spot's head as he walked over, looking tired "hey, tired, pretty boy?" he asked, crouching down and ruffling his fur


Spot's tail wagged and he leaned into Loki, not trying to push him over but almost doing it anyway due to his weight. Avalin set the bag of pastries down before going to find Queenie, coming back with the tired looking kitten snuggled in her arms and meowing softly in protest. "Shh, its fine," She said, walking over to the couch and sitting down to relax with her fluffy and now purring ball of fur.


Loki and Spot joined her after putting everything away. He nudged Queenie's head before pulling Avalin close and resting his head on hers "Want to stay here a while? just until the city clears out of so many people?" he asked softly, pressing light kisses to her head


"Sure," She replied, happy to be pulled close and snuggled against his side, "Then we can go explore later, see the city and maybe even stay out late to see the stars." Queenie's purring grew louder and it was almost hard to believe that a noise that loud came from a tiny kitten.


Loki nodded with a smile “that sounds nice.” He glanced down at the cat and laughed, surprised by the kitten’s purring. He pressed a kiss to Avalin’s shoulder and watched as spot played with his tail. “They’re very similar from the ones on Asgard.” He murmured softly, “the stars, although we don’t see the Gods from here.”


The stars being different from the ones she was used to was such a small detail, but she felt just a little more homesick from the information. She didn't let it show though and instead nodded, looking over at him and asking gently, "Why can't we see the stars from here?"


“We can, they’re just different from the ones we know. They form different shapes than they do in Asgard. Here we have what most call Zodiac signs. Most constellations here depict animals or physical representations of an idea.” He explained. “In Asgard we depictions of The Ancient Gods or of things that represent them.”


She nodded, now curious about Zodiac signs and how different the constellations here were from the one she was used to. If she was lucky maybe there were a few shared stars that she could focus on to feel less homesick, "Can you teach me about the zodiac signs someday? It sounds interesting."