forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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Loki nodded in agreement “she certainly took on the role of a queen. Although Odin was the ruler, she was the one people of Asgard looked to for wisdom and kindness.” He nuzzled her hair and kissed her head. “You remind of her, actually.” He smiled softly, shut the book and set it aside. After a few years they had Thor and after a year, Odin went to war with Jotunheim and took me in as their son.”


She looked up at him with a soft smile, resting her hand on top of his after he set the book aside, "Really?" As he continued to talk, she relaxed and listened carefully, not knowing that Thor and Loki were so close in age before him telling her. She was curious as she asked her next question, though her tone was soft and gentle since she knew it was probably a sensitive question, "Do you ever wish you would've grown up on Jotunheim instead of Asgard?"


He nodded, reassuring her of his previous statement. He pressed a kiss to her hand and thought for a moment. “I think that it would have been a very different situation if I did grow up there, assuming I survive the war. I’m glad I grew up in Asgard with a loving mother a father who seemingly cared about me, despite husband many actions that suggested otherwise. Even for my brother, who for better or for worse has given me a semi healthy childhood. As for adolescence, that’s a different story.” He sighed softly and nuzzled her neck “I fell I didn’t grow up in Asgard, I don’t think I would have met you.”


She nodded, humming happily as he nuzzled at her neck, "I'm glad you grew up on Asgard, otherwise I would've never gotten to spend time with you and find out how amazing you are." She ran her hand over his and sighed, leaning back into him and thinking again about the story of his mother and Odin.


He laughed softly and nodded “or how reckless and impulsive I am,” he held her close and slowly drew his lips over her neck and exposed shoulder. He laced their hands together and nibbled her ear gently


"I like your reckless and impulsiveness though…and your kisses." She mumbled with a smile, her breath hitching as she tipped her head back and squeezed his hand. Those two traits really were something she liked, even if they frustrated her at times, it was one of the things that drew her to him.


He hummed softly with a grin and rested his head on her shoulder. he gazed at her lovingly before nuzzling her neck and humming softly "I love you my Queen with all of my heart. with every fiber in my being. There's nothing, not a kingdom, not a realm that would rival my love for you."


Her eyes filled with the same loving look and she pulled away slightly, just enough that she could look into his eyes with a soft smile, "I love you more than anything my King. You're the light of my world, and I would give up everything for you." She pressed a kiss to his lips momentarily, pulling away and running a hand through his hair until it rested at the back of his neck.


Loki smiled softly and pressed his hand to her cheek, gently rubbing her cheek with his thumb. He slowly shifted so that she was enveloped in his arms and so that they were now lying down. He nuzzled into her neck, her back pressed against his chest. He breathed her in, brushing his lips against her skin as they lied there. He pressed a lingering kiss to her temple and rested his head on the pillow, tracing swirls on her upper back


Avalin settled in with a smile, closing her eyes gently and focusing on the feeling of him tracing patterns on her back. Her chest rose and fell in rhythm with his and she gently ran her hand over his hand, humming softly and pressing herself against him.


“Ready to sleep my love?” He asked, settling comfortably in bed and resting his head on the pillow with a slight yawn. He pressed closer to her and nuzzled into her hair with a small smile


"Yes," She replied in a soft mumble, nodding her head and pulling the blankets further over them. She smiled and rolled in his arms slightly, just enough to say a soft, "I love you." Before rolling back and closing her eyes.


His arms wrapped securely around her waist. “I love you more my goddess,” He replied, kissing her head and nuzzling her neck. “Sleep well my dear.”


Avalin curved her body to press against his and hummed gently before drifting into a deep sleep. Her breathing was slow and even and her fingers were laced between his as she drifted off in the comfort of his arms.


They slept peacefully in each other's arms, this time not waking up until early morning. He hadn't experienced nightmares nor had he woken p in the late hours of night to confront his fears.
In the early hours of the morning, Loki awoke slowly, humming softly before breathing in deeply and opening his eyes. He smiled and stroked Avalin's hair, watching as it turned golden in the morning sun filtering in through the windows. His tired gaze fell on her peaceful features, his breath stollen byre natural beauty. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, whispering sweet words into her ear before slowly getting out of bed to change into more suitable clothing than shorts.


She didn't stirr as he got out of bed, sleeping peacefully for quite a while longer before starting to wake up. "Love?" She mumbled, noticing that he wasn't next to her as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. The sunlight came through the windows and casted a light golden glow throughout the room and over her as she scooted to the edge of the bed and stood up. Loki's shirt was still slipped on her and she wrapped one of the blankets around her shoulders before padding out of the room sleepily in search for him.


He peeked out from the kitchen and smiled softly “look who’s awake, good morning darling.” He walked over to her and wrapped her in his arms, leading her to a nearby chair and kissing her cheek. “You could’ve stayed asleep a little longer.” He knelt down beside her and took her hands in his, pressing kisses to her fingertips. “Sleep well?” He asked, resting his head in her lap


"Good morning handsome," She said with a soft smile, looking up at him as he lead her to one of the chairs. Her sleepiness was slowly leaving, and in its place her gentle smile grew. "I know, but I couldn't fall back asleep once I was up. I slept amazingly though, what about you?" She replied, bringing his hand up and pressing a kiss to the palm as she studied his gorgeous face.


“I slept great.” He beamed up at her and gently cupped her cheek. As she kissed his palm, he stroked her lower lip with his thumb. “He laced their free hands together “and to what do I owe that loving gaze from my queen for, hm?” He murmured with a soft grin


Avalin's smile grew and she gently ran one of her hands through his hair, answering his question, "No particular reason, besides you're amazing." She leaned forward and kissed his forehead before leaning back in the chair and watching as the sunlight came in through a window shone onto him. "What were you doing up so early this morning?"


He sighed happily and nudged gently into her kiss. “Amazing is not a word I’d use to describe myself.” He leaned into her hand and pressed a light kiss to her wrist. “Hm, don’t know. Just felt like starting the day I guess.” He stood in a fluent motion, kissed her head and went back to roaring Thebes breakfast from the fruit and pastries they had bought the day before


"It's a word I would use to describe you though, it's very accurate." She replied, smiling and pulling her legs up to her chest as he left. She didn't sit there for long though, watching him get breakfast going and feeling out of place doing nothing even though she was sure she didn't seem out of place. "Are we going back into the city today? It looks like it's going to be a gorgeous day out."


Loki came back shortly with two plates full with warmed pastries and sweetened fruit. He set the plates down and kissed Avalon on the head. “We can go out today. Anywhere specific or everywhere?” He asked, sitting beside her and taking one of the pastries


"Anywhere you want to go, plus everywhere else." She said with a smile, picking her own pastry and wasting no time as she started eating, clearly content. Queenie appeared from a random corner, meowing and almost seeming drawn by the food as she padded into the room.


Loki nodded "sounds good." he glanced down at Queenie and smiled "You and Avalin have the same sleep schedules, huh." He gently picked her up and set her down in his lap "breakfast will be soon., don't worry."